A message to my friends
I first I must admit that I was wondering if I was the only one that has noticed that the world ended, (The Clash of Civilizations aside,) that everything was over, that, well what can I add to that that is not already brilliantly summarized in the statement and testament: “the end of the world.” That engraves it in stone nicely.
I think that a lot of the people out there worried lots about the end of the world coming, and they were not looking forward to it, chaos, famine, pests, floods, infestation, mass graves and the gnashing of plural teeth, diabolical manifestations trouncing and baking birthday cakes, man against man, dog against man, fish against man, women raging furiously through the land, children aimlessly throating through the streets, animals, specially pigs, panicked and searching for a safety zone that did not exist, infectious anger, viral hate, guilty happiness, wolfs strolling through the streets, owls hunting babies in broad daylight, chickens and eggs rotting on each other, cows dying of malnutrition, the sun melting from its an overdose of plasma, wickedness in every drop of water, sinning adopted as normalcy, pervasive womb death everywhere, hustlers running out of drugs, alcohol and cigarrettes causing a furious luxury war, not enough makeup to hide all the women's tarnishing auras, dwarfed dreams becoming real, stale bread next to stale love, stolen hearts ripening in death throws. Yes, the end of the world had all the symptoms of depravity and raw hardship. No one wanted it to come, everyone wanted the current world to be saved even if it was and is bad, some went to churches hoping that membership would save them from the end of the world as we know it; only when the end of the world as we know it came, it wasn't what we expected at all.
It was different, so different that no one noticed it.
The Rein of Capitalism ended and I thought I was the only one that took noticed. I felt a celebration was immediately in order, I got a funny feeling all over my countenance, and I wanted to rush out and tell everyone and see them overjoyed at the event, “It happened in our life times!” What a joy. We did not have to wait, it happened now. But I went out into the streets screaming “Oh joy, Capitalism is dead, capitalism is dead, soul revival, the resurrection of feelings, the second coming of emotions, the heart rules, the passions won the cold war, the passions won the cold war.” But everyone just looked at me like one giant crazy plastic pickle walking around the farmers market on a bright Sunday day and way too yellow green.
I wondered if the children knew, they are so naturally intuitive they had to know, I checked. I asked the child in my head: “Is the world different today?” I got a happy face. Children will smile at anything, the world could have ended and they would smile at that, they don't know, they are purely feeling creatures, they just don't know.
I got a little shy about saying anything about it to anyone. Even Domaine, my adorable and insightful wife, would have held me crazy if I had said it, or so I thought, “The end of the world is upon us.” I did not say anything to her.
The spirits, which I have always trusted and which have told me and taught me many impressive things, were not talking either; they left, they were not talking to me, they were gone, gone, they were not within sight, they did not come out at 3 am, they did not rub themselves against me or go within me, not the good ones, not the bad ones, none came into my nights.
The world is empty of spirits, right now the world is empty of spirits, the world has surely ended then.
But you get into trouble when no one else notices what you notice. I pondered for a while: “Did anyone that went to see Napoleon Bonaparte being coronated Emperor Supremo know that they were witnessing the universal capitulation of monarchies?”
“Did the signatories of the Magna Carta know that they were saying goodnight to feudalism?”
“Did the Crucifiers of Christ realize that they had put paid on the Roman Empire?”
“Did those chopping away at the Berlin Wall, causing its collapse, have an inkling that they were collapsing the principal pillar of what America meant to the world?”
Fundamentally my question was: “Are the cornerstones, the pivot points, the metric tensors of history noticeable within the context of their times?”
“Did the French revolutionaries know that Bastille day marked the birth of The Republic?”
To be fair I doubt that the inventors of the wheel thought they were creating a revolution, we may not appreciate our times, we might be too much family to love our own accomplishments, the defeat of capitalism without any great bloodshed or notice ought not be a great surprise.
It has been an usual pattern of our times that there is less and less bloodshed during dramatic changes.
You cannot have watched Genghis's path through now China, or Napoleon's or Hitler's marches through the old world and dare say, “These were moderate fellows,” they were not. Their mark on history was brute and distinguishable from goodness without much of a moral quandary. But the candlelight empire, Britain, undid itself without much ado about it, they dwindled and sunk slowly into irrelevance, largely without the average Britton ever noticing it. Some bloody how within the British psyche there is still some kind of subconscious empire, the lack of blood in the demise, through cost cutting of their navy and of their colonies, seems to not have left a noticeable mark in their blocke. When ever they try to wake up from the dream of empire the “English” always somehow manage to think that because they are favorite brother with Uncle Sam, that somehow that means that they are still world dominators or some sort of thing like that. And this is so much true that they still sell themselves as cohorts to the world power, that they might whisper you wishes into Uncle Sam's ear, in his sleep, or so the rest of Europe thinks.
It doesn't matter, the world is over, I am running through the streets, my arms waving high “The world ended! The world has ended!” my friends call me crazy if you will, but Americanism and Englishnism, capitalism, consumerism and democracy are dead, dead!”
It will take sometime to sink into the mass national consciousness of every country on earth, after all there still appears to be money in the world although all the value has now been artificially manufactured and propped into a pedestal made of hay.
“Hey lucky people find your value.”
One of the key foundations of capitalism is that the value of a good or a service has to be genuine. That is the core foundation of the worth of capital and of its possible offspring profit; the value has to be real, appreciative over time, and negotiable via an unprincipled or principled third party.
The other principle value of capitalism is that all labor can be turned to money. That is that labor, work is convertible into a monetary value and that it can be stored and reused and exploited in such a manner.
Only problem is that when the value of labor or capital is artificially generated none of that is true and all of it becomes autonomously unsupportable, and nothing murder's capitalism more than dependancies. Capitalism's claim to independent resourcefulness gets neutered when there is any kind of social or governmental intervention.
If there were any hope for capitalism that time has cometh to pass. It has passed because there isn't anyone alive that can claim, after you save the capitalists, that there are any capitalists left. The capitulation of capitalism came when the capitalists proactively thought governmental intervention on their behalf and shamelessly took a bail out that favored them without any reagard to the implications. That they did not have the courage to say no, that is when they hanged themselves, that is when they surrendered capitalism into the hands of defeat.
When JP Morgan saved capitalism it was different, it was different because that was a capitalist saving the capitalists. They could save face then though there was some governmental intervention, but today, they cannot claim that government intervention is bad. The free hand has been chopped.
If Serverus can't save you no one else can.
However I think my friends and I have something to celebrate, that the end of a system came and went and hardly anyone noticed is a good thing. Not only does it show how useless it was but how worthless its profit was.
If the world economy can lose 40 trillion dollars in value and not suffer any dramatic emotional cataclysm the genuine value was never there in the first place.
Capitalism is done for, that implies many new and interesting things, we will not known what those will mean any more that those that made the transition from feudalism to mercantilism to capitalism knew their fates; however it shall none the less offer new prospects for a greater good, a world consciousness, a more enlightened age, and greater awareness that we are not the prime objective of the universe but for our superlative arrogance.
And perhaps the greatest wisdom may yet come from a realization that there is nothing to save.
I will say no more as my antagonist is gone. As for my friends they might not know but they are aware.
Ricardo Correa