I have just reviewed the contents of a bottle of Queen Anne whisky and there appear to be plenty enough to last me through this excerpt from a letter to Rosa. Yes I have started drinking whiskey, the logical progression of a distressed alcoholic, an organized life must follow patterns, that is what I say.
Lets take up the point of control, and let us try to view the universe through a different set of eyes than those afforded us by the five thinkers that control the modern world psyche. Instead suppose that I am right, and that we are attached to everything and everything is attached to us, and then suppose that our brains are not per say autonomous units that operate to divine logic but instead let us suppose that our brains are nothing more than antennae that pick up all sentient elements, be they experience or aesthetic principles, the latter being voided of experience as they are rather for the enjoyment of feeling the remarkable associations throughout the sentient geometry of all beings.
Recently Ravens have been caught in the act of being sneaky, calculating and forward thinking. A raven was spotted stealing from another raven as a way of avoiding doing work like figuring out where the pebble was. The other raven, (doing all the work, figuring out where the pebble was and then pressing the appropriate tray,) realized that he was being taken advantage of by the greater bully, and so tricked the bully into thinking that the pebble was in the place where it wasn’t, and while bully was at it the imaginative raven went on and ate the real pebble.
An article, on the subject, in the New York Times, went on to say how we might have to redefine the “Them and Us” way of thinking about the animal world if we keep on encountering behaviors that were once only attributed to humans.
If a raven may well be cunning then what realm of human experience isn’t covered by that, not much Id say. Day after day I watch Bush handle a reelection and I say that guy was cunning; then they tell me how he once owned a baseball team and I say that was cunning; and then he makes a war because he is a war president and I say there is a guy that sees opportunity when he sees it; and now with Katrina all over the map, the guy continues to con us all. And so suffice it to say that the difference between Bush and a Raven is that the Raven is less cunning which is to say more good.
Regardless of all that the raven is not cunning because he is smart with that bird brain of his, anymore than we can say that president Bush is smart because he has a little brain. However for once, W will help us advance the cause of humankind in much the same way that the Raven will too. Even though they do not have large brains both W and R can be effectively cunning because they tapped into the entire spectrum of sentient activity, they feel their surroundings by letting their essence bleed through and thus the surroundings bled back all the environmental information in a sort of communed feedback loop; where they can then use the gamut of human or sentient essence experience throughout their daily activity; this as if indeed they were all knowing or very smart indeed.
It is easier for us to think that our president is a very smart man, else why would he be our president, than it is for us to imagine that he is merely a puppet of a collective political agenda, of which he is merely a fundamental receptor.
The brain is really only a receptor that is in one form or another possessed by all sentient life forms, so that they may detect one another and thus share in each others experiences; anyone that uses their brain merely as a receptor is most likely to gain the greatest benefit as they have an unobstructed access to the community of sentient knowledge - that is all throughout the feeling environment.
It is only a matter of time before the false barrier of species will be broken by the communality of sentient creatures and the discovery of greedy ravens, gay pigeons and rapist dolphins is only a harbinger of the dilution of barriers between them and us.
When I think, actively think, I am performing a cataloging function, that is I am working to retrieve information so that in can be stored in the supra consciousness formulated by all sentient beings; this consciousness feeds and funnels that information to any one willing to receive it or indeed in need of it. If a monkey in Africa learns to use a stick, by using his brain method, this information is instantly available, if so desired or needed, to any other monkey or even human species throughout the world.
There are two types of writers, writers that write like me, that is merely to reflect the supra consciousness and then there are writers that write from a discovery point of view. Hemiway, Wilde and good old Victor Hugo write from the point of this is the world, this is the world, and they are securing that reality and feeding that data back to the supra consciousness. Writers like Holderlin, Blake, Rimbaud and that darling Correa write what is already in the supra consciousness. We are not so much investigators as we are assuming that the whole, that has come to be from the collection of its parts, has created an entire unknown entity, within the supra consciousness; it is that entity that we are trying to touch and represent.
As such, since I am reading what has already been written then I have no need to think as my brain is only a receptor and any thinking that I do on my part is merely interference.
All writers that are technical in nature do well to collect their thoughts and organize them and formulate them accordingly; but writers like me that touch the supreme aesthetic will do best to touch the aesthetic while trying to avoid the very bad feelings that that will bring into this here existence. As a writer of the aesthetic I am often in touch with very primal forces, which while not genuine to our supra consciousness still manage to impose a penalty, a pain upon me which often times causes me to want to curl into a corner and reconcile myself into the wall.
The individual actors of this world might well think me insane, they don’t see all the connections that I feel, they don’t recognize that back pain or migraines are actually caused by the misalignment of individuals with their sentient metrics. Nor do they realize that the reason why advance civilizations tend to gain more weight, become fatter, is because more sentient energy, from throughout the world, is centered upon then and thus causes them to increase in heft as they cannot unleash that energy fast enough.
Bush is precisely in need of exercising a lot as he has a lot of energy concentrated on him. Equally he has that collective energy to use in ample ways, without having to think, so that he may cruise the globe with the agenda of his nation and the agenda of the world.
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