Friday, August 19, 2005


Well, well a mystery poet, I liked that touch.

It is said that geniuses are dunces and I will now testify that even us normal folk are too; I don’t have the gift to recognize individual characteristics in a person as my mind has the tendency to be a super-modeler, thus in my head personal characteristics are blurred into only those that can be amassed in the giant gelatinous whole we call humanity.

So be it you will tell me when you tell me but hey I like the tickling you’ve done.

Yes! Yes! Afghan from Kifre was an amazing piece to write, I knew I had released something spectacular, something friction free, something that would just flow and flow unhindered by pretense or by style. You caught that well but you missed one part, it actually was more my ego and id than anything I have ever written, in a purer sense that was the real me writing without the subjugations of intensity, character and social demands that one feels one has to accomplish. And in this way you have it, it was liberating, liberating because it didn’t have my maleness, it didn’t have my thinker, it just had me feeling essence much as I might have felt as a child once, once before reality started pounding reality into me.

I would hope that you have stumbled into Lies, would love to hear what you think of that one. It is a mystery novel, I don’t normally write detective mysteries but my wife and my most adorable Rosa, love mysteries and so it was necessary to show them how simplistic that whole enterprise is.

You may find it at:

Well mystery poet, share only what you must, that is what I say.


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