Nothing is more harmful to the radical liberal movement than its stance against capitalism and globalization. Thus I propose the following:
-It is obvious that capitalism is its own worst enemy.
-It is obvious that a market-driven humanity is not sustainable or humane.
-The marginalization of all human activity based on productive and economic measure is a self-collapsing proposition.
Thus I will urge all the liberals, the radicals, the socialists to cease fighting against capitalism and globalization, as antagonism only serves to moderate the effects of capitalism on our humanity and thus increase the longevity of its life span.
Capitalism is a phase in the contextual history of humanity, inevitably it will come to pass but it will come to pass much faster, that is humanity will get capitalism out of its system sooner if liberals participate in it rather than fight against it.
I propose that the inherent instability of capitalism, its callousness towards the human spirit can be radically magnified through participation, so that it becomes a case against itself and thus an unsustainable proposition.
What liberal forces must weigh is what has the greatest probability of defeating capitalism, being for it or against it?
I conclude that being for and pro and working for capitalism is most likely to cause the very thing to implode upon the fallacy of its premises. By becoming more capitalistic liberal forces would prove their point beyond all doubt.
One must have faith enough to believe that if one has a truth it has the potential to become painfully obvious.
The world is never outside of itself, the anarchists are just as much a part of the system, we never escape our times, everything is commentary. --- (c) all rights reserved. Not for reproduction without permission of the author Ricardo Correa
Friday, November 04, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
The Great Mall of the Americas
I could not find my way back to my truck, it was there, at the Great Mall of the Americas. I don’t feel too bad about it, that is about losing my truck at the Great Mall of the Americas, anything that huge had to be a challenge for someone little like me to remember; I was diminutively speaking a small man, 5 feet 3 inches, most people are now taller than that, Lucy the ancestor of human kind was only 3 feet 6 inches, and Lucy, of the Lucy and Ricky Ricardo show was certainly taller, at 5 feet 7 inches, taller than even Ricky, her Cuban husband. Like wise the mall of the Americas dwarfs me and I lost my truck in it.
I didn't expect to lose my truck, I am more likely to lose my keys, but this time I lost my truck. I thought I might lose my notebook but I didn’t lose my notebook though I have nightmares about losing my notebook I lost my truck instead. My truck weighs in at 4300 pounds, my notebook weights in at 4.3 pounds, most soldiers have to carry fifty pound backpacks, me 4.3 pounds and a couple more, and I am ok with that for I never walk very far, I don’t like walking. I don’t like walking long distances, it seems pointless; I don’t like cars, I don’t like being in cars for more than fifteen minutes, I don’t like plane travel for more than 45 minutes, I am a short distance person, the American continent would have never been discovered by me; I don’t have the urge to travel, the travel industry would have never materialized nor would have the international marketing industry if my genes predominated the human species, they don’t. I am but an antler within the human species, a nail of deciduous layered growth, so as to create a bony structure that intimidates yet a pair of nail clippers would cut it off.
My name is Davit Nutt, from Albarsperk, a small town in the Dacoma territories that used to belong to the Dacoma Indians but then they signed it over to the white men, and now they just operate the casinos. I am not however an Indian, I am a white man, and I don’t own the greatest mall in the Americas, I am just there now because we had a business meeting, I am a shoe salesman. I work for Longer and More Comfortable Molly’s. We specialize in shoes for people that are made larger by the culmination of their appendages.
We call them Molly shoes, I don’t know why we call them that, but I suppose Alph Parks, the owner of the company probably had a fat girlfriend named, perhaps Molly and he married Ethel Swarny and probably wanted to remember Molly instead, at least when he went to work and so there you have us, we are Molly Shoes Inc.
I am a catalog salesman, I go from door to door and sell shoes to people that are challenged by the size of their foot. This year, I made it to the list of top ten sales reps within the company; that is damn right I am the sixth most successful sales rep nationwide, frankly it is an honor. But equally I cannot brag, it isn’t that hard to sell shoes that are larger and more comfortable for larger people. And it isn’t hard because shoes of our size, large, extra large and wider and extra wider, (the secret of our design success,) large and cushy, well where else are you going to get that if not at Molly’s Shoes!
You have to give credit to big Alph, he saw the market coming, he predicted that America, as it became a bigger nation, would need bigger hamburgers, bigger malls and bigger steaks and consequently bigger cows, and bigger sex toys and logically it followed that Americans would get bigger, as success breeds size and their bigger size would make them not fit into their shoes; and thus Alph, a former hotdog salesman from Romaine Kansas opted to match the opportunity with the shoe and he begun to design shoes that are bigger and cushier and more comfortable and he hired me as his first salesman.
Why he hired me is still mesmerizing to me, the good lord cares for us in mysterious ways, I was at a greyhound bus stop, waiting for a bus to go nowhere, my wife had left me, precisely because she was not impressed by me, she once said that I could inspire a poem about yawning. When she left she took our daughter Nancy with her, Nancy ate a lot of cornflakes, and had grown where now she could use Molly Shoes but I don’t know where they are. They also took Henry with them, gosh when I think about it why even our children had sort of fat names, maybe that had something to do with it, or could it have been the chili-fries?
Ah what is a father to know, I don’t even know when we made those kids, maybe they are not even mine, frankly I wish I had greater paternal sentiments but I am more proud of having been invited to the Top Ten Molly Salesmen of the Year reunion, than I am of fathering Henry and Nancy; though they are harmless both and nice kids too. Still, as I hate to admit it, Nancy is nothing more than some kind of gum consumption machine that I am afraid will reproduce by happenstance; and Henry is a Video game fanatic consumer, where the games can never keep up with him, there is even a sweat spot on the carpeting right where he sits in front of his video game player to slaughter civilization over and over again. All this while our pooch Darwin, perhaps the most evolved member of the former family sits and muses over a bone shaped biscuit.
Davit Nutt, that is me, I am skinny, no more flesh on me than is required to cover up them bones, you can see my veins and arteries fluctuate in size with the ambient temperature, I am deathly afraid of the cold, I might be a mammal but my blood gets cold at the sight of a shadow, I am always looking for heat, maybe that is why I was attracted to my wife, she had layers of flesh. I am naturally attracted to heft, and so it is easy for me to sell oversized shoes, really I don’t understand how the other salesmen got ahead of me, they might have lied on their sales reports, maybe their managers bought some of the shoes to earn bonus points, maybe they faked sales, or maybe they overstuffed the inventory, because really I doubt that someone could beat me at the art of selling oversize Molly shoes.
I get into a house and I go in there and I say, “Look it here you see this here shoe, it will support all aspects of your lovely leg, (eighty percent of my customers are women,) and see how we have constructed the support structure to mimic how grass cushions a foot, why there are hundreds of thousands of invisible grass hairs growing right out of our shoes, and they use this new and exclusive and patented nano-organic technique where, by recovering the humidity produced by the sole of your feet, they will regenerate the grass like follicles in our shoes, so as to create a fresh grass sole supporting turf, where you will never notice you are wearing shoes, you might even feel your lovely feet naked.”
Then they sniffle and say, “But what about smells?”
“Oh nothing to that, don’t even mention it, because our nano-organic shoes have self reproducing soles they are also, impressively, self refreshing and so you go on and enjoy them as you might the morning dew under your naked feet.”
Of course I don’t use our shoes and they notice this and ask, “Why don’t you use them if they are so good?”
“Oh gosh” I flush red, “I wish I could use them, I have asked Alph to make them my size but as you can see a skinny fellow like me has not the frame to support a naturally growing sole environment shoe underneath his feet; there is not the necessary pressured conditions to create the ambient temperatures and chemical cataclysms to regenerate new soles, a process that is usually bi-monthly, for anyone offering two hundred pounds of pressure per square inch.”
The buyers do seem a little confused by all the science and so I reassure them, “But Alph keeps working at it, that guy he doesn’t give up, he knows that there is a huge market potential for his shoes and he doesn’t want to stay just a niche shoe, he wants to branch into the Olympics and Wimbledon. Why just imagine if the tennis stars could feel the grass underneath their feet, it be a whole different game; we at Molly Shoes realize the responsibility of the experience that we need share with our sole mates.”
I think it is because I am skinny that they think they have to take me under their arms, but when I smell underarm perspiration I know that I have made another sale, and there you have it, that is why I am here today, at the biggest mall of the Americas celebrating the biggest shoe success story of all time. Only I had a few wines, I normally don’t drink wine but since the boss has gotten a little rich he now feels that he has to drink wine and so he orders wine for us all too and you just cannot say no to the boss, he has this way of convincing you that you should drink wine and sell his shoes and so I do both, only the wine doesn’t sit well for me; I think us men of skin and bones should really stay away from any kind of liquor and so now because I didn’t follow that rule I am searching for my truck.
My truck doesn’t have an alarm, I get tired of alarms going off without reason, cars screaming smog are bad enough we don’t need them being obnoxious too. I never got the alarm option even as my insurance company was willing to give me a 10 percent discount off of the insurance bill if I added the alarm, apparently thieves are scared off by alarms, I refused that; and I also refused the 3 percent discount if I took the model without an ashtray, apparently smokers get into accidents three percent more than non-smokers; I also got the yellow paint job even though there was a 1 percent discount on that as well; but the truth is that I like yellow even though yellow crashes and clashes with red cars more often than not, and besides that I do smoke and so I figured what is the difference, I have a 3 percent greater probability of crashing and that probably buries that other 1 percent for having an attractive paint scheme.
And even with the attractive paint scheme I cant find my truck, damn. And if that were not enough I think the alcohol is having some effect, this I think because I have good reason to believe that at the Great Mall of the Americas I keep on going up the same stairs and the same ramp at least five times, and unless I get sober fast I might not find my truck.
Now in the old days it was easy, if you lost your vehicle at the mall you could just sit it out till about 10 pm where everyone had gone home and then the only car on the parking lot would be your yellow truck, but today the malls are open twenty four hours per day, and the people too are open twenty four hours per day, and so there is no way to empty out the parking lot.
Of course I hadn’t given up the faith, I figured I could find my truck, either by waiting for a sober memory or by ending the number of parking slots available for parking, I am an optimist, I think. And so I get into this mammoth elevator, I think it could house 30 people, and it goes straight up fast, I am going to explore the upper levels of the super parking complex, the elevator doors open like a portal into another dimension, slowly so as not to rip a little girl’s fingers off, slowly so that if there are thirty people in the elevator they can all witness with each other the industrial might of the great mall. I walk off into the ninth floor, I think it is the last one, I don’t dare to assume that I know how wide this mall is or how tall, I am on the ninth floor, ok.
Immediately as I step off I am elated at finding a Mall Cop in a white scooter type mobile with blue warning lights all over, the young man in it is a healthy fellow, well built but not robust, just good looking, he could have been in a golf cart without that blue uniform and looked the part of a wealthy country chap, I yelled with my voice while reaching him with wild armed signals.
“Hey there fellow, have you seen a yellow truck with red stripes running through the side and a chrome step, there are no two alike.”
“Well maybe yours is yours sir and with all due respect that makes it unique but here I see Ferraris by the half dozen.”
And with that he punctured the gas pedal on that electric kart gizmo and sped off, where I operated to catch him with my legs.
“No, no, just wait a minute; ok maybe there are others like mine, ok, (I was gasping for air,) but could you just be so kind as to give me a ride around this floor to see if it is here?”
The young man, I must say, was all proper, “Hey Mr. I sure would if I could but company policy doesn’t allow me, you might sue us if we get into an accident and I could lose my job,”
I paused him, “Yeah, yeah don’t worry I know and your girlfriend is pregnant and you really need this job, lets leave it at that and I will just walk on.”
With that we both signaled a mutual salute of professional attention and he purred off in his electric gizmo.
I scratched my head, I felt silly being lost, but I felt more silly for being drunk on the wine, still I went off to review the cars on the ninth floor. Not mine, not mine, Ferrari, not mine, Ferrari, not mine, not mine, Lamborghini, not mine, till I came up to a large concrete wall with the number nine on it; I had completed all the rows, I didn’t, anyway remember driving up nine levels, four maximum, I was afraid of heights. As I stood in front of the wall as if I were peeing like a Frenchman, I realized that I was in front of a door, I opened the door, and before me stood a clown in a huge ruffled yellow dress with white gloves, red cheeks and a falsely welcoming smile.
“Hey, hey Mr., you are our one millionth customer to the ride of the cytoplasm, you get to get on for free, put your money away, your money is not good here, (he was patting my back) your money is not good here, you are on us today, Mr., free suite, free food, free rides all day long and you get to start here, this is the get go point; (his happiness and incessant jolliness contagious but in a must way), you just get right on here, right on here. (guiding me with that charming force of a clown that hinders none.)”
“But I am not here to ride your ride, sorry I was just looking for my truck.”
“Yes, yes adults always have some fancy excuse as to why they don’t really want to ride our rides, but you dint come to the ninth because you dint know we were here, obviously you got here and you didn’t get here by accident right!”
“No, no you don’t understand Mr. Clown, what is your name, I am sorry what is your name?”
“Me, (his hand confirming towards his lapel,) “me, I am The Clown of the Mall of the Americas!” And with that he let lose a huge sarcophagus laughter, and repeated it for my enjoyment and any near-by listener, “The Clown of the Mall of the Americas!, that is me sir.”
“Well Mr. Clown of the Mall of the Americas, may I just walk by you, and sorry to have gotten caught in your life line.”
While I was saying that a huge squelching sound irked my ears and ended audibility within the vicinity, it was the sound of a huge mechanical machine on rail road tracks coming into its station; the cart however was little, tiny, a pure black pure metal contraption huge enough for one tiny person, but it had amplified sounds, and an amplified personage and what was more interesting was that the rails were on top so that its wheel carriage was hanging from its roof. The whole contraption, cart for one, was accompanied by a child’s song blurting out so loud that you could not hear what was audible.
“The crash cart, the cart of carts, the steroid of carts, is here to take you away, away, away you will slim into other worlds, you will hide behind the buttons of giants, you will skim the surface of milk waffles, and aid us in adding cherries to the supper chocolate sundae engine, and when we run out of cherries, which we will, you will help us push the last mile into the station. Hop, hop yourself and hop on board you all, we are on the cherry train, on the cherry train to the spiral, the black and white spiral awaits hurry on board for this train is ready to depart.” The music jostling the train and my ears, the clown pushed me onboard and locked the little black door tightly shut.
The cart as I tell you was no larger than I was, I felt like a man with a funny hat in a silent film, awkward and unaccountable. The cart whisked off at about ten miles per hour, a silence whisked in. Clouds started forming over the track, the cart began to feel, as indeed it was, too small for me. I could not make myself comfortable as an inch of something, bolts, rods, levers, pullies, wheels, springs would inch into me from all angles; my head barely cleared the metal ceiling, there were fortunately no windows so I could breath fine fresh air, but beyond that it was very claustrophobic and now I was in the plenitude of pure flight, on a track moving somewhere, but where?” I scratched any part of my body that I could scratch, I looked for moving parts on the cart, there were none, helpless, I ducked the clouds, frowning at parrots, seagulls and condors.
I don’t know why but at some point I started feeling comfortable when the thing sped up, wow, sped faster, I thought for sure it would come off the track, then it did a 360 track route, and swung downwards, I banged my head several times, my arms bruised too, I covered my eyes to prevent injury and then the thing flattened out after a remarkable screw entrance into a tunnel, and stopped; as if its passenger were not human the whole contraption swung and sprung open as if a dump truck, and thus unleashed me into the pavement. A sweet voice arrived over the intercom.
“You have arrived at the spiral tour, you do not need a ticket, you have been properly identified as our one millionth customer, your rides with us are free for the rest of your life and consecutive life times there after, please sit and wait, please sit and wait, we will be loading you into the spiral very soon, you need not get anxious, enjoy some drinks and food on us, don’t eat too much the spiral can make you a little dizzy, if you are pregnant or on your period we don’t recommend that you ride the spiral.”
I got up and scrubbed myself off while taking notice of a food stand and went right to it. A young lady, short, full of tightly straightened blond hair and dressed in a cheerleader outfit, came up to me before I could reach the counter; she was on roller skates, and made sure to halt me. “Don’t go to the bar sir, please, if you go there they don’t give me credit for your service, and if you tip while there I have to then share the tip.”
I was flustered but I leaned into the red stool that was nearest me, “Please may I have some water?”
“Oh is that all you want?”
“Yes please just a glass of water urgently.”
“But sir it doesn’t cost you anything, you are our one millionth customer and they will tip me based on your order, couldn’t you help me out, order more, I can take it home with me if you don’t want it, just help me out, its not going to cost you anything.”
Gasping for air. “Ok, Goldy, (the name on her name tag,) just order what you will, all I want is the glass of water.”
“No sir, I am not in this just for myself, you must order something for yourself, please.” Spitting her gum on the floor.
“Ok order me a hotdog and fries, and a glass of ripe cold water please.”
“Ok, that sounds better, I will add a couple of hamburgers for myself and my boyfriend, but don’t you tell anyone old man, I don’t want to lose my job over this.”
“Listen if you get me a glass of water then everything is fine, please the water.”
Giving me a sort of up and down dirty look for a skinny man. “Alright.”
Goldy came back with the glass of water and bags packed with hotdogs, fries and hamburgers, I left everything at the table and went to look at the sky, and that is when I realized it was night time. You could count every star in the night sky, amazing, it was a privilege, I got all moved by the scenery, the sky was sort of blue from the stars bleeding their light over it, and there were so many of them, and while marveling this a chorus of voices came to me.
“There he is boys, there is the millionth dollar customer of the mall of the Americas, this is a grand moment for us all.”
With that they started to shake my hand, while photographers snapped pictures of what were obviously company executives and company clowns with me.
I saw the president, a man that I identified himself as, “I am the president of the Great Mall of the Americas, it gives me great pleasure to be here with you tonight to witness you becoming the first of our spiral ride customers. Why I envy you, I wish I were going first.” He elbowed me, and as he said that the cameras snapped on furiously.
“Sir I think there has been some huge mistake I haven’t bought anything at your mall, I was just looking for my yellow truck and that is how I ended on the ninth floor.”
The fat, jolly, well dressed fellow smiled big eye, “We love modesty, that will sell better, you’re a good fellow, I admire you, sure fellows, this isn’t our million dollar customer, he is too modest for the title.”
They all laughed, clowns hugged me and forced me to dance with them, and then all the lights went off and a huge drum roll went off blaring an operatic voice, “The ride of rides, the spiral of spirals - spirals over us all, this is the moment, this is us, this is the time of the greatest mall of all time, and our one millionth customer initiates us into the blaring and spiraling infinity.”
The lights began to brighten quickening and flooding everything and the floor space opened up; Goldy rushed to pick up her food-to-go, and I backed up against a wall till I could make no half space any further; and suddenly the floor widened and the spiral opened and it was a corkscrew of black and white spinning wildly; I was all scared, and then the clown came up to me.
“Sir, you may cut the blue ribbon that unleashes the black and white corkscrew ride, unleash it please.” And with the oversized scissors in my hand, I cut the ribbon and a big orchestra blasted itself into the scenery, and dancers of every type scored every inch of floor space while trumpets blared.
The president then came up to me, and as if pointing a gun to my back escorted me to the entrance of the corkscrew, with a couple of fillies to charm me with their adolescent understatement. Still I hesitated, when they pushed me off.
I began yelling and yelling, and yelling and the spiral passed through me as if a time machine, the whole of my life was going through me, and there was nothing easy throughout the spiraling fall, until a big scarlet red bed began to seem obvious, and I landed on that huge cushion, and before me splattered cameras, signs hailing the millionth customer, and I, dazed couldn’t understand what it was all about.
Seconds later, the president and his executive clown landed near me and got me immediately off the red cushion bedding, sort of cleaned off my ruffled suit, and allowed the immensity of cameras to further pin us. Then a reporter came up to me, “How was it and what did you feel?”
“I felt dizzy, I don’t know, I felt lost, I felt spiraling out of control, I am surprised I am not hurt.”
And with that a roaring laugh came over those present. And the president grabbed the mike, and pointed at the ride, “You see it is just a spiral, it only takes you from the ninth floor to the first floor, and he felt totally out of control, ladies and gentlemen I give you the greatest mall of the Americas, the greatest mall in the land, where you are sure to feel out of control in a perfectly ordinary world.”
I fainted. Thinking about my yellow truck.
I didn't expect to lose my truck, I am more likely to lose my keys, but this time I lost my truck. I thought I might lose my notebook but I didn’t lose my notebook though I have nightmares about losing my notebook I lost my truck instead. My truck weighs in at 4300 pounds, my notebook weights in at 4.3 pounds, most soldiers have to carry fifty pound backpacks, me 4.3 pounds and a couple more, and I am ok with that for I never walk very far, I don’t like walking. I don’t like walking long distances, it seems pointless; I don’t like cars, I don’t like being in cars for more than fifteen minutes, I don’t like plane travel for more than 45 minutes, I am a short distance person, the American continent would have never been discovered by me; I don’t have the urge to travel, the travel industry would have never materialized nor would have the international marketing industry if my genes predominated the human species, they don’t. I am but an antler within the human species, a nail of deciduous layered growth, so as to create a bony structure that intimidates yet a pair of nail clippers would cut it off.
My name is Davit Nutt, from Albarsperk, a small town in the Dacoma territories that used to belong to the Dacoma Indians but then they signed it over to the white men, and now they just operate the casinos. I am not however an Indian, I am a white man, and I don’t own the greatest mall in the Americas, I am just there now because we had a business meeting, I am a shoe salesman. I work for Longer and More Comfortable Molly’s. We specialize in shoes for people that are made larger by the culmination of their appendages.
We call them Molly shoes, I don’t know why we call them that, but I suppose Alph Parks, the owner of the company probably had a fat girlfriend named, perhaps Molly and he married Ethel Swarny and probably wanted to remember Molly instead, at least when he went to work and so there you have us, we are Molly Shoes Inc.
I am a catalog salesman, I go from door to door and sell shoes to people that are challenged by the size of their foot. This year, I made it to the list of top ten sales reps within the company; that is damn right I am the sixth most successful sales rep nationwide, frankly it is an honor. But equally I cannot brag, it isn’t that hard to sell shoes that are larger and more comfortable for larger people. And it isn’t hard because shoes of our size, large, extra large and wider and extra wider, (the secret of our design success,) large and cushy, well where else are you going to get that if not at Molly’s Shoes!
You have to give credit to big Alph, he saw the market coming, he predicted that America, as it became a bigger nation, would need bigger hamburgers, bigger malls and bigger steaks and consequently bigger cows, and bigger sex toys and logically it followed that Americans would get bigger, as success breeds size and their bigger size would make them not fit into their shoes; and thus Alph, a former hotdog salesman from Romaine Kansas opted to match the opportunity with the shoe and he begun to design shoes that are bigger and cushier and more comfortable and he hired me as his first salesman.
Why he hired me is still mesmerizing to me, the good lord cares for us in mysterious ways, I was at a greyhound bus stop, waiting for a bus to go nowhere, my wife had left me, precisely because she was not impressed by me, she once said that I could inspire a poem about yawning. When she left she took our daughter Nancy with her, Nancy ate a lot of cornflakes, and had grown where now she could use Molly Shoes but I don’t know where they are. They also took Henry with them, gosh when I think about it why even our children had sort of fat names, maybe that had something to do with it, or could it have been the chili-fries?
Ah what is a father to know, I don’t even know when we made those kids, maybe they are not even mine, frankly I wish I had greater paternal sentiments but I am more proud of having been invited to the Top Ten Molly Salesmen of the Year reunion, than I am of fathering Henry and Nancy; though they are harmless both and nice kids too. Still, as I hate to admit it, Nancy is nothing more than some kind of gum consumption machine that I am afraid will reproduce by happenstance; and Henry is a Video game fanatic consumer, where the games can never keep up with him, there is even a sweat spot on the carpeting right where he sits in front of his video game player to slaughter civilization over and over again. All this while our pooch Darwin, perhaps the most evolved member of the former family sits and muses over a bone shaped biscuit.
Davit Nutt, that is me, I am skinny, no more flesh on me than is required to cover up them bones, you can see my veins and arteries fluctuate in size with the ambient temperature, I am deathly afraid of the cold, I might be a mammal but my blood gets cold at the sight of a shadow, I am always looking for heat, maybe that is why I was attracted to my wife, she had layers of flesh. I am naturally attracted to heft, and so it is easy for me to sell oversized shoes, really I don’t understand how the other salesmen got ahead of me, they might have lied on their sales reports, maybe their managers bought some of the shoes to earn bonus points, maybe they faked sales, or maybe they overstuffed the inventory, because really I doubt that someone could beat me at the art of selling oversize Molly shoes.
I get into a house and I go in there and I say, “Look it here you see this here shoe, it will support all aspects of your lovely leg, (eighty percent of my customers are women,) and see how we have constructed the support structure to mimic how grass cushions a foot, why there are hundreds of thousands of invisible grass hairs growing right out of our shoes, and they use this new and exclusive and patented nano-organic technique where, by recovering the humidity produced by the sole of your feet, they will regenerate the grass like follicles in our shoes, so as to create a fresh grass sole supporting turf, where you will never notice you are wearing shoes, you might even feel your lovely feet naked.”
Then they sniffle and say, “But what about smells?”
“Oh nothing to that, don’t even mention it, because our nano-organic shoes have self reproducing soles they are also, impressively, self refreshing and so you go on and enjoy them as you might the morning dew under your naked feet.”
Of course I don’t use our shoes and they notice this and ask, “Why don’t you use them if they are so good?”
“Oh gosh” I flush red, “I wish I could use them, I have asked Alph to make them my size but as you can see a skinny fellow like me has not the frame to support a naturally growing sole environment shoe underneath his feet; there is not the necessary pressured conditions to create the ambient temperatures and chemical cataclysms to regenerate new soles, a process that is usually bi-monthly, for anyone offering two hundred pounds of pressure per square inch.”
The buyers do seem a little confused by all the science and so I reassure them, “But Alph keeps working at it, that guy he doesn’t give up, he knows that there is a huge market potential for his shoes and he doesn’t want to stay just a niche shoe, he wants to branch into the Olympics and Wimbledon. Why just imagine if the tennis stars could feel the grass underneath their feet, it be a whole different game; we at Molly Shoes realize the responsibility of the experience that we need share with our sole mates.”
I think it is because I am skinny that they think they have to take me under their arms, but when I smell underarm perspiration I know that I have made another sale, and there you have it, that is why I am here today, at the biggest mall of the Americas celebrating the biggest shoe success story of all time. Only I had a few wines, I normally don’t drink wine but since the boss has gotten a little rich he now feels that he has to drink wine and so he orders wine for us all too and you just cannot say no to the boss, he has this way of convincing you that you should drink wine and sell his shoes and so I do both, only the wine doesn’t sit well for me; I think us men of skin and bones should really stay away from any kind of liquor and so now because I didn’t follow that rule I am searching for my truck.
My truck doesn’t have an alarm, I get tired of alarms going off without reason, cars screaming smog are bad enough we don’t need them being obnoxious too. I never got the alarm option even as my insurance company was willing to give me a 10 percent discount off of the insurance bill if I added the alarm, apparently thieves are scared off by alarms, I refused that; and I also refused the 3 percent discount if I took the model without an ashtray, apparently smokers get into accidents three percent more than non-smokers; I also got the yellow paint job even though there was a 1 percent discount on that as well; but the truth is that I like yellow even though yellow crashes and clashes with red cars more often than not, and besides that I do smoke and so I figured what is the difference, I have a 3 percent greater probability of crashing and that probably buries that other 1 percent for having an attractive paint scheme.
And even with the attractive paint scheme I cant find my truck, damn. And if that were not enough I think the alcohol is having some effect, this I think because I have good reason to believe that at the Great Mall of the Americas I keep on going up the same stairs and the same ramp at least five times, and unless I get sober fast I might not find my truck.
Now in the old days it was easy, if you lost your vehicle at the mall you could just sit it out till about 10 pm where everyone had gone home and then the only car on the parking lot would be your yellow truck, but today the malls are open twenty four hours per day, and the people too are open twenty four hours per day, and so there is no way to empty out the parking lot.
Of course I hadn’t given up the faith, I figured I could find my truck, either by waiting for a sober memory or by ending the number of parking slots available for parking, I am an optimist, I think. And so I get into this mammoth elevator, I think it could house 30 people, and it goes straight up fast, I am going to explore the upper levels of the super parking complex, the elevator doors open like a portal into another dimension, slowly so as not to rip a little girl’s fingers off, slowly so that if there are thirty people in the elevator they can all witness with each other the industrial might of the great mall. I walk off into the ninth floor, I think it is the last one, I don’t dare to assume that I know how wide this mall is or how tall, I am on the ninth floor, ok.
Immediately as I step off I am elated at finding a Mall Cop in a white scooter type mobile with blue warning lights all over, the young man in it is a healthy fellow, well built but not robust, just good looking, he could have been in a golf cart without that blue uniform and looked the part of a wealthy country chap, I yelled with my voice while reaching him with wild armed signals.
“Hey there fellow, have you seen a yellow truck with red stripes running through the side and a chrome step, there are no two alike.”
“Well maybe yours is yours sir and with all due respect that makes it unique but here I see Ferraris by the half dozen.”
And with that he punctured the gas pedal on that electric kart gizmo and sped off, where I operated to catch him with my legs.
“No, no, just wait a minute; ok maybe there are others like mine, ok, (I was gasping for air,) but could you just be so kind as to give me a ride around this floor to see if it is here?”
The young man, I must say, was all proper, “Hey Mr. I sure would if I could but company policy doesn’t allow me, you might sue us if we get into an accident and I could lose my job,”
I paused him, “Yeah, yeah don’t worry I know and your girlfriend is pregnant and you really need this job, lets leave it at that and I will just walk on.”
With that we both signaled a mutual salute of professional attention and he purred off in his electric gizmo.
I scratched my head, I felt silly being lost, but I felt more silly for being drunk on the wine, still I went off to review the cars on the ninth floor. Not mine, not mine, Ferrari, not mine, Ferrari, not mine, not mine, Lamborghini, not mine, till I came up to a large concrete wall with the number nine on it; I had completed all the rows, I didn’t, anyway remember driving up nine levels, four maximum, I was afraid of heights. As I stood in front of the wall as if I were peeing like a Frenchman, I realized that I was in front of a door, I opened the door, and before me stood a clown in a huge ruffled yellow dress with white gloves, red cheeks and a falsely welcoming smile.
“Hey, hey Mr., you are our one millionth customer to the ride of the cytoplasm, you get to get on for free, put your money away, your money is not good here, (he was patting my back) your money is not good here, you are on us today, Mr., free suite, free food, free rides all day long and you get to start here, this is the get go point; (his happiness and incessant jolliness contagious but in a must way), you just get right on here, right on here. (guiding me with that charming force of a clown that hinders none.)”
“But I am not here to ride your ride, sorry I was just looking for my truck.”
“Yes, yes adults always have some fancy excuse as to why they don’t really want to ride our rides, but you dint come to the ninth because you dint know we were here, obviously you got here and you didn’t get here by accident right!”
“No, no you don’t understand Mr. Clown, what is your name, I am sorry what is your name?”
“Me, (his hand confirming towards his lapel,) “me, I am The Clown of the Mall of the Americas!” And with that he let lose a huge sarcophagus laughter, and repeated it for my enjoyment and any near-by listener, “The Clown of the Mall of the Americas!, that is me sir.”
“Well Mr. Clown of the Mall of the Americas, may I just walk by you, and sorry to have gotten caught in your life line.”
While I was saying that a huge squelching sound irked my ears and ended audibility within the vicinity, it was the sound of a huge mechanical machine on rail road tracks coming into its station; the cart however was little, tiny, a pure black pure metal contraption huge enough for one tiny person, but it had amplified sounds, and an amplified personage and what was more interesting was that the rails were on top so that its wheel carriage was hanging from its roof. The whole contraption, cart for one, was accompanied by a child’s song blurting out so loud that you could not hear what was audible.
“The crash cart, the cart of carts, the steroid of carts, is here to take you away, away, away you will slim into other worlds, you will hide behind the buttons of giants, you will skim the surface of milk waffles, and aid us in adding cherries to the supper chocolate sundae engine, and when we run out of cherries, which we will, you will help us push the last mile into the station. Hop, hop yourself and hop on board you all, we are on the cherry train, on the cherry train to the spiral, the black and white spiral awaits hurry on board for this train is ready to depart.” The music jostling the train and my ears, the clown pushed me onboard and locked the little black door tightly shut.
The cart as I tell you was no larger than I was, I felt like a man with a funny hat in a silent film, awkward and unaccountable. The cart whisked off at about ten miles per hour, a silence whisked in. Clouds started forming over the track, the cart began to feel, as indeed it was, too small for me. I could not make myself comfortable as an inch of something, bolts, rods, levers, pullies, wheels, springs would inch into me from all angles; my head barely cleared the metal ceiling, there were fortunately no windows so I could breath fine fresh air, but beyond that it was very claustrophobic and now I was in the plenitude of pure flight, on a track moving somewhere, but where?” I scratched any part of my body that I could scratch, I looked for moving parts on the cart, there were none, helpless, I ducked the clouds, frowning at parrots, seagulls and condors.
I don’t know why but at some point I started feeling comfortable when the thing sped up, wow, sped faster, I thought for sure it would come off the track, then it did a 360 track route, and swung downwards, I banged my head several times, my arms bruised too, I covered my eyes to prevent injury and then the thing flattened out after a remarkable screw entrance into a tunnel, and stopped; as if its passenger were not human the whole contraption swung and sprung open as if a dump truck, and thus unleashed me into the pavement. A sweet voice arrived over the intercom.
“You have arrived at the spiral tour, you do not need a ticket, you have been properly identified as our one millionth customer, your rides with us are free for the rest of your life and consecutive life times there after, please sit and wait, please sit and wait, we will be loading you into the spiral very soon, you need not get anxious, enjoy some drinks and food on us, don’t eat too much the spiral can make you a little dizzy, if you are pregnant or on your period we don’t recommend that you ride the spiral.”
I got up and scrubbed myself off while taking notice of a food stand and went right to it. A young lady, short, full of tightly straightened blond hair and dressed in a cheerleader outfit, came up to me before I could reach the counter; she was on roller skates, and made sure to halt me. “Don’t go to the bar sir, please, if you go there they don’t give me credit for your service, and if you tip while there I have to then share the tip.”
I was flustered but I leaned into the red stool that was nearest me, “Please may I have some water?”
“Oh is that all you want?”
“Yes please just a glass of water urgently.”
“But sir it doesn’t cost you anything, you are our one millionth customer and they will tip me based on your order, couldn’t you help me out, order more, I can take it home with me if you don’t want it, just help me out, its not going to cost you anything.”
Gasping for air. “Ok, Goldy, (the name on her name tag,) just order what you will, all I want is the glass of water.”
“No sir, I am not in this just for myself, you must order something for yourself, please.” Spitting her gum on the floor.
“Ok order me a hotdog and fries, and a glass of ripe cold water please.”
“Ok, that sounds better, I will add a couple of hamburgers for myself and my boyfriend, but don’t you tell anyone old man, I don’t want to lose my job over this.”
“Listen if you get me a glass of water then everything is fine, please the water.”
Giving me a sort of up and down dirty look for a skinny man. “Alright.”
Goldy came back with the glass of water and bags packed with hotdogs, fries and hamburgers, I left everything at the table and went to look at the sky, and that is when I realized it was night time. You could count every star in the night sky, amazing, it was a privilege, I got all moved by the scenery, the sky was sort of blue from the stars bleeding their light over it, and there were so many of them, and while marveling this a chorus of voices came to me.
“There he is boys, there is the millionth dollar customer of the mall of the Americas, this is a grand moment for us all.”
With that they started to shake my hand, while photographers snapped pictures of what were obviously company executives and company clowns with me.
I saw the president, a man that I identified himself as, “I am the president of the Great Mall of the Americas, it gives me great pleasure to be here with you tonight to witness you becoming the first of our spiral ride customers. Why I envy you, I wish I were going first.” He elbowed me, and as he said that the cameras snapped on furiously.
“Sir I think there has been some huge mistake I haven’t bought anything at your mall, I was just looking for my yellow truck and that is how I ended on the ninth floor.”
The fat, jolly, well dressed fellow smiled big eye, “We love modesty, that will sell better, you’re a good fellow, I admire you, sure fellows, this isn’t our million dollar customer, he is too modest for the title.”
They all laughed, clowns hugged me and forced me to dance with them, and then all the lights went off and a huge drum roll went off blaring an operatic voice, “The ride of rides, the spiral of spirals - spirals over us all, this is the moment, this is us, this is the time of the greatest mall of all time, and our one millionth customer initiates us into the blaring and spiraling infinity.”
The lights began to brighten quickening and flooding everything and the floor space opened up; Goldy rushed to pick up her food-to-go, and I backed up against a wall till I could make no half space any further; and suddenly the floor widened and the spiral opened and it was a corkscrew of black and white spinning wildly; I was all scared, and then the clown came up to me.
“Sir, you may cut the blue ribbon that unleashes the black and white corkscrew ride, unleash it please.” And with the oversized scissors in my hand, I cut the ribbon and a big orchestra blasted itself into the scenery, and dancers of every type scored every inch of floor space while trumpets blared.
The president then came up to me, and as if pointing a gun to my back escorted me to the entrance of the corkscrew, with a couple of fillies to charm me with their adolescent understatement. Still I hesitated, when they pushed me off.
I began yelling and yelling, and yelling and the spiral passed through me as if a time machine, the whole of my life was going through me, and there was nothing easy throughout the spiraling fall, until a big scarlet red bed began to seem obvious, and I landed on that huge cushion, and before me splattered cameras, signs hailing the millionth customer, and I, dazed couldn’t understand what it was all about.
Seconds later, the president and his executive clown landed near me and got me immediately off the red cushion bedding, sort of cleaned off my ruffled suit, and allowed the immensity of cameras to further pin us. Then a reporter came up to me, “How was it and what did you feel?”
“I felt dizzy, I don’t know, I felt lost, I felt spiraling out of control, I am surprised I am not hurt.”
And with that a roaring laugh came over those present. And the president grabbed the mike, and pointed at the ride, “You see it is just a spiral, it only takes you from the ninth floor to the first floor, and he felt totally out of control, ladies and gentlemen I give you the greatest mall of the Americas, the greatest mall in the land, where you are sure to feel out of control in a perfectly ordinary world.”
I fainted. Thinking about my yellow truck.
A Scope of Sameness
I muse over the fact that at this very moment in fashion history millions of women the world over, in Japan, England, the entire North American continent and Africa too are all exposing their bellies to show off fashion sense. Oscar Wilde once remarked that fashion was so hideous that it had to be changed every six months. The showing off of your bellybutton trend has been with us at least some five years, though for all I know about fashion it could have ended a while back and we are now only witnessing its whiplash.
Bellybuttons are always interesting and fascinating, they are after all the thing that connected everyone of us, except perhaps Jesus Christ, Adam and Eve for they were a trio apparently conceived from a father or a hip; but the rest of us are all tied to mother through the umbilical chord and that harmony resonates through us all, and so when we see each others bellybuttons, well we know we are not Adam or Eve or Jesus but that we are all mammals.
Chickens don’t have bellybuttons, dinosaurs (are they mammals?) didn’t have bellybuttons, dolphins probably have belly buttons, I don’t really know that but I am not going to look it up, I should just be able to guess that they do. The matter is that anyone with a bellybutton could in theory participate in the bellybutton fashion show of oneness.
There is however one odd thing about fashion sense, African women and the women of India and Persia, have been exposing their bellybuttons for thousands of centuries so they are not so much participating in the fashion sense of the day; for a belly dancer is a cultural icon and her dress code has been defined as it has been for thousands of years; a genie doesn’t dress for the times. and so you could imagine a part of the world, for sure in India and Africa and Persia where exposing one’s bellybutton cannot be defined as fashion sense, instead it becomes an unconscious act, people from these places do not know that they are being fashionable because for them it isn’t fashion as much as it is tradition, and in order to be fashionable you have to be self-conscious.
Recently, democratic elections were permitted in Egypt, and wouldn’t you know it, of the seven possible candidates the one that they are most likely to elect is the same dictator they have had for decades, Mubarak. Not unlikely, in Russia, Vladimir Putin the head of state, a man that, according to the constitution cannot run for reelection, would undoubtedly win a democratic election even as he has acted to concentrate power and indeed rules as a benevolent dictator. And in my own country, Colombia, we have a democratically elected president, Mr. Uribe, who is actually more a dictator from the Harvard School of Business; and he is philosophically hopeful that a modified constitution will allow him an uninterrupted reign; for us Colombians only have this one man that can rule our country. At the periphery of Colombia is Venezuela where Hugo Chavez has been democratically elected to lead a Bolivarian revolution that will, if successful, make Uribe redundant. Chavez has facilitated his reign by making healthcare and education a national beneficence thus making himself popular enough to militaristically dictate over the affairs of his own country and its oil production.
You can see a pattern in politics much like you may see a pattern in fashion and the pattern here is that a people, democratically ruled, or ruled by dictators or kings, or parliaments are usually being ruled by the person or persons that they would have as their rulers!
Democratic states always pride themselves on the fact that they put their politicians up for popular nomination by their constituency. The assumption being that only a vote, a public and monitored vote will produce a true representative of a people. This is of course a fallacious assumption as we have seen throughout political history that countries, be they democratic, parliamentary, republican, dictatorial, militaristic and or monarchistic will invariably elect and promote similar political dynasties; and these dynasties tend to represent the “national character.”
The Russians have always liked absolutist tsars to rule them because the average Russian considers himself a serf and is his own worst enemy; as admirers of theological and monarchical theatrics they suffer the disease of blood relations and when it comes to war they love to bleed like the hemophiliacs that they are; but more they bleed because they believe that bloodletting heals the family tree.
South Americans have a tendency to love populist dictators or fatherly types because Latin men cannot bring themselves to leave their mothers and cease fearing their fathers; and Latin women have not learned to steal their boys from their mothers and become wives, but rather remain daddy’s little girl.
Italians like to be ruled by a mosaic of inconsistencies that are possessed by fanatic objectives.
The English have always liked their rulers to have higher aims with lower causes that can only be objectified by indifference and is superimposed by a brilliant disguise of witticisms.
Africans have always preferred despots, the African heart despises politics, its ear to the ground it prefers barbarian rule and barbarian law, it sublets politics to instinct and wild passions.
Unconsciously, Japan has never wanted its rulers to change, it always selects those that will forgo change, for the Japanese samurai is based on rigor, discipline, intensity of self domination, and subjugation; politically, Japan is a fetish.
The Chinese masses promote leaders that will isolate them from the rest of the world so as to acquire their one billionth of uniqueness from the rest of us. The Chinese also prefer leaders that are patient turtles in their acts, throughout Chinese history the thread of continuity is significant: a dominant aversion to foreigners, a certainty about the completeness of the Chinese universe, and as such a country and a people that can only be changed within, while promoting eons of change through spontaneous national-soul-catharses as mandated by their ambivalence towards individualism.
It is an inherent and natural tendency for national psyches to predetermine their leaders, regardless of the means to power, by a national and coherent consensus that rigorously mandates the character of the elected one.
The Bush-Republican dynasty of America is a consequence of a national psyche that was feeling insecure in the world, and seeks a rearguard action in a desperate attempt to bring a drastically changing world under a new hegemony. Bush has impressively trounced outmoded principles with callous disregard of the possible consequences; and we must be fair to him, the cold war was over, the treaties and the diplomatic mindsets that set international relations were open to discussion, Bush simply disbanded them. That which cannot be undone must be cut!
In a sense, the collective American psyche concluded that the world had changed dramatically, from the collapse of the soviet union forward, and that whatever came next no one could know, the only thing that you could do was tear everything apart and then let what must come from it rise as demanded and permitted by the new world order. Much to their credit Americans have always understood that change is something that you cannot control but that it is something that must be done; what defines the American psyche is their willingness to go into the unknown armed with only their wits about them. By selecting a president with no prejudice towards change, by electing a man that had no sense of history and ritual, they elected to realize that the modern world had changed and that they had to put a wrecking ball to the treaties and consensus of old and let what commeth may.
It takes a lot of guts to do that and Americans are admirable for their guts. By ball wrecking the past they fast forward the unknown future and have as their advantage the fact that they are always looking towards the horizon to solve all of their problems; thus they are able to perceive and indeed acquire the benefits of change much to the envy of the French who are a backward looking people, always thinking that that they can intellectualize the world and master its poetic passions in stanzas.
The French are fascinating, besides the Greeks of old no one has thought, much to their own detriment, more than the French. The French continually administer thought to their feelings, and their feelings are continually made prudish by it. Thus, in a remarkable fashion the French are fashionable but like all fashions their impact is severely handicapped by how fashionable it is. Of course a French leader has to write poems and novels, he has to have an intrusive understanding of history and needs to posses a certain effeminate disposability of character. In America these very traits would be admonished as the means of a charlatan to acquire distinction; and indeed to a large extent French history is a verbal attribute of marmalades through the promenade; still, as we shall see, these intricacies of a romanticized existence play their role in the world community.
The French have elected, and are so appointed, to be the guardians of past eccentricities, these only look like eccentricities to us now because they are adulterated by our modern worldview, in their time many of the traditions guarded by the French had their relevance. Today the wine industry has grown globally to a large extent because the French have lost control of the wine making process. But the traditions of wine making so fervently and bureaucratically guarded by the French wine makers have atoned the consistency and largely defined purpose and essence worldwide. This distinction implies that the French guard the historical presence and by doing so create the scope by which all other precedents for winemaking sift into the aging process.
It is then true that the meticulousness of winemaking, as done in France, with its infinite varieties and glorified plots would have never made a global en mass wine industry but it is also true that a global wine industry would not have been possible had it not been so.
In much the same manner we could judge how France elects its political framers, looks to set a precise precedent that while not the type to conquer the mindsets of the world, will instead be worldly. And that worldly aspect of it will undoubtedly effect, in unknown ways, how others frame their worldview or legal premise.
The wine industry is a cognoscenti reference to yet another industry that haplessly marches from tragedy to tragedy, with its own occasional fashion show of characters who trifle with the imagination: The airline industry.
Calling it the “airline industry” might be a misnomer as more money is made selling planes than is made flying passengers around the world; certainly Boeing and Airbus benefit greatly from the interesting fact that Airlines benefit from having two suppliers of Airplanes so as to reduce the risk of dependence upon one or the other; and so Boeing and Airbus are exemplars of a dual-monopoly with zero compromises. But still we talk about the “airline industry” because that is the mouth of the monster that feeds the travel industry from any angle: travel agencies, hoteliers, insurances, rental car agencies, plane manufactures, caterers, restaurateurs, conventioneers, eco hot spots, tropical islands, exotic getaways, theme parks, historical England, the royal family, Stonehenge, the pyramids, Bhutan, and the biggest rock in Australia all benefit first and foremost from the passenger-eating airline industry.
Yet even as all that is true, with all those dependencies the airline industry would, at first sight appear to be the worst run industry, the least profitable, the most strife-ridden by labor disputes, the most likely to suffer from prime material shortages or price fluctuations, and equally the most regulated of all industries and the least capable of price gouging its customers, as stiff competition sets a low profit margin, and high operating costs set stringently high load factors as the prerequisite to profitability.
In the final analysis the industry that most serves to riddle the world with immigrants and to bring businesses, governments and peoples closest together, the industry that shrinks the world continues to be an accountant’s nightmare. But then we must ask why doesn’t it just all go bankrupt and be done with it. Certainly the law of supply and demand would imply that there are far too many seats on airplanes if they are sold as such bargain rates that in the end the traveler is not paying the true cost of a ticket, upfront. That would all call for a logical free hand correction where maybe more airlines would go bankrupt, the prices could then rise, airplane seats per passenger capacity would fall, fewer people would afford travel but then the airline industry could be profitable and stay competitive.
Why doesn’t that happen? Is it because countries like Italy want to protect their airlines so that they are willing to subsidize their carriers into inferiority? Is it because bankruptcy laws in the United States are too liberal and kind to those companies that come under its protection? Is it because bankers and investors that finance the billions of dollars in airplane leases do not want to write off their losses and so they continue to renegotiate debt and reinvest hoping for a brighter day?
The truth of the airline industry is much less stark, and it is not the harbinger of bad news that the newspaper industry has made it out to be.
The airline industry isn’t an industry! It isn’t an industry because it cannot stand by itself, and more because it is not a principal in the acts of its progress. When airlines move people they always do it from a perspective of intermediaries, they are indeed what we ought call a “third-party-industry”; they are acting more as a go between than a causa célèbre or as prime mover of the thing itself. This is precisely why the airline industry does not really have high customer satisfaction and it is also why it doesn’t have high customer loyalty. You will change airlines faster than you would change toothpaste brands. You cannot feel any significant differences in airplanes, as a reason to fly this or that airline, for a modern Airbus or a modern Boeing airliner feel very much the same, first class is first class, but most of the rest of us are in cramped class, and the meals aren’t getting any better and the service is obviously not factor number one with the airlines.
If you want to know who cares about you, you just have to review their list of priorities, in the airline industry it is fuel cost, labor cost, maintenance cost, and cost per flight seat mile, then service and food, I might have the order wrong but service and food are certainly least important. So you might ask why doesn’t the airline industry care about you?
Well, don’t take it personally, the airline industry simply is not in the business of caring about you. It is in the business of moving you, your family, your friends, your business partners, your government officials, and the rest of the world’s peoples between to and fro; and this is very much like the transportation system of the slave trade, there aren’t any benefits to be gained in making you more comfortable and feeding you better, only more costs. To the airline industry the idea of you is an ephemeral idea, you exist as a piece of inventory that the longer you remain on the shelf the more you depreciate in value and thus the airline follows the old warehouse rule, first in first out and just in time inventory is what you are to them. When a plane lands gotta get you in there fast and out fast and the faster the better.
The harrowing narrowing of time between the time that the airline industry picks you up and delivers you to your destination has come under a theological constraint: the speed of sound. The speed of sound is a problem because airplanes that fly at the speed of sound make a lot of noise and people don’t like noisy neighbors. But there is a bigger constraint to it than just shockwaves, fast planes need to be small so they can slip through the air without insurmountable drag-coefficiency penalties. A larger body implies that you touch more of the atmosphere and the more you touch of the atmosphere, well, the more the atmosphere touches you, and anything that touches more costs more money to fly, that’s the drag of it.
Thus, unable to increase speed in order to make more flights within 24 hours, the next logical solution to moving more passengers in and out faster is to increase the size of the plane, fit more people in it and then you can move more people without using more planes, hence the new generation of jumbo jets that will be the equivalent of flying two planes at once, only at the cost of flying one plane, and using the flight bandwidth of just one giant plane.
But cram them and cram them has its limits too, and no one wants to think of the day that a super jumbo jet with 800 passengers crashes, but that little horror aside the growth of passengers will continue to rise for the foreseeable future so the solution of larger planes offers little hope that travel will actually get better for you and your luggage, though the differences between the two is indiscernible. Why it takes decades to expand an airport and decades to build new airplanes, and decades to understand migration and travel patterns and in decades to come oil is only going to get more expensive, so whatever the airline industry saves on consumption, through newer technologies, it will pay out as higher oil prices, due to increased demand; and that will subsume any cost benefit advantages.
You don’t get something for nothing, the airline industry is certainly proof of that and so you might say why are there airline executives even in that crazy industry, if you could be the CEO of a major airline, why would you want that headache when you could just as easily be the CEO of less cumbersome businesses? Certainly pilots love to fly and the intricacies of flying a jumbo jet have their crossword puzzle mesmerizing qualities; and certainly flight attendants love the benefits of being able to travel throughout the world and meeting interesting peoples; and for sure jet engine mechanics love drag racing; and we don’t know what to say about baggage handlers, or ticket attendants, there the glamour of the job is lost, but certainly there are plenty of people that work at an airline because they like what they do, but who would want to run an airline company, a thing three times removed from its consumer, a third-person’s perspective company?
The key to the riddle is very simple, the reason why the airline industry shows poor earnings every year, or when it does show a strong year, a rarity, it is usually one of low returns its because we measure companies on a fiscal yearly basis. This fiscal year measure works rather fine for chocolate makers and car manufactures and coal producers, as they are primal companies, thus such annual measure is more realizable than it is to measure an industry that is a third-party to everyone else’s actions; you could say it and it has been said, that the airline industry is there so that the plane makers can make airplanes; and you may extend that in any direction as it is equally true from any angle the airline industry is a third-party constituency to another industry: be it the restaurant or hotel industry or conventions or business industry etc.. the point is that as such, the basis by which we measure the airline industry should be fiscally generational, as tendencies in consumption and trends tend to be generational inflows, and thus an accurate listing of the genuine financials of a third-party type industry, as we now dare to define and claim the airline industry to be, should indicate a more precise and relevant measure of its sound or not business model. Executives that then work in this industry have not the capacity to see that there is no way to make an airline financially sound within the scope of a fiscal year but their myopia allows them to work for the industry.
In showing these various relationships some readers would argue that the same could said of the ground transport industry, or the shipping industry that are indeed basic third-party models, (and more industries such as pharmaceuticals which would seem to be fundamentally third-party-industries but that strangely also depend on ephemeral third party constructs, illnesses, diseases, viruses, governmental regulation, etc as catalysts for their own third party drug business to flourish and profit;¬¬¬) and I wouldn’t have any problem with those types of conclusions.
In brief: all types that depend on all types are fundamentally represented by their type.
Bellybuttons are always interesting and fascinating, they are after all the thing that connected everyone of us, except perhaps Jesus Christ, Adam and Eve for they were a trio apparently conceived from a father or a hip; but the rest of us are all tied to mother through the umbilical chord and that harmony resonates through us all, and so when we see each others bellybuttons, well we know we are not Adam or Eve or Jesus but that we are all mammals.
Chickens don’t have bellybuttons, dinosaurs (are they mammals?) didn’t have bellybuttons, dolphins probably have belly buttons, I don’t really know that but I am not going to look it up, I should just be able to guess that they do. The matter is that anyone with a bellybutton could in theory participate in the bellybutton fashion show of oneness.
There is however one odd thing about fashion sense, African women and the women of India and Persia, have been exposing their bellybuttons for thousands of centuries so they are not so much participating in the fashion sense of the day; for a belly dancer is a cultural icon and her dress code has been defined as it has been for thousands of years; a genie doesn’t dress for the times. and so you could imagine a part of the world, for sure in India and Africa and Persia where exposing one’s bellybutton cannot be defined as fashion sense, instead it becomes an unconscious act, people from these places do not know that they are being fashionable because for them it isn’t fashion as much as it is tradition, and in order to be fashionable you have to be self-conscious.
Recently, democratic elections were permitted in Egypt, and wouldn’t you know it, of the seven possible candidates the one that they are most likely to elect is the same dictator they have had for decades, Mubarak. Not unlikely, in Russia, Vladimir Putin the head of state, a man that, according to the constitution cannot run for reelection, would undoubtedly win a democratic election even as he has acted to concentrate power and indeed rules as a benevolent dictator. And in my own country, Colombia, we have a democratically elected president, Mr. Uribe, who is actually more a dictator from the Harvard School of Business; and he is philosophically hopeful that a modified constitution will allow him an uninterrupted reign; for us Colombians only have this one man that can rule our country. At the periphery of Colombia is Venezuela where Hugo Chavez has been democratically elected to lead a Bolivarian revolution that will, if successful, make Uribe redundant. Chavez has facilitated his reign by making healthcare and education a national beneficence thus making himself popular enough to militaristically dictate over the affairs of his own country and its oil production.
You can see a pattern in politics much like you may see a pattern in fashion and the pattern here is that a people, democratically ruled, or ruled by dictators or kings, or parliaments are usually being ruled by the person or persons that they would have as their rulers!
Democratic states always pride themselves on the fact that they put their politicians up for popular nomination by their constituency. The assumption being that only a vote, a public and monitored vote will produce a true representative of a people. This is of course a fallacious assumption as we have seen throughout political history that countries, be they democratic, parliamentary, republican, dictatorial, militaristic and or monarchistic will invariably elect and promote similar political dynasties; and these dynasties tend to represent the “national character.”
The Russians have always liked absolutist tsars to rule them because the average Russian considers himself a serf and is his own worst enemy; as admirers of theological and monarchical theatrics they suffer the disease of blood relations and when it comes to war they love to bleed like the hemophiliacs that they are; but more they bleed because they believe that bloodletting heals the family tree.
South Americans have a tendency to love populist dictators or fatherly types because Latin men cannot bring themselves to leave their mothers and cease fearing their fathers; and Latin women have not learned to steal their boys from their mothers and become wives, but rather remain daddy’s little girl.
Italians like to be ruled by a mosaic of inconsistencies that are possessed by fanatic objectives.
The English have always liked their rulers to have higher aims with lower causes that can only be objectified by indifference and is superimposed by a brilliant disguise of witticisms.
Africans have always preferred despots, the African heart despises politics, its ear to the ground it prefers barbarian rule and barbarian law, it sublets politics to instinct and wild passions.
Unconsciously, Japan has never wanted its rulers to change, it always selects those that will forgo change, for the Japanese samurai is based on rigor, discipline, intensity of self domination, and subjugation; politically, Japan is a fetish.
The Chinese masses promote leaders that will isolate them from the rest of the world so as to acquire their one billionth of uniqueness from the rest of us. The Chinese also prefer leaders that are patient turtles in their acts, throughout Chinese history the thread of continuity is significant: a dominant aversion to foreigners, a certainty about the completeness of the Chinese universe, and as such a country and a people that can only be changed within, while promoting eons of change through spontaneous national-soul-catharses as mandated by their ambivalence towards individualism.
It is an inherent and natural tendency for national psyches to predetermine their leaders, regardless of the means to power, by a national and coherent consensus that rigorously mandates the character of the elected one.
The Bush-Republican dynasty of America is a consequence of a national psyche that was feeling insecure in the world, and seeks a rearguard action in a desperate attempt to bring a drastically changing world under a new hegemony. Bush has impressively trounced outmoded principles with callous disregard of the possible consequences; and we must be fair to him, the cold war was over, the treaties and the diplomatic mindsets that set international relations were open to discussion, Bush simply disbanded them. That which cannot be undone must be cut!
In a sense, the collective American psyche concluded that the world had changed dramatically, from the collapse of the soviet union forward, and that whatever came next no one could know, the only thing that you could do was tear everything apart and then let what must come from it rise as demanded and permitted by the new world order. Much to their credit Americans have always understood that change is something that you cannot control but that it is something that must be done; what defines the American psyche is their willingness to go into the unknown armed with only their wits about them. By selecting a president with no prejudice towards change, by electing a man that had no sense of history and ritual, they elected to realize that the modern world had changed and that they had to put a wrecking ball to the treaties and consensus of old and let what commeth may.
It takes a lot of guts to do that and Americans are admirable for their guts. By ball wrecking the past they fast forward the unknown future and have as their advantage the fact that they are always looking towards the horizon to solve all of their problems; thus they are able to perceive and indeed acquire the benefits of change much to the envy of the French who are a backward looking people, always thinking that that they can intellectualize the world and master its poetic passions in stanzas.
The French are fascinating, besides the Greeks of old no one has thought, much to their own detriment, more than the French. The French continually administer thought to their feelings, and their feelings are continually made prudish by it. Thus, in a remarkable fashion the French are fashionable but like all fashions their impact is severely handicapped by how fashionable it is. Of course a French leader has to write poems and novels, he has to have an intrusive understanding of history and needs to posses a certain effeminate disposability of character. In America these very traits would be admonished as the means of a charlatan to acquire distinction; and indeed to a large extent French history is a verbal attribute of marmalades through the promenade; still, as we shall see, these intricacies of a romanticized existence play their role in the world community.
The French have elected, and are so appointed, to be the guardians of past eccentricities, these only look like eccentricities to us now because they are adulterated by our modern worldview, in their time many of the traditions guarded by the French had their relevance. Today the wine industry has grown globally to a large extent because the French have lost control of the wine making process. But the traditions of wine making so fervently and bureaucratically guarded by the French wine makers have atoned the consistency and largely defined purpose and essence worldwide. This distinction implies that the French guard the historical presence and by doing so create the scope by which all other precedents for winemaking sift into the aging process.
It is then true that the meticulousness of winemaking, as done in France, with its infinite varieties and glorified plots would have never made a global en mass wine industry but it is also true that a global wine industry would not have been possible had it not been so.
In much the same manner we could judge how France elects its political framers, looks to set a precise precedent that while not the type to conquer the mindsets of the world, will instead be worldly. And that worldly aspect of it will undoubtedly effect, in unknown ways, how others frame their worldview or legal premise.
The wine industry is a cognoscenti reference to yet another industry that haplessly marches from tragedy to tragedy, with its own occasional fashion show of characters who trifle with the imagination: The airline industry.
Calling it the “airline industry” might be a misnomer as more money is made selling planes than is made flying passengers around the world; certainly Boeing and Airbus benefit greatly from the interesting fact that Airlines benefit from having two suppliers of Airplanes so as to reduce the risk of dependence upon one or the other; and so Boeing and Airbus are exemplars of a dual-monopoly with zero compromises. But still we talk about the “airline industry” because that is the mouth of the monster that feeds the travel industry from any angle: travel agencies, hoteliers, insurances, rental car agencies, plane manufactures, caterers, restaurateurs, conventioneers, eco hot spots, tropical islands, exotic getaways, theme parks, historical England, the royal family, Stonehenge, the pyramids, Bhutan, and the biggest rock in Australia all benefit first and foremost from the passenger-eating airline industry.
Yet even as all that is true, with all those dependencies the airline industry would, at first sight appear to be the worst run industry, the least profitable, the most strife-ridden by labor disputes, the most likely to suffer from prime material shortages or price fluctuations, and equally the most regulated of all industries and the least capable of price gouging its customers, as stiff competition sets a low profit margin, and high operating costs set stringently high load factors as the prerequisite to profitability.
In the final analysis the industry that most serves to riddle the world with immigrants and to bring businesses, governments and peoples closest together, the industry that shrinks the world continues to be an accountant’s nightmare. But then we must ask why doesn’t it just all go bankrupt and be done with it. Certainly the law of supply and demand would imply that there are far too many seats on airplanes if they are sold as such bargain rates that in the end the traveler is not paying the true cost of a ticket, upfront. That would all call for a logical free hand correction where maybe more airlines would go bankrupt, the prices could then rise, airplane seats per passenger capacity would fall, fewer people would afford travel but then the airline industry could be profitable and stay competitive.
Why doesn’t that happen? Is it because countries like Italy want to protect their airlines so that they are willing to subsidize their carriers into inferiority? Is it because bankruptcy laws in the United States are too liberal and kind to those companies that come under its protection? Is it because bankers and investors that finance the billions of dollars in airplane leases do not want to write off their losses and so they continue to renegotiate debt and reinvest hoping for a brighter day?
The truth of the airline industry is much less stark, and it is not the harbinger of bad news that the newspaper industry has made it out to be.
The airline industry isn’t an industry! It isn’t an industry because it cannot stand by itself, and more because it is not a principal in the acts of its progress. When airlines move people they always do it from a perspective of intermediaries, they are indeed what we ought call a “third-party-industry”; they are acting more as a go between than a causa célèbre or as prime mover of the thing itself. This is precisely why the airline industry does not really have high customer satisfaction and it is also why it doesn’t have high customer loyalty. You will change airlines faster than you would change toothpaste brands. You cannot feel any significant differences in airplanes, as a reason to fly this or that airline, for a modern Airbus or a modern Boeing airliner feel very much the same, first class is first class, but most of the rest of us are in cramped class, and the meals aren’t getting any better and the service is obviously not factor number one with the airlines.
If you want to know who cares about you, you just have to review their list of priorities, in the airline industry it is fuel cost, labor cost, maintenance cost, and cost per flight seat mile, then service and food, I might have the order wrong but service and food are certainly least important. So you might ask why doesn’t the airline industry care about you?
Well, don’t take it personally, the airline industry simply is not in the business of caring about you. It is in the business of moving you, your family, your friends, your business partners, your government officials, and the rest of the world’s peoples between to and fro; and this is very much like the transportation system of the slave trade, there aren’t any benefits to be gained in making you more comfortable and feeding you better, only more costs. To the airline industry the idea of you is an ephemeral idea, you exist as a piece of inventory that the longer you remain on the shelf the more you depreciate in value and thus the airline follows the old warehouse rule, first in first out and just in time inventory is what you are to them. When a plane lands gotta get you in there fast and out fast and the faster the better.
The harrowing narrowing of time between the time that the airline industry picks you up and delivers you to your destination has come under a theological constraint: the speed of sound. The speed of sound is a problem because airplanes that fly at the speed of sound make a lot of noise and people don’t like noisy neighbors. But there is a bigger constraint to it than just shockwaves, fast planes need to be small so they can slip through the air without insurmountable drag-coefficiency penalties. A larger body implies that you touch more of the atmosphere and the more you touch of the atmosphere, well, the more the atmosphere touches you, and anything that touches more costs more money to fly, that’s the drag of it.
Thus, unable to increase speed in order to make more flights within 24 hours, the next logical solution to moving more passengers in and out faster is to increase the size of the plane, fit more people in it and then you can move more people without using more planes, hence the new generation of jumbo jets that will be the equivalent of flying two planes at once, only at the cost of flying one plane, and using the flight bandwidth of just one giant plane.
But cram them and cram them has its limits too, and no one wants to think of the day that a super jumbo jet with 800 passengers crashes, but that little horror aside the growth of passengers will continue to rise for the foreseeable future so the solution of larger planes offers little hope that travel will actually get better for you and your luggage, though the differences between the two is indiscernible. Why it takes decades to expand an airport and decades to build new airplanes, and decades to understand migration and travel patterns and in decades to come oil is only going to get more expensive, so whatever the airline industry saves on consumption, through newer technologies, it will pay out as higher oil prices, due to increased demand; and that will subsume any cost benefit advantages.
You don’t get something for nothing, the airline industry is certainly proof of that and so you might say why are there airline executives even in that crazy industry, if you could be the CEO of a major airline, why would you want that headache when you could just as easily be the CEO of less cumbersome businesses? Certainly pilots love to fly and the intricacies of flying a jumbo jet have their crossword puzzle mesmerizing qualities; and certainly flight attendants love the benefits of being able to travel throughout the world and meeting interesting peoples; and for sure jet engine mechanics love drag racing; and we don’t know what to say about baggage handlers, or ticket attendants, there the glamour of the job is lost, but certainly there are plenty of people that work at an airline because they like what they do, but who would want to run an airline company, a thing three times removed from its consumer, a third-person’s perspective company?
The key to the riddle is very simple, the reason why the airline industry shows poor earnings every year, or when it does show a strong year, a rarity, it is usually one of low returns its because we measure companies on a fiscal yearly basis. This fiscal year measure works rather fine for chocolate makers and car manufactures and coal producers, as they are primal companies, thus such annual measure is more realizable than it is to measure an industry that is a third-party to everyone else’s actions; you could say it and it has been said, that the airline industry is there so that the plane makers can make airplanes; and you may extend that in any direction as it is equally true from any angle the airline industry is a third-party constituency to another industry: be it the restaurant or hotel industry or conventions or business industry etc.. the point is that as such, the basis by which we measure the airline industry should be fiscally generational, as tendencies in consumption and trends tend to be generational inflows, and thus an accurate listing of the genuine financials of a third-party type industry, as we now dare to define and claim the airline industry to be, should indicate a more precise and relevant measure of its sound or not business model. Executives that then work in this industry have not the capacity to see that there is no way to make an airline financially sound within the scope of a fiscal year but their myopia allows them to work for the industry.
In showing these various relationships some readers would argue that the same could said of the ground transport industry, or the shipping industry that are indeed basic third-party models, (and more industries such as pharmaceuticals which would seem to be fundamentally third-party-industries but that strangely also depend on ephemeral third party constructs, illnesses, diseases, viruses, governmental regulation, etc as catalysts for their own third party drug business to flourish and profit;¬¬¬) and I wouldn’t have any problem with those types of conclusions.
In brief: all types that depend on all types are fundamentally represented by their type.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
In & Of the Way I Write
I have just reviewed the contents of a bottle of Queen Anne whisky and there appear to be plenty enough to last me through this excerpt from a letter to Rosa. Yes I have started drinking whiskey, the logical progression of a distressed alcoholic, an organized life must follow patterns, that is what I say.
Lets take up the point of control, and let us try to view the universe through a different set of eyes than those afforded us by the five thinkers that control the modern world psyche. Instead suppose that I am right, and that we are attached to everything and everything is attached to us, and then suppose that our brains are not per say autonomous units that operate to divine logic but instead let us suppose that our brains are nothing more than antennae that pick up all sentient elements, be they experience or aesthetic principles, the latter being voided of experience as they are rather for the enjoyment of feeling the remarkable associations throughout the sentient geometry of all beings.
Recently Ravens have been caught in the act of being sneaky, calculating and forward thinking. A raven was spotted stealing from another raven as a way of avoiding doing work like figuring out where the pebble was. The other raven, (doing all the work, figuring out where the pebble was and then pressing the appropriate tray,) realized that he was being taken advantage of by the greater bully, and so tricked the bully into thinking that the pebble was in the place where it wasn’t, and while bully was at it the imaginative raven went on and ate the real pebble.
An article, on the subject, in the New York Times, went on to say how we might have to redefine the “Them and Us” way of thinking about the animal world if we keep on encountering behaviors that were once only attributed to humans.
If a raven may well be cunning then what realm of human experience isn’t covered by that, not much Id say. Day after day I watch Bush handle a reelection and I say that guy was cunning; then they tell me how he once owned a baseball team and I say that was cunning; and then he makes a war because he is a war president and I say there is a guy that sees opportunity when he sees it; and now with Katrina all over the map, the guy continues to con us all. And so suffice it to say that the difference between Bush and a Raven is that the Raven is less cunning which is to say more good.
Regardless of all that the raven is not cunning because he is smart with that bird brain of his, anymore than we can say that president Bush is smart because he has a little brain. However for once, W will help us advance the cause of humankind in much the same way that the Raven will too. Even though they do not have large brains both W and R can be effectively cunning because they tapped into the entire spectrum of sentient activity, they feel their surroundings by letting their essence bleed through and thus the surroundings bled back all the environmental information in a sort of communed feedback loop; where they can then use the gamut of human or sentient essence experience throughout their daily activity; this as if indeed they were all knowing or very smart indeed.
It is easier for us to think that our president is a very smart man, else why would he be our president, than it is for us to imagine that he is merely a puppet of a collective political agenda, of which he is merely a fundamental receptor.
The brain is really only a receptor that is in one form or another possessed by all sentient life forms, so that they may detect one another and thus share in each others experiences; anyone that uses their brain merely as a receptor is most likely to gain the greatest benefit as they have an unobstructed access to the community of sentient knowledge - that is all throughout the feeling environment.
It is only a matter of time before the false barrier of species will be broken by the communality of sentient creatures and the discovery of greedy ravens, gay pigeons and rapist dolphins is only a harbinger of the dilution of barriers between them and us.
When I think, actively think, I am performing a cataloging function, that is I am working to retrieve information so that in can be stored in the supra consciousness formulated by all sentient beings; this consciousness feeds and funnels that information to any one willing to receive it or indeed in need of it. If a monkey in Africa learns to use a stick, by using his brain method, this information is instantly available, if so desired or needed, to any other monkey or even human species throughout the world.
There are two types of writers, writers that write like me, that is merely to reflect the supra consciousness and then there are writers that write from a discovery point of view. Hemiway, Wilde and good old Victor Hugo write from the point of this is the world, this is the world, and they are securing that reality and feeding that data back to the supra consciousness. Writers like Holderlin, Blake, Rimbaud and that darling Correa write what is already in the supra consciousness. We are not so much investigators as we are assuming that the whole, that has come to be from the collection of its parts, has created an entire unknown entity, within the supra consciousness; it is that entity that we are trying to touch and represent.
As such, since I am reading what has already been written then I have no need to think as my brain is only a receptor and any thinking that I do on my part is merely interference.
All writers that are technical in nature do well to collect their thoughts and organize them and formulate them accordingly; but writers like me that touch the supreme aesthetic will do best to touch the aesthetic while trying to avoid the very bad feelings that that will bring into this here existence. As a writer of the aesthetic I am often in touch with very primal forces, which while not genuine to our supra consciousness still manage to impose a penalty, a pain upon me which often times causes me to want to curl into a corner and reconcile myself into the wall.
The individual actors of this world might well think me insane, they don’t see all the connections that I feel, they don’t recognize that back pain or migraines are actually caused by the misalignment of individuals with their sentient metrics. Nor do they realize that the reason why advance civilizations tend to gain more weight, become fatter, is because more sentient energy, from throughout the world, is centered upon then and thus causes them to increase in heft as they cannot unleash that energy fast enough.
Bush is precisely in need of exercising a lot as he has a lot of energy concentrated on him. Equally he has that collective energy to use in ample ways, without having to think, so that he may cruise the globe with the agenda of his nation and the agenda of the world.
Lets take up the point of control, and let us try to view the universe through a different set of eyes than those afforded us by the five thinkers that control the modern world psyche. Instead suppose that I am right, and that we are attached to everything and everything is attached to us, and then suppose that our brains are not per say autonomous units that operate to divine logic but instead let us suppose that our brains are nothing more than antennae that pick up all sentient elements, be they experience or aesthetic principles, the latter being voided of experience as they are rather for the enjoyment of feeling the remarkable associations throughout the sentient geometry of all beings.
Recently Ravens have been caught in the act of being sneaky, calculating and forward thinking. A raven was spotted stealing from another raven as a way of avoiding doing work like figuring out where the pebble was. The other raven, (doing all the work, figuring out where the pebble was and then pressing the appropriate tray,) realized that he was being taken advantage of by the greater bully, and so tricked the bully into thinking that the pebble was in the place where it wasn’t, and while bully was at it the imaginative raven went on and ate the real pebble.
An article, on the subject, in the New York Times, went on to say how we might have to redefine the “Them and Us” way of thinking about the animal world if we keep on encountering behaviors that were once only attributed to humans.
If a raven may well be cunning then what realm of human experience isn’t covered by that, not much Id say. Day after day I watch Bush handle a reelection and I say that guy was cunning; then they tell me how he once owned a baseball team and I say that was cunning; and then he makes a war because he is a war president and I say there is a guy that sees opportunity when he sees it; and now with Katrina all over the map, the guy continues to con us all. And so suffice it to say that the difference between Bush and a Raven is that the Raven is less cunning which is to say more good.
Regardless of all that the raven is not cunning because he is smart with that bird brain of his, anymore than we can say that president Bush is smart because he has a little brain. However for once, W will help us advance the cause of humankind in much the same way that the Raven will too. Even though they do not have large brains both W and R can be effectively cunning because they tapped into the entire spectrum of sentient activity, they feel their surroundings by letting their essence bleed through and thus the surroundings bled back all the environmental information in a sort of communed feedback loop; where they can then use the gamut of human or sentient essence experience throughout their daily activity; this as if indeed they were all knowing or very smart indeed.
It is easier for us to think that our president is a very smart man, else why would he be our president, than it is for us to imagine that he is merely a puppet of a collective political agenda, of which he is merely a fundamental receptor.
The brain is really only a receptor that is in one form or another possessed by all sentient life forms, so that they may detect one another and thus share in each others experiences; anyone that uses their brain merely as a receptor is most likely to gain the greatest benefit as they have an unobstructed access to the community of sentient knowledge - that is all throughout the feeling environment.
It is only a matter of time before the false barrier of species will be broken by the communality of sentient creatures and the discovery of greedy ravens, gay pigeons and rapist dolphins is only a harbinger of the dilution of barriers between them and us.
When I think, actively think, I am performing a cataloging function, that is I am working to retrieve information so that in can be stored in the supra consciousness formulated by all sentient beings; this consciousness feeds and funnels that information to any one willing to receive it or indeed in need of it. If a monkey in Africa learns to use a stick, by using his brain method, this information is instantly available, if so desired or needed, to any other monkey or even human species throughout the world.
There are two types of writers, writers that write like me, that is merely to reflect the supra consciousness and then there are writers that write from a discovery point of view. Hemiway, Wilde and good old Victor Hugo write from the point of this is the world, this is the world, and they are securing that reality and feeding that data back to the supra consciousness. Writers like Holderlin, Blake, Rimbaud and that darling Correa write what is already in the supra consciousness. We are not so much investigators as we are assuming that the whole, that has come to be from the collection of its parts, has created an entire unknown entity, within the supra consciousness; it is that entity that we are trying to touch and represent.
As such, since I am reading what has already been written then I have no need to think as my brain is only a receptor and any thinking that I do on my part is merely interference.
All writers that are technical in nature do well to collect their thoughts and organize them and formulate them accordingly; but writers like me that touch the supreme aesthetic will do best to touch the aesthetic while trying to avoid the very bad feelings that that will bring into this here existence. As a writer of the aesthetic I am often in touch with very primal forces, which while not genuine to our supra consciousness still manage to impose a penalty, a pain upon me which often times causes me to want to curl into a corner and reconcile myself into the wall.
The individual actors of this world might well think me insane, they don’t see all the connections that I feel, they don’t recognize that back pain or migraines are actually caused by the misalignment of individuals with their sentient metrics. Nor do they realize that the reason why advance civilizations tend to gain more weight, become fatter, is because more sentient energy, from throughout the world, is centered upon then and thus causes them to increase in heft as they cannot unleash that energy fast enough.
Bush is precisely in need of exercising a lot as he has a lot of energy concentrated on him. Equally he has that collective energy to use in ample ways, without having to think, so that he may cruise the globe with the agenda of his nation and the agenda of the world.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
The Salsa Train
I was now on a train, a train to not exactly anywhere, I had bought my own caboose, two really, one for me and the wife and the other for the boys, my traveling companions, my partners, we sold our secret hot sauces at every train stop. People loved them, people waited for our chili train to return, they would stop working to visit with us, they would forget their children and chores, they say that the towns clocks would stop to give everyone a respite; I believe it, we make good chili salsa.
My wife, I better tell you about her now before I forget, she likes to clean a lot, she cleans all the time, these train carts get dirty a lot, they are dust collectors, as they move they pick up everything, from flies to traveling salesmen to lurid lovers, to secret agents, to dirty, dirty people, my wife cleans all the time; right now she is scrubbing the wooden floor, it will look pretty clean to me and to you after she is done, but not to her. I think she needs a kid, we don’t want to have children, or so we tell ourselves.
I am 62 now, the wife is 54, yeah I think she can still have children, but there are telling signs that we have endured and besides its just that on a train, well, what kind of life is that. We are always moving, I don’t know any other way to make a living than on this train, selling hot sauce, it’s a good ride, we don’t spend much money, we buy the ingredients at various ends of the continent and then while on the track we make it adding our secret touch, and there you have it, we circle the continent in an endless loop.
The train halts, the mountains cease to move backwards, the birds beat the train passing glances with an inching of pride, as the roaring of the diesel engines quiets into a loud humming perseverance of continuance. Diesel engines will run forever, something in them is bred for longevity, the workhorse of trade and industry are these engines, not those weaklings, maintenance heavy gasoline engines; our train is powered by a diesel and I always like to hear that roaring silence as silent as a diesel can get while we stop, the diesel keeps humming saying I am set to go on and on, it is not about speed, it is about endurance.
As our train eases into town you stop hearing the wind crossing from every direction, the squeaks and creaking noises disappear and instead you hear the children of Barington, a town full of life and yet of less than 8000 people, of which maybe thirty-five percent are children, we want to get them started early on our hot sauce train culture, and since they all love Emma, my wife, well that makes it all that much easier.
Emma comes to life when the children come up to her, they know she brings candy and trinkets from far away places that they will mostly never see, there are little plastic elephants smiling with their trunks way up in the air, and there are tigers made of wood which we pick up from a fellow in Obregon; a cold town with a hostile people with perhaps the best trinket maker in all of Asia, Stapho, or so he calls himself, I doubt he ever had a mother or a father but he was always a child and as such has always been his craft to make wooden lions and tigers and too many cobra snakes for my taste; still Obregon is a cold place, and there isn’t any heart there, the bandits are hardly welcoming though they eat our aji as raw chew for their teeth and we accept their money without questioning its origins; but we really enjoy Obregon because Stapho offers us his trinket craft, and his eyes get painfully happy when we tell him how the children, from far away places, react when we give them his trinkets. His brow lights up, you can see a fire sprinting from behind his old and dirty tunic, his bonny thorax heaves, and swirls of kisses reach us from his palms touching our faces in gratitude. This even as we don’t pay him but the bare minimum for it, Emma is a bargain shopper, she takes care of too many children and so she has to be careful with her spending, and besides that it would be rude to pay Stapho more than what the bandits pay him to make knifes of hardened tree stumps. It would be rude, or worse, unconscionable.
The kids love those toys, I keep some in our salsa kitchen, which is also where our bedroom is, they are soothing to the eye, like Stapho they are not looking for anything just a little appreciation perhaps, and that is not that hard to give to little creations of well crafted wood, with golden or green eyes, with dotted or striped bodies, and all in vivid primary colors, enchantingly simple.
Emma has a perfect memory of which kids she gave tigers to, or elephants or eagles and throughout the continent she remembers the names of each as if indeed they were all her children; which some would like to think themselves ours as dreams come to them of getting on our train and drifting off into those storied lands made up by Emma for them. These are not the lands we actually see, not those dry desserts, or those freezing mountains, nor the nutrient faulty lands, nor the hungry and poor folk that by far dominate our route, not the sting of cadavers occasionally badly disposed, not the disrobing hangings that happen along the way so as to warn the train travelers not to stop, no Emma leaves an imprint of a world full of marveling and merit, a world that everyone of the children will yearn to see until their elder years make them blind.
“No, no Yuri you already got a tiger, you show me your tiger or I will not give you anything, show it to me.”
Its sort of a game they play, she wont see Yuri for a few months to come and they just see each other long enough to argue that he would like to have two tigers while Emma would prefer that first all of the other children have tigers, and there are so many of them that we will subside before that happens.
But Yuri wants a second tiger, “My tiger madam is sad, very sad, he is lonely, he needs lady tiger to have children with and to marry and to get food for her.”
Emma looks askance “…get food for her?”
Yuri yells to make sure she hears above the roaring of the other children, “He is not eating he tells me he needs to be a father and a husband that he wants to hunt for someone else, he wants to feed his wife.”
Emma retains a small quiet because she wants to burst into laughter, but she holds back because she realizes that in some way Yuri is serious and serious in a way that could be painful to realize, she reconciles this and speaks in a gentle voice, “Well I think your green tiger better eat or there wont be much hope of him finding a wife, maybe on the next trip tiger lady will come with me, I will try to find her for you, but I cannot promise anything.”
With those words resonating in his mind, Yuri sort of despondently walks away and Emma calls him back, “Yuri.” He doesn’t turn around he is looking off at the distance, “Yuri!” He pauses and turns back, where Emma is right there to meet him hunkering down and hugging him, “You forgot your candy, its green like your tiger, its tiger food promise me you will eat it.”
Yuri retains his seriousness, “When will you return to us?”
“Oh it be a few months, maybe they will come faster,” she tries to hide the moisture in her eyes, “…you know the earth is shrinking Yuri, every year now the world is getting smaller, so we might return much sooner.”
He softens a little upon the news of a shrinking world. “I will eat the green candy then, but I will wait some days, just some days before I do.” And he grabbed the candy from her hands, pausing to feel with his eyes the pattern of her empty palm, as if a map of her whereabouts revealed itself to him, where he could be with her through some geography.
Emma watched Yuri fade into the sands of dry bush, she watched the skinny boy fading into the blades of grass, and from the station I was watching her; her long light grey skirt, picking up some sand, her white shirt reflecting the fragrance of the hot sun, her long burgundy-brown hair bundled into restraint, and still I kept on yelling that last sale. “Get your Aji now, wont be back for a while, get your Aji now, buy enough to last you till our next time…”
Only my words were drowning in the rubbing up sounds of a diesel engine roaring to go, the water tank was full, the conductor rang the air plummeting whistle three times fast, whole mechanics and hydraulics were throbbing through the dusty air, the children began to quiet in awe upon hearing the machine come to life; every time it was an amazing thing for them, they never got used to trains, they were other worldly, and we were other worldly too. Everyone started to clear out so as to make room for this huge black locomotive to engorge the scenery with its essence, even as it could not leave the tracks its immensity pounded itself throughout the surroundings engulfing everyone’s senses. Mirk, our conductor, felt all their attention laid upon him and this made him want to roar off even more, his kick was in arriving and in leaving, those two moments made him love his chu-chu train, in-between the stops and gos there was a lot of senile boredom.
When the train begun to rumble movement I realized that Emma was still hunkering down as if Yuri were still there, “Emma, Emma! The train, the train, we have to go. It is leaving Emma.”
My wife looked at me with her light blue eyes, without a word saying, “Yes I know darling, I am coming.”
And she did come, but first she had to swallow her insides whole.
My wife, I better tell you about her now before I forget, she likes to clean a lot, she cleans all the time, these train carts get dirty a lot, they are dust collectors, as they move they pick up everything, from flies to traveling salesmen to lurid lovers, to secret agents, to dirty, dirty people, my wife cleans all the time; right now she is scrubbing the wooden floor, it will look pretty clean to me and to you after she is done, but not to her. I think she needs a kid, we don’t want to have children, or so we tell ourselves.
I am 62 now, the wife is 54, yeah I think she can still have children, but there are telling signs that we have endured and besides its just that on a train, well, what kind of life is that. We are always moving, I don’t know any other way to make a living than on this train, selling hot sauce, it’s a good ride, we don’t spend much money, we buy the ingredients at various ends of the continent and then while on the track we make it adding our secret touch, and there you have it, we circle the continent in an endless loop.
The train halts, the mountains cease to move backwards, the birds beat the train passing glances with an inching of pride, as the roaring of the diesel engines quiets into a loud humming perseverance of continuance. Diesel engines will run forever, something in them is bred for longevity, the workhorse of trade and industry are these engines, not those weaklings, maintenance heavy gasoline engines; our train is powered by a diesel and I always like to hear that roaring silence as silent as a diesel can get while we stop, the diesel keeps humming saying I am set to go on and on, it is not about speed, it is about endurance.
As our train eases into town you stop hearing the wind crossing from every direction, the squeaks and creaking noises disappear and instead you hear the children of Barington, a town full of life and yet of less than 8000 people, of which maybe thirty-five percent are children, we want to get them started early on our hot sauce train culture, and since they all love Emma, my wife, well that makes it all that much easier.
Emma comes to life when the children come up to her, they know she brings candy and trinkets from far away places that they will mostly never see, there are little plastic elephants smiling with their trunks way up in the air, and there are tigers made of wood which we pick up from a fellow in Obregon; a cold town with a hostile people with perhaps the best trinket maker in all of Asia, Stapho, or so he calls himself, I doubt he ever had a mother or a father but he was always a child and as such has always been his craft to make wooden lions and tigers and too many cobra snakes for my taste; still Obregon is a cold place, and there isn’t any heart there, the bandits are hardly welcoming though they eat our aji as raw chew for their teeth and we accept their money without questioning its origins; but we really enjoy Obregon because Stapho offers us his trinket craft, and his eyes get painfully happy when we tell him how the children, from far away places, react when we give them his trinkets. His brow lights up, you can see a fire sprinting from behind his old and dirty tunic, his bonny thorax heaves, and swirls of kisses reach us from his palms touching our faces in gratitude. This even as we don’t pay him but the bare minimum for it, Emma is a bargain shopper, she takes care of too many children and so she has to be careful with her spending, and besides that it would be rude to pay Stapho more than what the bandits pay him to make knifes of hardened tree stumps. It would be rude, or worse, unconscionable.
The kids love those toys, I keep some in our salsa kitchen, which is also where our bedroom is, they are soothing to the eye, like Stapho they are not looking for anything just a little appreciation perhaps, and that is not that hard to give to little creations of well crafted wood, with golden or green eyes, with dotted or striped bodies, and all in vivid primary colors, enchantingly simple.
Emma has a perfect memory of which kids she gave tigers to, or elephants or eagles and throughout the continent she remembers the names of each as if indeed they were all her children; which some would like to think themselves ours as dreams come to them of getting on our train and drifting off into those storied lands made up by Emma for them. These are not the lands we actually see, not those dry desserts, or those freezing mountains, nor the nutrient faulty lands, nor the hungry and poor folk that by far dominate our route, not the sting of cadavers occasionally badly disposed, not the disrobing hangings that happen along the way so as to warn the train travelers not to stop, no Emma leaves an imprint of a world full of marveling and merit, a world that everyone of the children will yearn to see until their elder years make them blind.
“No, no Yuri you already got a tiger, you show me your tiger or I will not give you anything, show it to me.”
Its sort of a game they play, she wont see Yuri for a few months to come and they just see each other long enough to argue that he would like to have two tigers while Emma would prefer that first all of the other children have tigers, and there are so many of them that we will subside before that happens.
But Yuri wants a second tiger, “My tiger madam is sad, very sad, he is lonely, he needs lady tiger to have children with and to marry and to get food for her.”
Emma looks askance “…get food for her?”
Yuri yells to make sure she hears above the roaring of the other children, “He is not eating he tells me he needs to be a father and a husband that he wants to hunt for someone else, he wants to feed his wife.”
Emma retains a small quiet because she wants to burst into laughter, but she holds back because she realizes that in some way Yuri is serious and serious in a way that could be painful to realize, she reconciles this and speaks in a gentle voice, “Well I think your green tiger better eat or there wont be much hope of him finding a wife, maybe on the next trip tiger lady will come with me, I will try to find her for you, but I cannot promise anything.”
With those words resonating in his mind, Yuri sort of despondently walks away and Emma calls him back, “Yuri.” He doesn’t turn around he is looking off at the distance, “Yuri!” He pauses and turns back, where Emma is right there to meet him hunkering down and hugging him, “You forgot your candy, its green like your tiger, its tiger food promise me you will eat it.”
Yuri retains his seriousness, “When will you return to us?”
“Oh it be a few months, maybe they will come faster,” she tries to hide the moisture in her eyes, “…you know the earth is shrinking Yuri, every year now the world is getting smaller, so we might return much sooner.”
He softens a little upon the news of a shrinking world. “I will eat the green candy then, but I will wait some days, just some days before I do.” And he grabbed the candy from her hands, pausing to feel with his eyes the pattern of her empty palm, as if a map of her whereabouts revealed itself to him, where he could be with her through some geography.
Emma watched Yuri fade into the sands of dry bush, she watched the skinny boy fading into the blades of grass, and from the station I was watching her; her long light grey skirt, picking up some sand, her white shirt reflecting the fragrance of the hot sun, her long burgundy-brown hair bundled into restraint, and still I kept on yelling that last sale. “Get your Aji now, wont be back for a while, get your Aji now, buy enough to last you till our next time…”
Only my words were drowning in the rubbing up sounds of a diesel engine roaring to go, the water tank was full, the conductor rang the air plummeting whistle three times fast, whole mechanics and hydraulics were throbbing through the dusty air, the children began to quiet in awe upon hearing the machine come to life; every time it was an amazing thing for them, they never got used to trains, they were other worldly, and we were other worldly too. Everyone started to clear out so as to make room for this huge black locomotive to engorge the scenery with its essence, even as it could not leave the tracks its immensity pounded itself throughout the surroundings engulfing everyone’s senses. Mirk, our conductor, felt all their attention laid upon him and this made him want to roar off even more, his kick was in arriving and in leaving, those two moments made him love his chu-chu train, in-between the stops and gos there was a lot of senile boredom.
When the train begun to rumble movement I realized that Emma was still hunkering down as if Yuri were still there, “Emma, Emma! The train, the train, we have to go. It is leaving Emma.”
My wife looked at me with her light blue eyes, without a word saying, “Yes I know darling, I am coming.”
And she did come, but first she had to swallow her insides whole.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
On in Intelligent Design
I think it is beyond reason how callous and uninviting the rational world has come to be.
I am an atheist but I could not possibly believe that I know that there isn’t a god, there simply isn’t one that I feel. I feel spirits and believe in spirits, but they are just as bad or good as any of us, and not particularly remarkable as they appear to want to deliver messages, have agendas and suffer from a want of association and some times a scary temperament.
If some one asked me to prove that there are spirits I would not be able to as they don’t do what I say, and that aside I don’t know how others might detect what I feel. Still they are there, they visit me often and more so lately.
Then I think about this Intelligent Design being taught in schools and I think to myself well I don’t really care. I am out of school and really when I was in school I only paid attention to the things that mattered to me, mostly girls, and beyond that I don’t remember much else so what harm there.
Intelligent Design might just be a clever way for the Faithful, the God fearing creatures to get their doctrine into secular academics. Clever, yes.
Why they might have found the loophole in the constitution for separation between church and state. Intelligent Design, as the title properly connotes, is a rational approach to faith; that is it concludes that god must be intelligent, i.e. not supernatural, just more intelligent than you and I, and so much so as to impress us all. He knows how to tie all those neurons and synapses and make them snap at just the right time so we can know math and math can know us. In other words the Intelligent Design proponents do not believe that God himself is a miracle but simply that he is very much like Einstein only ten billion, billion times more intelligent than E.
I don’t think it takes much rationalizing to come to the conclusion that if you rationalize a god and parachute him into the everyday doings of humanity that you will undoubtedly rationalize him out of faith and heart and miracle and religion will thus collapse. If it hasn’t already collapsed, as evidenced by the proponents of Intelligent Design which basically imply that god wasn’t an amazing love-faith-unity thing, but rather just a practical fellow applying the knowable laws and parameters of the universe to make things like humans. In other words if a god that is nothing like us cannot be proven to exist then a god that is everything like us can exist and must be provable and thus teachable.
If the evolutionists reasoned it out they would be extremely happy at this magnificent turn of events in their favor. For the problem for the empiricists of this world has been religions lack of faith in reason but now the faithful are trying to be reasonable they are saying that god has to be knowledgeable and intelligent, god is now a thinker type. As such he cannot be far from adopting logic and reason as his mondus operandis and eventually, if the faithful keep going this way, god too will believe in evolution.
So if I were the scientific community I would welcome this new worldview from the faithful. Yet we must ponder then why the evolutionists the scientists, the secular philosophers the open minded liberals, why do they mind so much if something is taught at school, specially something like Intelligent Design and the Bible and anything else like it? Why are they so scare of it? Why do they dedicate so much energy and time to lampooning in lacerating language the fact that creationist fervor wants to go back to school?
Schools have been the leading dogmatists for secular thought, and if religion wants to become secular, i.e. intelligent, then let it be so. Do scientists really think the brain is going to go backwards? Is logic so fragile that its dominance could be seeing its frightful enemy, religion, getting one leg up on it. Is not the fact that experiment after incoherent experiment continually prove beyond doubt that scientists are indeed right and correct about everything they think about the universe, not proof enough to allow them to feel secure enough so as not to fear giving a lollipop at the school playground to the faithful mongers?
I suppose that there are many things one can spend intelligence upon even defending one’s causes, but if the faithful are feeling so insecure that they want to go back to school, so as to prove themselves, by all means let them.
It was Christ that said we shall not walk alongside the sinful and tainted, hence the reason why I dropped out of school.
I am an atheist but I could not possibly believe that I know that there isn’t a god, there simply isn’t one that I feel. I feel spirits and believe in spirits, but they are just as bad or good as any of us, and not particularly remarkable as they appear to want to deliver messages, have agendas and suffer from a want of association and some times a scary temperament.
If some one asked me to prove that there are spirits I would not be able to as they don’t do what I say, and that aside I don’t know how others might detect what I feel. Still they are there, they visit me often and more so lately.
Then I think about this Intelligent Design being taught in schools and I think to myself well I don’t really care. I am out of school and really when I was in school I only paid attention to the things that mattered to me, mostly girls, and beyond that I don’t remember much else so what harm there.
Intelligent Design might just be a clever way for the Faithful, the God fearing creatures to get their doctrine into secular academics. Clever, yes.
Why they might have found the loophole in the constitution for separation between church and state. Intelligent Design, as the title properly connotes, is a rational approach to faith; that is it concludes that god must be intelligent, i.e. not supernatural, just more intelligent than you and I, and so much so as to impress us all. He knows how to tie all those neurons and synapses and make them snap at just the right time so we can know math and math can know us. In other words the Intelligent Design proponents do not believe that God himself is a miracle but simply that he is very much like Einstein only ten billion, billion times more intelligent than E.
I don’t think it takes much rationalizing to come to the conclusion that if you rationalize a god and parachute him into the everyday doings of humanity that you will undoubtedly rationalize him out of faith and heart and miracle and religion will thus collapse. If it hasn’t already collapsed, as evidenced by the proponents of Intelligent Design which basically imply that god wasn’t an amazing love-faith-unity thing, but rather just a practical fellow applying the knowable laws and parameters of the universe to make things like humans. In other words if a god that is nothing like us cannot be proven to exist then a god that is everything like us can exist and must be provable and thus teachable.
If the evolutionists reasoned it out they would be extremely happy at this magnificent turn of events in their favor. For the problem for the empiricists of this world has been religions lack of faith in reason but now the faithful are trying to be reasonable they are saying that god has to be knowledgeable and intelligent, god is now a thinker type. As such he cannot be far from adopting logic and reason as his mondus operandis and eventually, if the faithful keep going this way, god too will believe in evolution.
So if I were the scientific community I would welcome this new worldview from the faithful. Yet we must ponder then why the evolutionists the scientists, the secular philosophers the open minded liberals, why do they mind so much if something is taught at school, specially something like Intelligent Design and the Bible and anything else like it? Why are they so scare of it? Why do they dedicate so much energy and time to lampooning in lacerating language the fact that creationist fervor wants to go back to school?
Schools have been the leading dogmatists for secular thought, and if religion wants to become secular, i.e. intelligent, then let it be so. Do scientists really think the brain is going to go backwards? Is logic so fragile that its dominance could be seeing its frightful enemy, religion, getting one leg up on it. Is not the fact that experiment after incoherent experiment continually prove beyond doubt that scientists are indeed right and correct about everything they think about the universe, not proof enough to allow them to feel secure enough so as not to fear giving a lollipop at the school playground to the faithful mongers?
I suppose that there are many things one can spend intelligence upon even defending one’s causes, but if the faithful are feeling so insecure that they want to go back to school, so as to prove themselves, by all means let them.
It was Christ that said we shall not walk alongside the sinful and tainted, hence the reason why I dropped out of school.
Friday, August 19, 2005
Well, well a mystery poet, I liked that touch.
It is said that geniuses are dunces and I will now testify that even us normal folk are too; I don’t have the gift to recognize individual characteristics in a person as my mind has the tendency to be a super-modeler, thus in my head personal characteristics are blurred into only those that can be amassed in the giant gelatinous whole we call humanity.
So be it you will tell me when you tell me but hey I like the tickling you’ve done.
Yes! Yes! Afghan from Kifre was an amazing piece to write, I knew I had released something spectacular, something friction free, something that would just flow and flow unhindered by pretense or by style. You caught that well but you missed one part, it actually was more my ego and id than anything I have ever written, in a purer sense that was the real me writing without the subjugations of intensity, character and social demands that one feels one has to accomplish. And in this way you have it, it was liberating, liberating because it didn’t have my maleness, it didn’t have my thinker, it just had me feeling essence much as I might have felt as a child once, once before reality started pounding reality into me.
I would hope that you have stumbled into Lies, would love to hear what you think of that one. It is a mystery novel, I don’t normally write detective mysteries but my wife and my most adorable Rosa, love mysteries and so it was necessary to show them how simplistic that whole enterprise is.
You may find it at:
Well mystery poet, share only what you must, that is what I say.
It is said that geniuses are dunces and I will now testify that even us normal folk are too; I don’t have the gift to recognize individual characteristics in a person as my mind has the tendency to be a super-modeler, thus in my head personal characteristics are blurred into only those that can be amassed in the giant gelatinous whole we call humanity.
So be it you will tell me when you tell me but hey I like the tickling you’ve done.
Yes! Yes! Afghan from Kifre was an amazing piece to write, I knew I had released something spectacular, something friction free, something that would just flow and flow unhindered by pretense or by style. You caught that well but you missed one part, it actually was more my ego and id than anything I have ever written, in a purer sense that was the real me writing without the subjugations of intensity, character and social demands that one feels one has to accomplish. And in this way you have it, it was liberating, liberating because it didn’t have my maleness, it didn’t have my thinker, it just had me feeling essence much as I might have felt as a child once, once before reality started pounding reality into me.
I would hope that you have stumbled into Lies, would love to hear what you think of that one. It is a mystery novel, I don’t normally write detective mysteries but my wife and my most adorable Rosa, love mysteries and so it was necessary to show them how simplistic that whole enterprise is.
You may find it at:
Well mystery poet, share only what you must, that is what I say.
Monday, August 15, 2005
“do you think you can kill a brother off so easily?” Magdlen
I don’t know if you are expressing a loose incredulity with the story as a whole, a story that is reaching to show that there are a disproportionate number of beginnings and endings within the context of a life, including the ending of a genuine friend equally ending as a sort of adopted brother, and then having a sort of kissed off euthanasia ending.
Either way let me answer the question but first let me admit that I have never killed or hacked a gopher to death much less a brother at least in the literal sense.
The Watcher’s is an attempt at dealing with the incessant disconnect that is surmounted by our incessant persistence at consistency and indeed connectivity. Life blinks all the time, when we blink our consciousness remains alert only because the brain shuts down so that we don’t notice incessant blinking. Perhaps the same thing happens when we hack a gopher, the very act shuts something off inside of us, perhaps the very same thing happens in the act of torture, perhaps we blink, perhaps our entire consciousness blinks; perhaps genocide is an act permissible by a humanity blinking away.
In The Watchers, our protagonist is dealing with a disassociation that I associate with blinking, he is trying to continue his research, he is figuring out how to continue his research while dealing with the ordeal that his research assistant, Dr Randall, has become a quadriplegic. In short he is looking the other way so as to ignore the obvious, Dr Randall is never going to recover, Dr Randall is like a brother to him and he doesn’t want to face that ending.
In my real life Magdlen, (sorry I don’t know your real name) I have suffered the ending of a great friend Antonio, a wonderful brother Gabriel and a phenomenal mother, Patricia; all endings that I didn’t want to face, I always hoped I would die first but then evidence shows that I had my part in their dying first.
I never knew Antonio in person as he was a pure theatric of an Internet friendship, we must have poured 600 letters between us but we never spoke a word or saw each other alive. In a sense the absence of presence made for a more promising friendship; which indeed it was. One day however I had to fly to Minneapolis Minnesota to see his corpse, I should have never gone, that put an unwanted period in our semantics.
My brother died of AIDS, I suppose I know how pestilence and famine destroyed civilizations, AIDS making bed with my brother brought our entire family to a stand still. In a sense I went a little crazy when my brother took his own life, because he could not sit in a bed anymore; when he called to say goodbye I didn’t answer the phone. That made a runon on our semantics.
You think by that point I would have learnt how to say goodbye but I hadn’t. Mother suffered a stroke and by doing so ended my time in America; but as I came to be with her and to sooth some of her ills there was still the challenge of being her son, and I never overcame that; we argued a lot more than either expected to argue, and then when her time was near, she could sense that she would have no further to go with me. She stopped taking her medicine, she told me so, I did nothing to encourage her to resume taking it, I might have helped killed her with the absence of my urgings.
In some ways I guess I think it is easy to kill a brother but not as easy as having something to do with killing him by way of everyday simple life associations. Maybe a mother too may be killed in this assimilated manner of indifference.
In The Watchers our protagonist is looking at Dr Randall’s wife and he realizes that she is his connectivity to Randall and that Randall must be let go by those that love him; and thus then assumes the only kind and irresponsible and irrational act, he kisses Nancy and ends the blinking slightly off key.
Perhaps it was a terrorist act, perhaps it was an act of extreme kindness, perhaps it was an acknowledgement of the feelings had by someone that had not ended.
Either way let me answer the question but first let me admit that I have never killed or hacked a gopher to death much less a brother at least in the literal sense.
The Watcher’s is an attempt at dealing with the incessant disconnect that is surmounted by our incessant persistence at consistency and indeed connectivity. Life blinks all the time, when we blink our consciousness remains alert only because the brain shuts down so that we don’t notice incessant blinking. Perhaps the same thing happens when we hack a gopher, the very act shuts something off inside of us, perhaps the very same thing happens in the act of torture, perhaps we blink, perhaps our entire consciousness blinks; perhaps genocide is an act permissible by a humanity blinking away.
In The Watchers, our protagonist is dealing with a disassociation that I associate with blinking, he is trying to continue his research, he is figuring out how to continue his research while dealing with the ordeal that his research assistant, Dr Randall, has become a quadriplegic. In short he is looking the other way so as to ignore the obvious, Dr Randall is never going to recover, Dr Randall is like a brother to him and he doesn’t want to face that ending.
In my real life Magdlen, (sorry I don’t know your real name) I have suffered the ending of a great friend Antonio, a wonderful brother Gabriel and a phenomenal mother, Patricia; all endings that I didn’t want to face, I always hoped I would die first but then evidence shows that I had my part in their dying first.
I never knew Antonio in person as he was a pure theatric of an Internet friendship, we must have poured 600 letters between us but we never spoke a word or saw each other alive. In a sense the absence of presence made for a more promising friendship; which indeed it was. One day however I had to fly to Minneapolis Minnesota to see his corpse, I should have never gone, that put an unwanted period in our semantics.
My brother died of AIDS, I suppose I know how pestilence and famine destroyed civilizations, AIDS making bed with my brother brought our entire family to a stand still. In a sense I went a little crazy when my brother took his own life, because he could not sit in a bed anymore; when he called to say goodbye I didn’t answer the phone. That made a runon on our semantics.
You think by that point I would have learnt how to say goodbye but I hadn’t. Mother suffered a stroke and by doing so ended my time in America; but as I came to be with her and to sooth some of her ills there was still the challenge of being her son, and I never overcame that; we argued a lot more than either expected to argue, and then when her time was near, she could sense that she would have no further to go with me. She stopped taking her medicine, she told me so, I did nothing to encourage her to resume taking it, I might have helped killed her with the absence of my urgings.
In some ways I guess I think it is easy to kill a brother but not as easy as having something to do with killing him by way of everyday simple life associations. Maybe a mother too may be killed in this assimilated manner of indifference.
In The Watchers our protagonist is looking at Dr Randall’s wife and he realizes that she is his connectivity to Randall and that Randall must be let go by those that love him; and thus then assumes the only kind and irresponsible and irrational act, he kisses Nancy and ends the blinking slightly off key.
Perhaps it was a terrorist act, perhaps it was an act of extreme kindness, perhaps it was an acknowledgement of the feelings had by someone that had not ended.
Saturday, August 06, 2005
The Watchers
The nascent epidemiology of the constant assumes that there are many things in between and no endings and no beginnings as no one wants to accept the responsibility for being the end and no one wants to assume control of the sort that is allotted to beginnings. I was working on precisely these principles, my job as Chief Scientist for The Arribo Group was to establish where there was complete disruption in continuity, by implication where beginnings collapse to allow other beginnings and how endings manifest themselves so as to evidence point to point structures.
It is an arcane physics, dealing with such plausible things as the geometry of space-time within such esotericism as the quantification of dimensional border crossings and metaphysical causality; these latter encompassed the quintessence of my research: at what point does reality merge with the universe? where does the border of genuine manifestations accomplish a release from the ether-ephemeral into material realities that embody cause and effect realities?
To simplify all that in more legal framework, I think it was Hegel that noted that reality was rational and what was rational was real. Which of course implies that anything that you can explain is real and my concern is why would something bother to cascade into real, that is into the known and explainable? At the very least it seemed boring, still there was a complication: You could not easily explain, much less understand, humans, and thus the premise of my research: If we are real what border had we crossed to become so, and why were we so incomprehensible? That is of course if we dare to assume that Hegel was right and you extend the obvious assumption that we are the only rational animal, in essence the most real and thus the one that must understand things so as to make them real…a.k.a. The Watchers!
The extreme of my research was bordered by where the soul enters the essence of self, character structures and, last, the cumbersome body. While my wife Anthelene thought I was rather brilliant for tackling such research, the truth was that studying the border interactions of existence did not match having to understand the essence of anything; I was merely dealing with the interactions between dimensional energies that stirred each other into varying alchemies. Perhaps because I didn't think it so difficult, I thought I could approach the problem with some reasonable axioms, and thus I was able to acquire the necessary grants to pass my days thinking of such matters. In the end the evidence would fall on the lap of the less theoretical physicists the experimenters, a task that I found as mundane as it is unnecessary. Once I worked out a theory I moved on to the next thing; it wasn't that I was lazy it was that I understood that once I thought something it was immediately in the collective memory.
Dr. Randall was my associate. I was now waiting for him to miraculously recover from a severe injury he acquired while mountain climbing some iced pinnacle. Don't know what it is about theoretical physicists but they love nature so much that they like to go here and there in expensive climbing boots and a little rope and handhold rocks. Dr Randall, we called him Rand, saved the all from being pronounced and that in itself was part of my study, why Rand and Randall had an unnatural border against their natural borders. Randall was a whole name, Rand had unnatural borders; thought it could in itself also be a whole and complete name, but for some reason, at least for Dr Randall, the acquisition of a Rand became a subcategory, an alias. The beginning, that is origin, priori, preposition were left untouched but the finale had been collapsed. Why would the latter be allowed by our way of thinking about language and not the collapse of beginnings? Why was the border on the side of beginnings harder to collapse than the collapsing of border endings?
Even in heads and tails the evidence was substantial, a lizard can easily lose its tail and survive the experience but not its head. Further evidence pointed to some interesting conjectures, the sum distortions and breakups of last names throughout history pointed to a breakage pattern that anointed a sort of rigidity towards the beginnings of first, middle and last names. This as if beginnings naturally were the controlling center of gravity for names and even words in general. You could see the phonics of names surviving, anchored only by their capital first letter. Randall could dissolve into an extreme such as Rhealdal and still be held together through an arcane conjecture held dismissively through the ages by just the letter "R". This because in some origin of lexicons you could find everything that ever commenced with the letter "R"; or we could dilute it further and still get the same from everything that sounded like an AHR and how it once, for the sake of contriteness, collapsed to rapid R.
Suppositions such as those above have a natural tendency to extend themselves into sub-categorical suppositions but there is a border to that as well; for some reason beginnings define endings and thus conclude borders. AHR or R is limited by the supposition of its very existence. Thus the reason, outside of linearity, why the letters Q and L exist is some mindful border crossing that the letter R or the sound AHR cannot and will not violate. In other words, an alphabet is a sign that the vocal universe has not a single letter that encompasses and collapses all. A monk humming the cosmic ohm is always missing something; perhaps ohm stretches as far as vocalistics may stretch but one may conclude that the breadth of ohm cannot define a universal entity or infinity. At best one could suppose, from the phonics of ohm, that its border, at least at one end away from the uttering monk, is slippery but yet finite.
These junctions are easily observable in letters as they form words but would be more difficult to observe in Randall's soul and body connection. Yet we could assume that the very same thing that occurred in the happenstance of a name could be transposed and observed in the essence and personification of Dr Randall.
My job was not only to establish the link in the gravity that existed starting with the R in Randall and the maximum allowed discombobulation of its phonetics so as to determine the maximum strength of its possessive R, but equally to determine what held Randall the scientist tied to reality even as he has suffered a severe accident, where he was held together by cast body irons and bolts, where he might be wishing himself dead, and yet he was holding himself together, talking to friends, relatives and his wife Nancy through a series of absences of noise and a presence of blinks that amounted to a blinking dependant Morse code.
There was also the border that once existed between Nancy and Randall that was now being held and violated by an obviously strong attractive force, which allowed for her to sit next to him for hours on end taking dictation from his ever blinking eyes; where he even mastered independent asynchronous blinking and could dictate two letters at the same time by dislocating the synchronicity of both eyelids. Nancy had learned to interpret and count both unsynchronized blinks simultaneously to deduce letter counts. And so now there had been a new borderless relationship between husband and wife and so possessively nondescript that they had reinvented their form of communication rather than let go of each other, proving how insurmountable their pairing pairs had become.
As you might well imagine upon hearing of Dr Randall's unfortunate fall into quadriplegics I panicked thinking that his contribution to our research would be held off indefinitely, and thus pounced us a major set back; we had after all done good work together and I considered him a valuable contributor. But then, in a most miraculous of fashions, it turned out that he was indeed performing a greater contribution now as a quadriplegic; from his ambulatory helplessness I began to realize the order of borders.
Nancy was what I would consider an incredibly strong willed woman; she was very active in her own career, an astronomer by trade. I never truly bothered to understand what she did but apparently she was always trying in this or that way to prove that the big bang didn't happen, and rather that the universe as a whole could not be pigeonholed into a singularity of space and time so absolute that it weighed crushing gravities of matter into irreparable insignificance; only to one day cause a vomiting of space-time now called the big bang. Nancy would feistily argue that this singularity was too optimal, too organized, too well thought out and thus too rational to explain the universe. In a sense Nancy thought, and she was also an expert on Quantum, that the universe was irrational, i.e. singularly borderless and using Hegel's inflexible ruler, mostly not real or worse realizable.
The problem that I had with Nancy's dinner party chimes was that if she was correct then our reality was merely some coincidental happening and thus it could not be described in any coherent manner. The implications were, to summarize it, that knowledge could not be known, that the epistemology of being was dead from the get go, in short, and it did offer some form of comfort for a researcher in my plight, in short the thing that had the shortest length, the lowest possible density, the quickest beginning and an ending not even plank length was the understanding of being. The understanding of being was inherently so unstable that it would collapse as soon as it was possible to know it, which of course it implied that you could not very much experiment with it. And if these things were true it would certainly explain why in scientific endeavors we scientists always seem to succeed at the expense of our ancestors, where killing off Newtonian and Alchemistic theories bring about new beginnings each with a shorter lifespan than the previous one; this latter for as we understand things a lot faster now they can perish faster still.
This indefatigable premise of the rapid extinction of ideas does not in any way explain why ideas continue to be born at such a feverish rate, perhaps it is because they aren't able to mature so they keep on reproducing themselves like viruses. Thus, being unable to understand is an endemic fertile nutrient for ideas. Of course I never paid much attention to Nancy at our dinner gatherings; I laughed a lot at her solemn deconstruction project of neutering the big bang. Why Anthelene and I would ponder that Nancy was actually thinking herself out of existence, nullifying herself with her premise and thus we thought it a bit unhealthy and disproportionately unnatural. As Anthelene put it, "We should be glad she is one of a kind."
All that changed in me when the honorable Dr Diana Folleck, a radical feminist and, unfortunately for me, the head of our university, gave a speech about Dr Brodeck's struggle against the male-dominated Big Bang community. According to the undistinguished Diana, a lover of all things masculine except men, Dr Nancy Brodeck was formulating a theory that would single-handedly redefine the universe into a mostly girls school diatribe where the expletive man-logic could be spliced into a cognitive feminine.
I would like to tell you that Randal and I listened to her speech but we didn't really, we were merely in attendance to assure that our grants were granted favorable sapphire eyes; but Rand then noted something piquant, "It is possible to see here how Folleck is pinching the ends of male and female divides, if she at once sees no need for man, it has to be because, as it is evident, she has incorporated maleness into herself; in fact she is a Unitarian of singularities, if all men were dead they would be dead outside of her but not within."
And perhaps due to my disdain for all feminists, when Rand put it that way it hit me that Nancy was dead on right, the singularity was not self-sustainable, but because it was a singularity it could not acknowledge anything outside of itself. That was the defining factor in border crossings. Sustainability had a mandated, an inward-looking reality, inwardness could be rational and individualistic. Eureka.
Bow to that; now that I didn't have Rand around to explain the Nancy logics I had it in me to realize that I had to eliminate the border of humor that I had created between Nancy and I.
I spent many days at the hospital. I didn't have the patience to communicate with Rand through his incessant blinking process, so our intermediary was always Nancy, she had pretty much abandoned her research, she had cancelled all her conferences, and with that I started to see the receding borders of her existence. She had to entrench in order to repeal what was happening in her innermost life, her social and professional borders were largely constructs of her relationship to herself and to Randall, and now she had not the energies to overextend her orbits. Anthelene attempted to take her away on weekend trips to our house on the lake, the lake and the nature trails that she adored had no longer the tug to pull her towards them, in a sense Anthelene and I were watching Dr Nancy Brodeck implode into a singularity that her entire science denied. I as the observer could see the definition of borders through entire scales of civilization; gradually Nancy and Anthelene became distant from one another, Nancy's dedication was now to blink with her husband.
I walked into the Randalls’ room, the machines keeping his reality alive pronouncing border crossing violations, nurses and doctors pumping their knowledge to sustain a reality called Randall, a reality that would not surrender, that kept dictating insights into our research, a reality that would pause when Randall would finally flicker off and end the cross border association with the machines that even depended on him to keep themselves plugged in.
I have worked in my endeavors with many brilliant researchers, Rand was a good researcher but he was not brilliant, he was warm and human and a man of verse, he would tell me what it was like to climb those mountains, to burn his toes with grafting ice, he would see the occasional eagle space itself through thin skies while determining him inadmissible prey; there was a cross-less border, though Randall hypothesized that if he fell to his death, the eagle could cross that border before the snow would cross it and harden him.
I think the only mountains that he hadn't trounced were the highest mountains, he climbed only to touch the earth. In some ways, I always felt that Rand was helping me cross the borders from the theoretical towards the real, and I enjoyed him very much, perhaps I even loved him as one might a brother one never had, and now that brother, Randall, was in this sterilized hospital room, watching his wife from some inner corner somewhere far away, longing perhaps to kiss her thin impregnable lips.
I sat next to Nancy and did what any good brother might have done, I breached the gap between her lips and mine, it must have lasted less than did the big bang. And the machines and diodes fluttered hyperactive heart and brain activity from Dr Randall's breath and blood, alarms went off.
Nancy's faced blushed with anger and incomprehension, nurses and doctors rushing in, "pulse too rapid, blood pressure too high, patient spastic,…" the room fully alive and everyone wondering what was happening to the patient that had been relatively stable for the past four months, except for two people that were outside the room even as they were inside; Nancy and I, she staring furiously at me, I simply looking at her in some form of outside community with Randall, we were inside the three of us, only seconds later, Randall escaped definition.
Head nurse shouts, "doctor, I have no pulse."
A long flat line after a brother's last mountain climb.
It is an arcane physics, dealing with such plausible things as the geometry of space-time within such esotericism as the quantification of dimensional border crossings and metaphysical causality; these latter encompassed the quintessence of my research: at what point does reality merge with the universe? where does the border of genuine manifestations accomplish a release from the ether-ephemeral into material realities that embody cause and effect realities?
To simplify all that in more legal framework, I think it was Hegel that noted that reality was rational and what was rational was real. Which of course implies that anything that you can explain is real and my concern is why would something bother to cascade into real, that is into the known and explainable? At the very least it seemed boring, still there was a complication: You could not easily explain, much less understand, humans, and thus the premise of my research: If we are real what border had we crossed to become so, and why were we so incomprehensible? That is of course if we dare to assume that Hegel was right and you extend the obvious assumption that we are the only rational animal, in essence the most real and thus the one that must understand things so as to make them real…a.k.a. The Watchers!
The extreme of my research was bordered by where the soul enters the essence of self, character structures and, last, the cumbersome body. While my wife Anthelene thought I was rather brilliant for tackling such research, the truth was that studying the border interactions of existence did not match having to understand the essence of anything; I was merely dealing with the interactions between dimensional energies that stirred each other into varying alchemies. Perhaps because I didn't think it so difficult, I thought I could approach the problem with some reasonable axioms, and thus I was able to acquire the necessary grants to pass my days thinking of such matters. In the end the evidence would fall on the lap of the less theoretical physicists the experimenters, a task that I found as mundane as it is unnecessary. Once I worked out a theory I moved on to the next thing; it wasn't that I was lazy it was that I understood that once I thought something it was immediately in the collective memory.
Dr. Randall was my associate. I was now waiting for him to miraculously recover from a severe injury he acquired while mountain climbing some iced pinnacle. Don't know what it is about theoretical physicists but they love nature so much that they like to go here and there in expensive climbing boots and a little rope and handhold rocks. Dr Randall, we called him Rand, saved the all from being pronounced and that in itself was part of my study, why Rand and Randall had an unnatural border against their natural borders. Randall was a whole name, Rand had unnatural borders; thought it could in itself also be a whole and complete name, but for some reason, at least for Dr Randall, the acquisition of a Rand became a subcategory, an alias. The beginning, that is origin, priori, preposition were left untouched but the finale had been collapsed. Why would the latter be allowed by our way of thinking about language and not the collapse of beginnings? Why was the border on the side of beginnings harder to collapse than the collapsing of border endings?
Even in heads and tails the evidence was substantial, a lizard can easily lose its tail and survive the experience but not its head. Further evidence pointed to some interesting conjectures, the sum distortions and breakups of last names throughout history pointed to a breakage pattern that anointed a sort of rigidity towards the beginnings of first, middle and last names. This as if beginnings naturally were the controlling center of gravity for names and even words in general. You could see the phonics of names surviving, anchored only by their capital first letter. Randall could dissolve into an extreme such as Rhealdal and still be held together through an arcane conjecture held dismissively through the ages by just the letter "R". This because in some origin of lexicons you could find everything that ever commenced with the letter "R"; or we could dilute it further and still get the same from everything that sounded like an AHR and how it once, for the sake of contriteness, collapsed to rapid R.
Suppositions such as those above have a natural tendency to extend themselves into sub-categorical suppositions but there is a border to that as well; for some reason beginnings define endings and thus conclude borders. AHR or R is limited by the supposition of its very existence. Thus the reason, outside of linearity, why the letters Q and L exist is some mindful border crossing that the letter R or the sound AHR cannot and will not violate. In other words, an alphabet is a sign that the vocal universe has not a single letter that encompasses and collapses all. A monk humming the cosmic ohm is always missing something; perhaps ohm stretches as far as vocalistics may stretch but one may conclude that the breadth of ohm cannot define a universal entity or infinity. At best one could suppose, from the phonics of ohm, that its border, at least at one end away from the uttering monk, is slippery but yet finite.
These junctions are easily observable in letters as they form words but would be more difficult to observe in Randall's soul and body connection. Yet we could assume that the very same thing that occurred in the happenstance of a name could be transposed and observed in the essence and personification of Dr Randall.
My job was not only to establish the link in the gravity that existed starting with the R in Randall and the maximum allowed discombobulation of its phonetics so as to determine the maximum strength of its possessive R, but equally to determine what held Randall the scientist tied to reality even as he has suffered a severe accident, where he was held together by cast body irons and bolts, where he might be wishing himself dead, and yet he was holding himself together, talking to friends, relatives and his wife Nancy through a series of absences of noise and a presence of blinks that amounted to a blinking dependant Morse code.
There was also the border that once existed between Nancy and Randall that was now being held and violated by an obviously strong attractive force, which allowed for her to sit next to him for hours on end taking dictation from his ever blinking eyes; where he even mastered independent asynchronous blinking and could dictate two letters at the same time by dislocating the synchronicity of both eyelids. Nancy had learned to interpret and count both unsynchronized blinks simultaneously to deduce letter counts. And so now there had been a new borderless relationship between husband and wife and so possessively nondescript that they had reinvented their form of communication rather than let go of each other, proving how insurmountable their pairing pairs had become.
As you might well imagine upon hearing of Dr Randall's unfortunate fall into quadriplegics I panicked thinking that his contribution to our research would be held off indefinitely, and thus pounced us a major set back; we had after all done good work together and I considered him a valuable contributor. But then, in a most miraculous of fashions, it turned out that he was indeed performing a greater contribution now as a quadriplegic; from his ambulatory helplessness I began to realize the order of borders.
Nancy was what I would consider an incredibly strong willed woman; she was very active in her own career, an astronomer by trade. I never truly bothered to understand what she did but apparently she was always trying in this or that way to prove that the big bang didn't happen, and rather that the universe as a whole could not be pigeonholed into a singularity of space and time so absolute that it weighed crushing gravities of matter into irreparable insignificance; only to one day cause a vomiting of space-time now called the big bang. Nancy would feistily argue that this singularity was too optimal, too organized, too well thought out and thus too rational to explain the universe. In a sense Nancy thought, and she was also an expert on Quantum, that the universe was irrational, i.e. singularly borderless and using Hegel's inflexible ruler, mostly not real or worse realizable.
The problem that I had with Nancy's dinner party chimes was that if she was correct then our reality was merely some coincidental happening and thus it could not be described in any coherent manner. The implications were, to summarize it, that knowledge could not be known, that the epistemology of being was dead from the get go, in short, and it did offer some form of comfort for a researcher in my plight, in short the thing that had the shortest length, the lowest possible density, the quickest beginning and an ending not even plank length was the understanding of being. The understanding of being was inherently so unstable that it would collapse as soon as it was possible to know it, which of course it implied that you could not very much experiment with it. And if these things were true it would certainly explain why in scientific endeavors we scientists always seem to succeed at the expense of our ancestors, where killing off Newtonian and Alchemistic theories bring about new beginnings each with a shorter lifespan than the previous one; this latter for as we understand things a lot faster now they can perish faster still.
This indefatigable premise of the rapid extinction of ideas does not in any way explain why ideas continue to be born at such a feverish rate, perhaps it is because they aren't able to mature so they keep on reproducing themselves like viruses. Thus, being unable to understand is an endemic fertile nutrient for ideas. Of course I never paid much attention to Nancy at our dinner gatherings; I laughed a lot at her solemn deconstruction project of neutering the big bang. Why Anthelene and I would ponder that Nancy was actually thinking herself out of existence, nullifying herself with her premise and thus we thought it a bit unhealthy and disproportionately unnatural. As Anthelene put it, "We should be glad she is one of a kind."
All that changed in me when the honorable Dr Diana Folleck, a radical feminist and, unfortunately for me, the head of our university, gave a speech about Dr Brodeck's struggle against the male-dominated Big Bang community. According to the undistinguished Diana, a lover of all things masculine except men, Dr Nancy Brodeck was formulating a theory that would single-handedly redefine the universe into a mostly girls school diatribe where the expletive man-logic could be spliced into a cognitive feminine.
I would like to tell you that Randal and I listened to her speech but we didn't really, we were merely in attendance to assure that our grants were granted favorable sapphire eyes; but Rand then noted something piquant, "It is possible to see here how Folleck is pinching the ends of male and female divides, if she at once sees no need for man, it has to be because, as it is evident, she has incorporated maleness into herself; in fact she is a Unitarian of singularities, if all men were dead they would be dead outside of her but not within."
And perhaps due to my disdain for all feminists, when Rand put it that way it hit me that Nancy was dead on right, the singularity was not self-sustainable, but because it was a singularity it could not acknowledge anything outside of itself. That was the defining factor in border crossings. Sustainability had a mandated, an inward-looking reality, inwardness could be rational and individualistic. Eureka.
Bow to that; now that I didn't have Rand around to explain the Nancy logics I had it in me to realize that I had to eliminate the border of humor that I had created between Nancy and I.
I spent many days at the hospital. I didn't have the patience to communicate with Rand through his incessant blinking process, so our intermediary was always Nancy, she had pretty much abandoned her research, she had cancelled all her conferences, and with that I started to see the receding borders of her existence. She had to entrench in order to repeal what was happening in her innermost life, her social and professional borders were largely constructs of her relationship to herself and to Randall, and now she had not the energies to overextend her orbits. Anthelene attempted to take her away on weekend trips to our house on the lake, the lake and the nature trails that she adored had no longer the tug to pull her towards them, in a sense Anthelene and I were watching Dr Nancy Brodeck implode into a singularity that her entire science denied. I as the observer could see the definition of borders through entire scales of civilization; gradually Nancy and Anthelene became distant from one another, Nancy's dedication was now to blink with her husband.
I walked into the Randalls’ room, the machines keeping his reality alive pronouncing border crossing violations, nurses and doctors pumping their knowledge to sustain a reality called Randall, a reality that would not surrender, that kept dictating insights into our research, a reality that would pause when Randall would finally flicker off and end the cross border association with the machines that even depended on him to keep themselves plugged in.
I have worked in my endeavors with many brilliant researchers, Rand was a good researcher but he was not brilliant, he was warm and human and a man of verse, he would tell me what it was like to climb those mountains, to burn his toes with grafting ice, he would see the occasional eagle space itself through thin skies while determining him inadmissible prey; there was a cross-less border, though Randall hypothesized that if he fell to his death, the eagle could cross that border before the snow would cross it and harden him.
I think the only mountains that he hadn't trounced were the highest mountains, he climbed only to touch the earth. In some ways, I always felt that Rand was helping me cross the borders from the theoretical towards the real, and I enjoyed him very much, perhaps I even loved him as one might a brother one never had, and now that brother, Randall, was in this sterilized hospital room, watching his wife from some inner corner somewhere far away, longing perhaps to kiss her thin impregnable lips.
I sat next to Nancy and did what any good brother might have done, I breached the gap between her lips and mine, it must have lasted less than did the big bang. And the machines and diodes fluttered hyperactive heart and brain activity from Dr Randall's breath and blood, alarms went off.
Nancy's faced blushed with anger and incomprehension, nurses and doctors rushing in, "pulse too rapid, blood pressure too high, patient spastic,…" the room fully alive and everyone wondering what was happening to the patient that had been relatively stable for the past four months, except for two people that were outside the room even as they were inside; Nancy and I, she staring furiously at me, I simply looking at her in some form of outside community with Randall, we were inside the three of us, only seconds later, Randall escaped definition.
Head nurse shouts, "doctor, I have no pulse."
A long flat line after a brother's last mountain climb.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
the runaway idea of Shakespeare
I am a little surprised to hear that Scott reads science fiction, I wouldn’t have expected it, nor did I expect that he would still be reading Shakespeare. Science Fiction itself is a genre that I think can be compared to video games; SF readers and Video Game players are stuck in some type of a mental loop that they do not seem to recognize; there are a finite number of alien civilizations and a finite number of obstacles and enemies. SF in particular always reconstructs the same theme, which could be summarized as: rational is a practical tool that should not be taken to extremes, technology will save the universe and in the future emotions will serve feelings in a jar. By an large most science fiction entails a pseudo compromise of three things, feelings, biology and technology and they are not much more brilliant than that; science fiction landscapes sustain the same political realities that we perceive today, the same rivalries, the same economic difficulties and similar apocalyptic endeavors.
And then Scott makes the mental leap which few with any frame of reference would make by noting that Shakespeare is science fiction, and that trounces the mind. Is it possible? I take another sip of my cup of coffee. The thought comes like a two ton piece of iron 30 feet long, four feet wide and four inches thick. It doesn’t fit. I take another sip of coffee.
I always have said that I am bored by Shakespeare, I wish we would get over him and move on. But then I am also bored by Freud and Tchaikovsky and Darwin. I just want to move on, I mean 80 decades of psychoanalysis ought to be enough to include two orbits of repetition! Two centuries of evolution and we have not evolved beyond it! Why then evolution itself must be the best argument against evolution.
I think ideas some times are like lollypops, only after a while a lollipop melts away and ideas unfortunately don’t come with self destruct tags, and there is the folly of it. As a result some ideas permeate civilizations well beyond their times and prevent other more brilliant ideas, (read brilliant ideas like mine,) and thus ideas suffer from very long tails that squash everything.
Someone less brilliant might say, “But Ricardo doesn’t the fact that the idea of evolution has lasted almost two centuries, doesn’t that mean that it is fertile and rich with insight and thus humanity’s intellect continues to mine it?”
No! Absolutely no! An idea is only fertile the first quarter of its life expectancy. Psychoanalysis like Relativity were both exhausted of prime material by the 1970s; there has been no significant revelation made by either camp since the 1980s killed all lines of thought and turned the world into pure action adventure. According to ideal idea life expectancies, having successfully survived adolescence both psychoanalysis and relativity should die out within the next fifty years. Psychoanalysis gets a little longer life expectancy because it is not so much a science as it is an expression of sedentary angst.
“Bur Sir Ricardo how do you know the quarter fertile life of an idea without knowing when it died?”
It is a good question but not a wise or principled one. There is no need to suspect that ideas have reached the level of half life principles that Radioactivity has championed. Radioactivity has proven beyond all doubt that it is the most substantive singular idea that has ever existed. All things appear to have to come to terms with radiation, and the idea that cockroaches will survive an atomic bomb has obviously not been tested. If I am correct, and there is no reason nor contemporary evidence that disproves this, then radioactivity can also help us date ideas, in much the same way that carbon dating allows us to date mummies.
The reason for using radioactivity its because it is pervasive, all encompassing and thus it is an absolute. And as any department of weights and measures will tell you, rulers have to be absolute! Now having defined the ruler where do we start measuring? This is not as foolish a question as it sounds, it is subject to two possible interpretations but fortunately no more than that and so there is 50/50 chance that we will get it right and if not we can change our minds and still get it right anyways.
Our starting points have to be when the human species came to be or when ideas came to be within the human species? We have to decide if ideas were born with the inception of homo sapiens or if ideas were born after homo sapiens? That is, is having an idea synonymous with homo sapient existence or is an idea a parasite mandating a precursor homo sapient?
Like I’ve said, we may go either way but there is another problem, that is no one knows when humans really came into existence so we don’t know when idea & homo sapiens could have arisen. Rumor has it that it was about 300 thousand years ago. That is not a long time and it assumes that we have all the evidence and well of course we don’t for much of what we know about our origins is pure science fiction with a doctoral endeavor as its only supporting structure.
Yet I think we may ascertain one thing, humans have not been around for more than a million years and I am very comfortable with that large margin for error. A million years ago there weren’t a lot things here, and so a million years ago some chemical biology could have risen to create homo sapiens, or god could have said, “Let there be Adam and Eve.” (That must have been his wisest move, naming things, baptism and cataloguing go hand in hand.) Or some aliens might have germinated the planet a mere million years ago. So there you have it, starting with a none to precise number we have been kind and added longevity and resistance and a long time of ignorance to the human species.
A starting point is everything, we humans work a lot on beginnings and endings and so we are fortunate that it is only a million years ago; 100 thousand to the tenth power, 333 thousand multiplied by 3 plus a little more, or half a million twice, a million is nothing really!
I think you are getting the picture mi Rosa, Rosa mia, Rosa Rosa, if ideas & homo sapiens were born at the same time then the extreme extremists mostess fertile period for ideas can only be 25% of that existence! Then it stands to reason that all ideas must absolutely start to die after a theoretical maximum of 250 thousand years! That is an incredible discovery for it will allow us to measure if an idea has gotten away with humanity. That permits us to know if an idea is becoming too autonomous from us humans and thus dangerous to the human species.
Suppose for instance that the idea of there being an omnipotent being was an idea that considered the god-idea more important than the human species, to the point that the idea God would ask humanity to sacrifice itself for the god-idea. Well with our new criteria for the life expectancy of ideas we could readily conclude that such an idea was getting out of hand and, barring there being a Galileo with another idea to challenge it for the hearts and minds of our peoples, then such an idea might have to be put to death! And if peoples wouldn’t want to let go of it, even as they knew it to be bad for them, we could instead give them a lollipop until it melts.
Or suppose for instance that there was a nullifying point for evolutionary theory, a point at which humanity ceases to perfect itself through evolution because the environment is no longer a challenge; if there is no conflict with your surroundings then evolution might nullify itself. Where there is no need to adapt why therefore Darwin? One can easily imagine humanity creating such an artificial environment, an environment so subservient to humanity that any evolution could only be a consequence of manipulation. I don’t know if manipulation has been considered as a factor in evolutionary theory but I damn well doubted. The point here being that ideas can and may indeed die of natural causes, i.e. the environment is no longer favorable, or in catastrophes, i.e. unexpectedly turning into vulgar British comedy.
But let us continue with the difficulty or not of our measure. The fact of the matter is that the assumption that ideas are born with homo sapiens is wrong. What if ideas were born before homo sapiens? Why we happen to know that Homo Habilis used tools, and to me you have to have the idea to use tools, maybe that is not the same as making tools but if you use a stick to get at some delicious red ants you are in the idea, dark chocolate ideas cannot be far away. Only Habilis wasn’t apparently very successful, indeed in the evolutionary racetrack it dropped out of the race. But that doesn’t mean that we can avoid the heavy to lift idea: Is it possible that ideas originated before homo sapiens?
Minds cannot hold such things, it is easy to think that we are the uppermost intelligent of life forms, that doesn’t require any heavy lifting, but the idea that the human species was preconceived by an idea, a superlative at that, that is not so easily graspable and so I grapple with it. Shit, it is easy to say physical evidence easily implies that we are less than a million years old as a species but how do you date the origins of idea if such by reason of causation were to predate the advent of Milesian aquatics and even homo sapiens?
I now realize that we are a little dizzy from where we started, for now there is a third question so it is no longer a 50/50 proposition of error. Idea before humanity, Idea after humanity or Idea and humanity at the same time? That is the question.
Which in a round about way gets us back to Shakespeare, and that might actually help us to answer the question as Shakespearean thought has been one of the most repetitive ideas of all time to the point where it can even build theaters, actors, writers, wealth, and dramas in real life as a matter of pure consequence. This is a clear and unspoiled sign of a mature idea, The Shakespearian idea is a mature idea because it builds things, immature ideas, that is to say ideas that are still fertile cannot build anything because they haven’t even constructed themselves.
And I think here we have finally gotten a hold of something solid, at least when it comes to ideas, which as you have witness is not an easy thing to do. And that solid thing is that ideas that are mature build genuine and solid things! Shakespeare today is an industry, it edifies London and Londoners and indeed civilization; acting or directing a Shakespearian play is often the crux of a fine career; and quoting Shakespeare a sign of self inflicted cultural kudos. More important you don’t have to think Shakespeare any more, everyone knows Shakespearian thought, even the commonest of the commonest, the lowliest of the lowliest knows something or other about the much ado about Shakespeare.
And because it is an all pervasive idea it makes it very easy to lavish and subsidize it, and to recreate more of the idea anew until this idea enters every aspect of our existence. And thus I now bleakly realize what a logical transition it was for Scott to conclude that Shakespeare is science fiction. Far from being a brilliant insight it is rather a logical foretelling of what is inevitable, there will be a Quantumitized Hamlet; a Hamlet that at once is and isn’t, a hamlet in 11 stringing dimensions that uses a tractor-bean to bring about the murderers of his father, a Hamlet that will use 3D glasses to see his adulterous mother, a Hamlet that rages through the universe in a hyper-navi-usv squeaking atoms from his rage; and finally a Hamlet that realizes how insignificant he is after overreaching the frailty of his vanities. And in this final episode we can see Hamlet put a finite point in the universe, where he inks with his own blood the stained idea that ideas are before man and will be so after man.
A ruler cannot measure an object larger than itself.
And then Scott makes the mental leap which few with any frame of reference would make by noting that Shakespeare is science fiction, and that trounces the mind. Is it possible? I take another sip of my cup of coffee. The thought comes like a two ton piece of iron 30 feet long, four feet wide and four inches thick. It doesn’t fit. I take another sip of coffee.
I always have said that I am bored by Shakespeare, I wish we would get over him and move on. But then I am also bored by Freud and Tchaikovsky and Darwin. I just want to move on, I mean 80 decades of psychoanalysis ought to be enough to include two orbits of repetition! Two centuries of evolution and we have not evolved beyond it! Why then evolution itself must be the best argument against evolution.
I think ideas some times are like lollypops, only after a while a lollipop melts away and ideas unfortunately don’t come with self destruct tags, and there is the folly of it. As a result some ideas permeate civilizations well beyond their times and prevent other more brilliant ideas, (read brilliant ideas like mine,) and thus ideas suffer from very long tails that squash everything.
Someone less brilliant might say, “But Ricardo doesn’t the fact that the idea of evolution has lasted almost two centuries, doesn’t that mean that it is fertile and rich with insight and thus humanity’s intellect continues to mine it?”
No! Absolutely no! An idea is only fertile the first quarter of its life expectancy. Psychoanalysis like Relativity were both exhausted of prime material by the 1970s; there has been no significant revelation made by either camp since the 1980s killed all lines of thought and turned the world into pure action adventure. According to ideal idea life expectancies, having successfully survived adolescence both psychoanalysis and relativity should die out within the next fifty years. Psychoanalysis gets a little longer life expectancy because it is not so much a science as it is an expression of sedentary angst.
“Bur Sir Ricardo how do you know the quarter fertile life of an idea without knowing when it died?”
It is a good question but not a wise or principled one. There is no need to suspect that ideas have reached the level of half life principles that Radioactivity has championed. Radioactivity has proven beyond all doubt that it is the most substantive singular idea that has ever existed. All things appear to have to come to terms with radiation, and the idea that cockroaches will survive an atomic bomb has obviously not been tested. If I am correct, and there is no reason nor contemporary evidence that disproves this, then radioactivity can also help us date ideas, in much the same way that carbon dating allows us to date mummies.
The reason for using radioactivity its because it is pervasive, all encompassing and thus it is an absolute. And as any department of weights and measures will tell you, rulers have to be absolute! Now having defined the ruler where do we start measuring? This is not as foolish a question as it sounds, it is subject to two possible interpretations but fortunately no more than that and so there is 50/50 chance that we will get it right and if not we can change our minds and still get it right anyways.
Our starting points have to be when the human species came to be or when ideas came to be within the human species? We have to decide if ideas were born with the inception of homo sapiens or if ideas were born after homo sapiens? That is, is having an idea synonymous with homo sapient existence or is an idea a parasite mandating a precursor homo sapient?
Like I’ve said, we may go either way but there is another problem, that is no one knows when humans really came into existence so we don’t know when idea & homo sapiens could have arisen. Rumor has it that it was about 300 thousand years ago. That is not a long time and it assumes that we have all the evidence and well of course we don’t for much of what we know about our origins is pure science fiction with a doctoral endeavor as its only supporting structure.
Yet I think we may ascertain one thing, humans have not been around for more than a million years and I am very comfortable with that large margin for error. A million years ago there weren’t a lot things here, and so a million years ago some chemical biology could have risen to create homo sapiens, or god could have said, “Let there be Adam and Eve.” (That must have been his wisest move, naming things, baptism and cataloguing go hand in hand.) Or some aliens might have germinated the planet a mere million years ago. So there you have it, starting with a none to precise number we have been kind and added longevity and resistance and a long time of ignorance to the human species.
A starting point is everything, we humans work a lot on beginnings and endings and so we are fortunate that it is only a million years ago; 100 thousand to the tenth power, 333 thousand multiplied by 3 plus a little more, or half a million twice, a million is nothing really!
I think you are getting the picture mi Rosa, Rosa mia, Rosa Rosa, if ideas & homo sapiens were born at the same time then the extreme extremists mostess fertile period for ideas can only be 25% of that existence! Then it stands to reason that all ideas must absolutely start to die after a theoretical maximum of 250 thousand years! That is an incredible discovery for it will allow us to measure if an idea has gotten away with humanity. That permits us to know if an idea is becoming too autonomous from us humans and thus dangerous to the human species.
Suppose for instance that the idea of there being an omnipotent being was an idea that considered the god-idea more important than the human species, to the point that the idea God would ask humanity to sacrifice itself for the god-idea. Well with our new criteria for the life expectancy of ideas we could readily conclude that such an idea was getting out of hand and, barring there being a Galileo with another idea to challenge it for the hearts and minds of our peoples, then such an idea might have to be put to death! And if peoples wouldn’t want to let go of it, even as they knew it to be bad for them, we could instead give them a lollipop until it melts.
Or suppose for instance that there was a nullifying point for evolutionary theory, a point at which humanity ceases to perfect itself through evolution because the environment is no longer a challenge; if there is no conflict with your surroundings then evolution might nullify itself. Where there is no need to adapt why therefore Darwin? One can easily imagine humanity creating such an artificial environment, an environment so subservient to humanity that any evolution could only be a consequence of manipulation. I don’t know if manipulation has been considered as a factor in evolutionary theory but I damn well doubted. The point here being that ideas can and may indeed die of natural causes, i.e. the environment is no longer favorable, or in catastrophes, i.e. unexpectedly turning into vulgar British comedy.
But let us continue with the difficulty or not of our measure. The fact of the matter is that the assumption that ideas are born with homo sapiens is wrong. What if ideas were born before homo sapiens? Why we happen to know that Homo Habilis used tools, and to me you have to have the idea to use tools, maybe that is not the same as making tools but if you use a stick to get at some delicious red ants you are in the idea, dark chocolate ideas cannot be far away. Only Habilis wasn’t apparently very successful, indeed in the evolutionary racetrack it dropped out of the race. But that doesn’t mean that we can avoid the heavy to lift idea: Is it possible that ideas originated before homo sapiens?
Minds cannot hold such things, it is easy to think that we are the uppermost intelligent of life forms, that doesn’t require any heavy lifting, but the idea that the human species was preconceived by an idea, a superlative at that, that is not so easily graspable and so I grapple with it. Shit, it is easy to say physical evidence easily implies that we are less than a million years old as a species but how do you date the origins of idea if such by reason of causation were to predate the advent of Milesian aquatics and even homo sapiens?
I now realize that we are a little dizzy from where we started, for now there is a third question so it is no longer a 50/50 proposition of error. Idea before humanity, Idea after humanity or Idea and humanity at the same time? That is the question.
Which in a round about way gets us back to Shakespeare, and that might actually help us to answer the question as Shakespearean thought has been one of the most repetitive ideas of all time to the point where it can even build theaters, actors, writers, wealth, and dramas in real life as a matter of pure consequence. This is a clear and unspoiled sign of a mature idea, The Shakespearian idea is a mature idea because it builds things, immature ideas, that is to say ideas that are still fertile cannot build anything because they haven’t even constructed themselves.
And I think here we have finally gotten a hold of something solid, at least when it comes to ideas, which as you have witness is not an easy thing to do. And that solid thing is that ideas that are mature build genuine and solid things! Shakespeare today is an industry, it edifies London and Londoners and indeed civilization; acting or directing a Shakespearian play is often the crux of a fine career; and quoting Shakespeare a sign of self inflicted cultural kudos. More important you don’t have to think Shakespeare any more, everyone knows Shakespearian thought, even the commonest of the commonest, the lowliest of the lowliest knows something or other about the much ado about Shakespeare.
And because it is an all pervasive idea it makes it very easy to lavish and subsidize it, and to recreate more of the idea anew until this idea enters every aspect of our existence. And thus I now bleakly realize what a logical transition it was for Scott to conclude that Shakespeare is science fiction. Far from being a brilliant insight it is rather a logical foretelling of what is inevitable, there will be a Quantumitized Hamlet; a Hamlet that at once is and isn’t, a hamlet in 11 stringing dimensions that uses a tractor-bean to bring about the murderers of his father, a Hamlet that will use 3D glasses to see his adulterous mother, a Hamlet that rages through the universe in a hyper-navi-usv squeaking atoms from his rage; and finally a Hamlet that realizes how insignificant he is after overreaching the frailty of his vanities. And in this final episode we can see Hamlet put a finite point in the universe, where he inks with his own blood the stained idea that ideas are before man and will be so after man.
A ruler cannot measure an object larger than itself.
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