Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Chicken and the Egg Problem

The problem is fairly straightforward, people think that chickens come from eggs and eggs come from chickens and some people think that god created chickens and then chickens started to recreate themselves by laying eggs. The problem is that everyone needs a Prime Mover, a force that caused the initiated event, if there is a god the problem of what came first is solved; God doesn’t make Eggs, he created a Rooster and a Hen first and then commanded them to reproduce, their chances of survival were enhanced by the fact that they started out in paradise, and thus today you can have all the Fried Chicken you want.

God is, and has been for some time the prime mover of many things, this is because when there is no answer to something then God becomes the default answer:

“Who created everything?”

“God did.”

“Who created the Earth?”

“Why God of course?”

“Who made the Universe so perfect looking?”

“God did.”

Sadly the problem is that omnipotent entities suffer from the very impossibility of the chicken and egg problem, saying that God created chickens leaves us only one notch behind the problem and resolves nothing:

“Who created God?”

Because in the end the chicken and egg problem is merely one of first principles, god came first solves the problem part way, god was before the chicken and before the egg, god doesn’t eat dairy, he didn’t need eggs or fried chicken so why did god create chickens and eggs? Because he wanted to make humans and humans needed something to eat.

“Why did god not just make humans without a need to eat?”

“Why was it impossible to make a self-sustainable trouble free human?”

Because there is only one God and obviously gods are the most impossible thing to create in the universe, one God is a lot of god, one is enough, universes by themselves can only tolerate one God! Yes, yes the Hindus and Buddhist have a lot of gods, 700 or 10 thousand, but those are not gods, they are deities they have flaws, they don’t have supreme power, they can lose and gain their powers, and they spend a good deal of their eternities quarrelling and having affairs among themselves, not perfect!

Conclusion, there is only one god.

Problem “Who created god?” If we can answer the question of who created god we have solved the chicken and egg riddle.

Answer, no one created God because God, as an omnipotent all imperishable, none corrosive, self sustaining is a resource impossibility! God would and does require infinite energy just to be everywhere, and know everything and more complicated to create everything, therefore god’s will and actions or just even his thoughts would use up all of the universe’s energy faster than he could say “I exist!”And thus a god thing would cause the universe to implode upon itself two seconds after its inception, which is about how long it would take god to start contriving everything in existence and caput the entire universe’s energy count.

Conclusion, Gods are not an effective energy construct which is why universes avoid being contaminated with the god thing.

Which leads us to another perplexing conclusion that might solve another riddle, “Does god exist?”

Answer, “He doesn’t say because doing so would extinguish the universe and/or cause the universe to extinguish him and we don’t know which one would happen first.

Conclusion, if there is no god because god is such an absolute energy construct that it is equally auto-self-destructive because the concept consumes resources faster than they can be created then, and get this, then god did not have time to create chickens!

Impressionably for us little people, we have now solved a part of the problem, we know for sure and beyond all doubt that god did not create chickens because god doesn’t exist; which means that we know that we have the wrong answer and can move further forward or backwards to find the correct answer.

Evolution didn’t create chickens either.

Now we are not going to say that there isn’t any evolution because that would be wrong, anyone who has survived a fifty year marriage knows that there is no evolution that something can remain stagnant for at least a half a century and repeat itself indefinitely, but that doesn’t mean that things that live longer than fifty years don’t evolve, they do and can and things that cross life times in the form of species indeed do in fact evolve, and we have sufficient proof from the archeological record to conclude that species adapts, and species survives because it evolves. However that doesn’t tell you who or what created species.

Some say, that we come from a chemical whorehouse, where all of these chemicals got together and made a kind of not so delicious acidic soup and after rubbing back and forth a swirling concoction sprouted a cellular organism of some sort or at least the basic proteins were conjured to lead to organized organisms, hence the structural nomenclature. This is of course entirely possible, that a mixed up noodle sort of chicken soup created organized cell structures and there started to mate proteins from primordial acids and the whole thing is plausible but we still get stuck in the crux of our problem: “Who or what thing created the organic structures that would create the primordial soup?”

Well we are not going to go all the way back to the presumed beginning of time the big bang; because you know that the assumption of a big bang initiated universe implies and fantastically presupposes that there was a lot of pressure to create an inevitable universe and that assumption of such beautifully sculpted physical forces, as conjured by modern day physicists, imply something existing before the universe seems preposterous enough not to need much considering but still, if we think about our riddle far enough back we do get to the big bang maximum sperm count, and who or what forces created universe leads us to interrogate ourselves supremely yet again: “What came before the forces that created universe?”

We are not string theorists, nor have we the grandest of minds to be such, we are merely and purely emotional creatures, most of us, that simply defy meaning and so we are left in the quandary of first principles yet again. However I think it possible to deduct deductively towards some rational construct of those first principles: The chicken came first. It had to in order to lay the egg. The sin in the bible was sex and we know eggs lay chickens from consummated relationships, there is no way that the egg could have come first, none!

The very premise of laying an egg is a chicken type characteristic and not the reverse an egg type characteristic, you don’t assume that the egg is capable of laying a chicken and this one of those cases where the name is symbolic, you know that when the chicken lays the egg it lays it with everything there to make the chic after it has laid with everything there to make a chic, and you know that every single chicken that is born is born from an egg, except of course the very first chicken.

It has to be then that the egg came second, and that the chicken came first, and so the question is finally laid to rest here, in a world, in a universe where there are logical progressions, it is logically possible to stump one’s self with paradoxical quandaries because one is making huge assumptions and one huge one in particular, that there was a first moment, and there lays our self induced rooster of a problem, there is no time, the universe isn’t sequential, it isn’t even parallel, it is all there instantly, chickens start laying eggs as soon as they are conceived… …conceived by the universe!

I propose then to conclude here that there are no ends, that there are no beginnings that there is no time as has been well concluded by the quantum types, there was no time before quantum, there was no time before relativity, there was no such thing ever as a universe without chickens that laid eggs, there is of course no measure for the magnitude of such universe nor a speed limit for the things in it, the infinity stretches forever, in such infinity not only can all things be in their superposition, there can be a superimposed god and if someone wants to fence things in and lock them down and corner them, they can be allowed and can even follow a sequence, particularly if there is a localize need to be logical about it.


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