Saturday, December 04, 2010


Quantum and Relativity - it has long been a problem, overexposed, and in present view without a solution. However the dilemma of how to harmonize the disparity of quantum observations with relativity has been solved by me.

If what makes the universe are particles, waves, strings, why does the real world seem so deterministic? Why does it not fluctuate in and out of the nothingness like the subatomic particles that compose it?

Well the answer is that: Reality is the sum of a collapsed wave function that obscures all other potential states.

A subatomic particle can quantum entangle with another particle, it can tunnel, it can behave as a wave or as a particle. A subatomic particle suffering from quantum effects and subjected to the uncertainty principle could be everywhere at once and nowhere equally. The real world, where we play baseball and eat hotdogs does not behave like that. As much as you might like a hotdog cannot be everywhere at once. If a hotdog is in New York it can only be in New York nor can it be polarized to mimic another hotdog in Japan. If you twist a hotdog, with your fingers, in New York, the hot dog in Japan will not entangle twist with it. Sadly there is a strong probability that a hotdog is always a hotdog just like a pig is always a pig. It is unlikely that a hotdog can be anything else, it is unlikely that a hotdog may levitate and tunnel through walls, and yet all of the subatomic particles that compose a two-dollar-and-ninety-five cent hotdog can do these things that a hotdog cannot do.

One can make the argument that the same applies to car parts only backwards. A carburetor, a fuel pump and a gearbox cannot move from point A to point B by themselves but as part of a car they have the physical capability to do so. The process however is not reducible to its lowest level components, the process of moving from point A to point B. The Macro world, made up of cells, atoms or car parts cannot be expected to behave in the same way as its subdivided components. And yet here I hope to prove that nothing could be further from that truth.

A hotdog in Japan can change polarity if I dare twist a hotdog in New York. This can be done through a physical state called quantum entanglement which is as close as scientists can get to defining universal union and love. What they do in the lab is join two particles at the hip and then separate them by 149 kilometers and then, through prodding and poking they change the polarity of one particle and surprisingly the polarity of the other particle, that is 149 kilometers away, changes instantly without taking the time it takes to conquer the space in between them. This is what Einstein called “spooky action at a distance.” I will just say, for the record, that we were all joined at the hip before the big bang, and anything you do always affects me.


The first part we must understand about quantum is that it is not deterministic. There are no absolutes in quantum physics, in quantum everything has a probability of existing or not existing at all. States and conditions can be met with complete disregard for time and space, and in any direction for either.

In the quantum world you can make something happen but it probably would a happen without you knowing it happened anyway. For instance when a quantum particle goes through a wall and appears on the other side that is not what has actually happened. An engineer, working on a microprocessor design, is sitting there expecting that very result, called quantum tunneling, but in reality nothing of that sort has happened. In quantum physics the particle was on the other side of the wall already, in fact it has always been on the other side of the wall and on both sides of the wall at the same time, so it never has to go through it. The reason why we say that a particle has quantum tunneled is more so that we can explain to the engineer what has happened in her terms.

Particles don’t sit around performing stupid tricks for engineers, which is also why when a scientist observes light leaving a place it hasn’t entered, the only thing that has happened differently in the universe that day is the observation. The quantum dynamic itself is infinitely static and it is not moved or altered by observation but rather measured by it. Measurement itself is what reality is. When you measure something you are baking reality or more accurately opting to observe something that already exists but doesn’t exist for you until you observe it.

The second thing to know about quantum is the most important thing to know about it. Quantum is entirely based on observation. Quantum reality is not like American women that feel insulted when they are observed, it is instead like Latin women who feel offended when you don’t observe them. In Quantum it is what is observed that “theoretically” happens. It is what is recognized and acknowledge that eventuates. Quantum reality is entirely based on observation, this is because all quantum reality is energy based, and energy will not normalize until it is subjugated by an observation. This means that what you believe in, counts as much as what you see because the observer creates the reality that is observed. The macro reality, the collapsed wave function, caused by the observation, yet remains a probability after its proper construction. This accurately implies that all realities can deconstruct if you stop voting. The only reason why there are corrupt politicians and political parties it’s because you are still voting for them.

The third thing to know about quantum is: it does not care what you want to believe. It does not have a preference towards one type of reality or one type of universe or one type of physical laws over another. It will create the universe that you want to observe. This is because Quantum is always in a state of ambivalence until someone touches it. This is critical as it implies that there is a state of quantum where there is no polarity, that is neither negative nor positive, nor good and evil, quantum allows for a more primordial conditions of absolute coherence, in which all states are represented as an infinity, or more accurately nothing at all, as all of their values are absolute and therefore have no way to reference one another.

The fourth thing to know about quantum effects is that, because they are based purely on observation, they are entirely subjective. There is no such thing as objectivity in quantum physics because it is all dependent on observation, and when we talk of observation we are also talking about touch, feel, sensing, smelling, and instinct, mood, colors, etc. All subjective elements. This is critical because if you scale quantum upwards into the macro world it would then have to be equally subjective.

Which raises the question: If quantum is all subjective, why is there objectivity in the macro world? Or shall we call that objectivity relativity?

Relativity has always been the greatest misnomer of all time because Einstein was not saying that things are relative but that things are not relative, that they are fixed, that the universe is deterministic and that observation can skew one’s perception of the universe. In short relativity is the formula to observe the true physics of the universe in the same manner regardless of which point in space-time you are standing on. This is why it is so important to experiment in order to know if what is being observed is accurately representing the given reality. For instance, time can speed up and slow down. To anyone looking at a clock on earth or looking at a clock on the moon, time dilation is not an issue, until you compare the two and realize that the lack of gravity on the moon makes time on the moon pass at a slower pace. Relativity allows you to formulate the discrepancies and know the objective time between the two, moon and earth. It is called relativity because Einstein was trying to obviate the relativistic effects and ground the reality.

Relativity, like science, is objective. In other words in order for relativity to be correct there has to be an observable space-time that is independent of you and I. Einstein is using relativity to show the genuine reality, regardless not only of where you are in space-time but more horrific, regardless of who you are! In Einstein’s relativity the universe and its geometry can exist without you in it! There are fixed laws of physics, why light goes around planets, why gravity warps space-time, drags mass, instead of mass pulling mass or why energy and matter are equivalent to one another and no different than space-time; and why these are knowable things that can be calculated with a high degree of accuracy. So that a physicist’s in Japan and a physicist’s in New York, both eating a hotdog, can derive the same results merely counting on physical properties without ever having to worry about how they each feel that particular morning.


Science, and physics in specific, to no good end have been trying to resolve this odd rift between relativity and quantum. You could imagine a quantum scientist’s telling you: “No don’t observe that!” Because the quantum scientist’s knows that you are going to change everything through observation, where an expert on relativity would tell you that regardless of whether you are there or not, things are going to behave precisely in the same manner, so go ahead and touch it, feel it, look at it, it changes nothing. This is the equivalent of unrequited love. According to relativity the universe does not have to respond to your advances and even when it does it is merely you thinking that it is responding. Succinctly put, Relativity is Einstein thinking that Relativity can exist without Einstein, and as luck would have it, he immortalized himself explaining just that.

The problem is with the nature of science. Science is derived from the desire to explore a singularized and polarized decoherence. Decoherence is that state where things cannot hide from themselves or from one another. That means that science is the study of what is knowable. And yes there is a portion of the universe that is knowable, about 10% would be a good guess though it could be less and absolutely not more.

Science is able to study things that harden, that stand still, that can be dismembered, that respond to probing with tools, or questionnaires, it can study things that answer questions, and it can know things that always respond in the same manner regardless of who is asking the question. The empirical soul of science is there to explore things that can be observed nakedly, that can be taken apart, that can be classified, and that can be named. In other words science can only observe and study things that have lost most of their dynamic, are cooler by nature, will be reproducible in a laboratory and stay still long enough to be photographed.

When Science stumbled into quantum it stumbled into the “unscience.” It stumbled into something that requires a great deal of faith. When you are designing a microprocessor, for one of today’s computers, you have to truly believe what some of these particles are going to do, things like quantum tunneling; it’s like walking through walls only you end up on the other side without going through them; and you, as a digital engineer have to believe it is going to happen, that is all you can do, you don’t know how they do it, you just know it is possible, but no idea why and yet your processing results count on it.


When you are watching a baseball game and you are eating your hotdog, if you are like me, you might wish that your hotdog would turn into a ribeye steak. Since a hotdog is a particular of the generality of meat, it technically has the potential to be a ribeye steak in part because meat has the potential to be all meats. Like a stem cell has the ability to become a liver, kidney or pancreas, we can say, for the sake of this example, that those are all super positions, better called super potential, are held in a potential state until the cell starts to observe itself and it is observed by others as say, a liver. When a stem cell becomes a liver we can say that it has suffered decoherence, that is to say it has lost all other superposional states, it has absorbed a singularity and made it whole. It is now a liver and as a liver it has lost the potential states to become anything else. We do not observe superpotential in the macro world, planets cannot become suns, suns do not become books of matches, etc. In the same manner a particle in a quantum superposition can assume any and all physically probable states. If we say a particle is in a superposition we could just as easily be saying that there is no particle there, it is instead a state containing all possible states that a particle might assume. When we take that particle from its superposition and load it into a supercollider and measure and observe its position the particle loses its hypothetical potential states, and suffers decoherence into the state of a particle that the experiment or the reality have rigged into manifestation. In short everything that is observed in the process of making a hotdog conspires to make it less and less likely that it will ever be a ribeye steak.

Science being a methodology for exploring the singularity of a polarized decoherence has the ability to review any particles that have suffered decoherence in it, but it cannot review or visit the particle states that remain in a superposition. Remember that in quantum anything that you observe or touch with instrumentation will suffer decoherence as based on your expectations; that is the “tendency” of the given reality. Thus the focus of the, default reality, prejudices further observation and reproduces, i.e. reinforces, reality by polarizing the range of observable events into a massive, end-to-end singularity. And this prevents the observation of the fluidity between the macro and micro, quantum and relativity.

The thing that produces science, the micro-world and, the result, empirical observation, is what is preventing science from marrying quantum and relativity. Further, the bridge between quantum and relativity cannot be built by science because it is not an observation a scientific mind can make or experiment with.

We are then faced with a reality that could suffer superposition but doesn’t because everyone is focusing their observations and are comatose by them. The reality, by being what effects observation forces more observation of the same reality and reduces the micro superposition into insolvency. It would require a highly disruptive event to refocus the macro reality to react to its native and inherent fluidity. You don’t exist, you exist, you can go through walls, you can go backwards and forward in time, time does not exist so you exist at once, in some guise in a timeless void, which you cannot observe because you are focusing, observing the linearity of time, and thus creating the forward events that decohere superpositional states as you walk towards them. This may sound fantastic, it isn’t, it is everyday existence subsuming all other potential realities that causes you to adhere to the prevailing view of reality.

Science is in fact something that can only exist in a deterministic universe. This may come as a surprise to you but scientists, in order to make sense of things not only round off, they also avoid the nuisance that is infinity and timelessness. While their mathematics accurately goes on indefinitely scientists normalize mathematics to stop infinity from being a problem to the required results which are always deduced from the higher plane of reality. This devolves from the premise that there are knowables, i.e. knowledge, and that the knowledge can be used and reused as required. That makes science not only a participant in the creation of the knowable universe but it also makes it a conspirator in keeping the radius of the universe only pointed towards the knowable end of the spectrum. Science like a laser beam, not only narrows and focuses reality but through its pragmatic observations makes it logically knowable and thus linear and limited.


The abyss between Relativity and Quantum physics cannot be surmounted by modern science so a Grand Unified Theory is impossible. Science does not have the irrational grasp to be able to accept superpositions, which unify all or nothing at once, and lack all decoherence. It always seeks to make logic out of the universe and its components and limits it to such. It is up to a whole new way of looking at the universe, with a more subjective approach; where the subjective observer realizes once and for all that there are no objective realities only subjective realities. Any apparition of objectivity is merely an agglomeration of recombinant subjectivism which confluences to agree and decohere superpositions towards same principles; and those same principles can be misinterpreted, by a detached observers, say scientists, as objective.

Science by being rational limits its own understanding, and our understanding of the universe. Science reaches the limits of knowledge, either from its own logical limitations, or the more abundant but not less limited circumference of the knowable; it will cease to be able to realize the formulas that power its existence. Yes, science is as limited as knowledge only more so because to explore something you have to be within its parameters. Science can never know everything because the knowing of everything would destroy science, as science is powered by ignorance and feeds on knowledge.

The quantum state of superposition, and the decoherence factor allow a consciousness of any given type to explore those dimensions or states rational or irrational, but at cost in belief, you cannot believe that you are seeing something that is fixed, you must believe in the fluidity of existence to experience the quantum effect at room temperature. As with any fluid calculus the unknowns are too many, and the human not so adventurous. It is easier to watch a sequel of existence or to romanticize about the past than to experience something that could be so completely different that it might not have us, in a conscious framework.

Reality is then a singularity effect of an absolute decoherence that produces the effect of a singular reality because everyone is looking and observing in the same direction intently. From that perspective it is impossible to observe any other realities unless of course one does metaphysics instead of physics and contemplates instead of observing. If you want to marry relativity and quantum, then you will need to use metaphysics, because only metaphysics can turn the water into wine. Or more accurately, it is willing to do it.

Ricardo Correa

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