Quantum Entanglement Observed
It is commonly observed that quantum entanglement is a condition met when two constituents A and B are placed in material contact and associated with one another. That action induces the entangled condition which allows for a particle spin of A to induce a particle spin in B at a distance. The distance itself has no special limit and the interesting result observed is that the spin condition induced in A induces an equaled spin reaction in B instantly; that is trasspassing the limitations imposed by space-time. In short the communication and reaction are instantaneous without going through space-time.
How do the two particles communicate and react with one another while ignoring the laws of physics?
To some comfort physicists have observed that the entangle condition is not persistent but rather that it untangles so that particle A will cease to effect particle B's condition over time; the comforting element being that that implies that space-time has some affecting influence.
If a logical twist to A's spin, over a certain period of time will cease to equally affect and spin B then they are technically unentangled. This becomes a problem if you are using quantum entanglement for things like computing and encryption. If you cannot count on the persistence of the entangled state the logic will have finite potential states and you will get errors when calculating answers to open ended questions. Though anyone aware that you can reconstruct information that disappears beyond the event horizon of a black hole knows that if we can reconstruct that the shadowing of the trails of quantum entanglements ought to be easier to spot; that clearly implies that entanglement is somehow never lost though it might not be detectable.
The easiest way to resolve this is to ignore the laws of physics so as to gain an understanding. Knowledge is always a sign that something is not being understood; anything that is clear and understood requires no learning or explanation because the truth cannot be known and knowledge is just a stopgap measure to that reality.
In the case of particle A inducing a momentum condition in B instantly is true and not true at the same time. What is actually happening is that what is not happening is being observed and described to explain the entangled condition. First the particles are not actually entangled at their first meeting, they are also not yielding to each-others spin condition at a distance, and they are equally not untangling.
What is being observed is not what is transpiring but the “observation” remains in effect for some time and at some point it gets critical and it untangles. That is observation is not persistent. In short particles are never untangled, they are always in a tangled state or more accurately there is no distance between them because there is no space between particles but for the perception of time-space. Thus the observation makes an entangled event possible even though it has never transpired - but it can be observed if one assumes that a particle is untangled and entangled in space-time. In short a condition of separation and synchronicity between things that are identical or actually the same thing can be observed if a categorization has taken place. This is no different than seeing particles, waves and strings all as representations of the same space-time elements.
The categorization is measurement and observation based, the action is responsive and the effect evident as entanglement. If I spin A in one point of space, and I observe B equally spin and then after a certain passage of time it does not spin anymore, what I am observing is different states of observation over the same motivating subject. When I observe a complimentary entangled spin that is what I am measuring, equally, that is what I am measuring, when I observe an untangled state. Any basic mathematics should yield that particles can never be untangled because nothing in the universe is ever untangled from anything else. Entanglement is the nature of the universe but things are not so much entangled as simply they are the same thing being observed differently.
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