Sunday, January 23, 2005

I respond to Jake on “American Innocence”

His argument, well posed as it is, makes the assumption that there is an intelligence base, an elite core that manipulates the cogs and pulleys of society so as to control the masses and keep them ignorant of what is truly happening in the world.

The assumption that there are controlling interests is not wholly wrong, certain lobbying groups and class structures permit a certain degree of control so as to maintain existing social and economic structures. The conservatives and the liberals act as true manipulators of the infinite degrees that a society can hope to move up or down, left or right. But none too much in the extreme is Nationally or Globally permitted because this would dissolve the consistency which adds social order; and more important a sort of economic and social autopilot so that we don’t have to think our lives away. I mean that all successful systems are by nature conservative.

It is not uncommon for our ancestors to believe that the Illuminati, the Jews, Skulls and Bones, Order of the Bull’s Blood, etc administer civilization. This is an important concept among the majority of the populace because at once it gives them a reason to feel good about themselves, as they are helplessly not responsible for the world that they have to live and act in everyday. Two, it gives them the comfort that at least someone is really planning everything and that there is some kind of an elite mastermind behind everything.

The counter idea, that no one is really in control of the world and that it mostly aimlessly moves through a sort of silent agreement between all parties, as ideas, thoughts and actions combined to make a sort of obtuse compromised reality, is not acceptable nor comfortable.

However I propose just such a truth. While I cannot claim to have access to central bankers and Chief Executive Officers psyches, I do believe that they are mostly reacting to events as oppose to thinking forward their master plans. In fact most of anything that happens at the political or corporate level is a reaction and usually a helpless reaction which when executed is not optimize but rather a consequence of “even the circumstances” which impose themselves as yet another option for action.

We are deterred from the view that the world is a happenstance because we are control freaks. And we believe that others, the elites, the corporations, the supra-entities are in control because we know for a fact that we are not. Obviously we cannot circumvent our knowledge of our own impotence besides the world order and so we attribute control to all the others.

The American public would like to imagine that someone is in charge of their nation, that someone is checking the plan of execution against the constitution and thus ensuring a true course. The reality again is a little different, the founders of America had an idea and with it they created a national psyche but this was only a figment of the imagination, there was no truth to liberty, independence and the good will, those were just pillars of hope against the greater reality that it was through greed, religious fanaticism and civil righteousness that the country was founded and obtained greatness. The concept of America as a democracy or an individualist nation is not a factor in its current reality. America performs well against the world because of its “blind” single-mindedness, because Americans come together as a single National-Psyche, because they are willing to overthrow individuality, because they are mass thinkers and mass consumers and mass creatures with an immense sense of social duty to a larger cause! This cause might be the church, the state or the corporation, or even simply an endeavor like the space program. But Americans depersonalize themselves, they subtract the “I” from the equation and more rapid than most societies actually accomplish a social norm, a civic and national league that with its singularity of focus will outshine brighter ideas.

Mass behaviour depersonalizes it refuses individual control. America is indeed a democratic country but not because of the national right to vote but rather because the stampede always wins. There is a national herd instinct that becomes a national will to power. No one controls this and everyone must get out of its way.

America is a synchronized country, from sea to shiny sea the country has managed to take any nationality and to give them all the same idea, that they are unique, that they are special, that they live in the freest country on earth, that they have the right to chose their government, and their neighbors, and their religion. The reality of course is a little more harsh, most Americans are Christians, is that a sign of choice? Most Americans want to spread democracy. Is that open minded? Most Americans believe capitalism is the best way to manage an economy. Is that humane? Most Americans are consumers. Is that environmentally responsible? Most Americans believe that property and intellectual rights are titled deeds to be kept away from the rest of the world. Is that a global mindset?

In a sense Americans are a particular psyche, one can generalize because any and all national psyches are the dominant aspect representation of a given nationality. Colombians are by nature incapable of organization, they are self absorbed individuals that can allow their nation to suffer a forty year war without acquiring the energy or volition to accomplish genuine change. They watch their forty year wound bleed and have nothing to do about it, because they don’t have the energy to bring change or to suffer the repercussions of change but prefer the tragedy. Unlike Americans Colombians prefer their family to the nation, they are more united by soccer than by nationhood; and the nation as a whole, well it is something but nothing warranting their immediate attention rather their immediate disdain. Colombians don’t trust governments and so they keep their government weak and corrupt to justify their perception. That is our national psyche, Colombian is a loose fitting coalition of a people that have never had the guts or combined energies to form any significant civilization. At the same time we are not of the here and now, a forty year war its just an itch. That too is our national psyche, suffering is inconsequential to our metaphysics.

But be we Greeks or Americans or Colombians there isn’t anyone person or organization that can control our interests because our interests are controlled by the clash of our desires with reality which in turn equal a national sense of being; that at best represents no one and everyone.

Jake I do hope you are a wine drinker, it is part of my human psyche. Here is a red to you.


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