Individualism hasn’t been always with us nor will it be long with us in the annals of the universe it is a phase that comes and goes but has no fundamental basis to sustain an individual existence. Simply put individualism doesn’t exist any more than does freedom of speech but both are very dear to the human imagination as it conceptualizes a perfect version of itself that is capable of putting its personalized stamp within universe.
The idea of individualism can be said to be an endemic part of the human consciousness but that does not mean that it is real, genuine and indestructible. We can say it is endemic to our consciousness, and for that matter to all ergio (emotive) type consciousness, meaning emotive consciousness, because it arises from the disruption of essence wholeness or more accurately the apparent disruption of essence wholeness, as wholeness of essence cannot be disrupted. It is therefore right to say that individualism is as apparently genuine as the genuiness of a disruption in essence wholeness may appear.
Without needing to devolved to the most base standards of an essence wholeness as promulgated before time and space disruptions enter into play, we can say with absolute certainty that all beings are emotive and that their principal essence as it manifest itself in the universe is an identifiable emotive principle; you must sense feeling-being wherever the essence of an emotive being is as one of the same; a feeling we measure starting at the lowest possible quotient of emotion an ergio unit. A bite smaller than a Planck length, as it is not fundamentally dependant on time and space; this is because all fundamental essence types have no sense of time nor space, in fact time and space are an enigma to emotive essence. The fact that mathematicians have, with their formulae, detected that there really isn’t any time and therefore there really isn’t any space only proves that mathematicians are also emotive beings that have not successfully managed their logical escape from emotion.
The fact that there isn’t any time nor space means also that somehow all things are as one even if their perceptions do not acknowledge or allow for a divisible perception. Even if we were to kindly allow for the fact that mathematicians could be wrong, that the mathematics was giving them a wrong result one could still formulate that any universe, by its very conceptualization and realization, has felt all of its parts and therefore its wholeness is based on the symmetry of its parts, a symmetry that can only be obtained by sameness of origins and an absolute simmering of all genuine contradictions. That is to say that the universe as universe doesn’t exist without any and all of the parts that comprise it, the universe is encapsulated as universe only through the tale of aggregation told, but the story itself is unworthy of telling without the wholeness of universe.
None of the parts of the universe make sense by themselves; Atoms, Sun, Moon, Solar Systems and even galaxies are pointless without the conceptualizations of a universe. And the reverse is also true, the universe does not make sense without black holes and quasars and super novas. The relationship continues to invert the Macro and Micro worlds into an infinity of the other; for the universe is not only infinite in length and width and height and breath, it is infinite in the opposite direction into the infinitesimally small, the smallest part of the universe, the lowest possible quotient of energy as it implodes does not have a finite absolute point nor an absolute zero, no. Absolute zero is merely where observation ends, no different than the macrocosm where the furthest reaches of the universe hitherto end where observation ends.
But it would be folly to say that the universe is as wide as perception and more folly to say that the universe stops being at absolute zero, where energy is naught, no universe beyond that becomes an absurd naught. Why it would be difficult to accept for many obvious reasons, one being that perception dominates that assumption and so therefore substantiates its own limitation, no one has ever championed a universe based purely on perception though I grant you that scientists have done their damnedest to say that only what they know and therefore everything else has to prove itself worthy of empirical documentation; I offer that purely rational creatures serve up their own mortality rating. Regardless the point is that infinity runs in any general direction of the universe be it inward or outward or multidimensional and there is no end to that. And there is no end to that because there is no time nor space which is where energy resides but I say there is a ciphers energy beyond the scope of energy.
Now picture yourself in a universe without time and space, there would not be any individualism there because everything would very much be the same thing over and over again to the point of absolute boredom which is precisely why most people are against a world of sameness and why most people prefer to marry their opposites and like to think of themselves as different from everyone else. This is true as long as you don’t closely examine their values and ideals which tend to rhyme with those that they marry and that they harbor in friendship.
The idea that the universe would be boring if we were all the same is of course false, it would not be any more boring than it already is because we are already all the same. The fact that we do not acknowledge our sameness does not eliminate the fact of it. Our diversity is based on ignorance of one another; and our originality is based on our inability to realize the interconnectedness of things. You would not dream of driving a Ferrari if you could not show it off, nor would a Ferrari make any sense outside of social status, nor would the designers and mechanics of Ferraris make sense in a world all to themselves, they make sense in the greater context and the context makes it associative, that is similar if not identical, when a Ferrari is bought it certifies its lack of individual appeal and instead certifies its social appeal, the more Ferraris that are sold the lesser its uniqueness and since Ferraris are not manufactured in mass number one must measured their mass appeal, which is, as you well know, huge; and so there you have a car built more for mass appeal than for mass purchasing though its value is rightly commensurate to its mass appeal.
Individuality if taken to its logical conclusion has no value what so ever, its value its entirely based on perception, Very much like the French and the British before them 350 million Americans feel freer than the rest of the world, 350 million Americans feel independent of one another, 350 million Americans feel that they live in the best nation in the world and they believe that it is such a model of Justice, Freedom, Economics and Governance that they want the whole world to be just like that and so they admirably embark to proselytize and enforce that view throughout the rest of the world; and this they do as religious evangelists, traveling tourists, musicians, artists, entrepreneurs, business people, journalists, novelists all focused on selling the American way of life as the succinct model of perfection for the rest of the world, that is individualism and freedom en mass at work.
There is of course no individualism in mass acts. If I do something original and everyone else starts doing it too it not only ceases to be original but rather it also proves that it never was original in the first place. Common wants and needs and dreams and desires are not unique to any given civilization that has made its mark!
If there has ever been a true individual or an original idea then you and I have not known it and will never know it. This is because in order for an individual to exist esh has to be part of a tribe to thrive. That is to say that the most unique things would be the most disconnected things from everything else and therefore they would not acquire recognition and perish thusly.
The genius of Einstein does not make any sense without the entire scientific community and the world at large to acknowledge it and recreate it. We must be grateful that Einstein never intellectualize the property of Relativity; but then realistically it would not have made any sense either for when property is intellectualized and accredited to a single source you have to deny all of its heritage or more accurately its heritage goes unpaid. Relativity is a product of humanity Eistein was just the fellow that summarized it for us all to understand it.
Individualism as applied in modern life is ever more suspect as commercialization exploits what we have in common, it is because marketers can divine a common ground for their products, candidates and services that they are successful; and the more successful the more they step and step and stampede trample down the notion of individualism. We are not made to think the same but we think the same. Given the choice to be common or unique and different most people prefer to be common, it is not only easier but it also means that you are going to like most things on offering.
Individualism doesn’t exist. It is instead a divider, the idea is, it divides us from the ability to work together as one for a common purpose.
Each nation in this world, I think there are 196 of them, each nation in this world represents one fundamental individual hagiography combined into a nationalistic package, each nation represents an individual will that has contrived to substantiate itself patriotically and has successfully projected its civic mindedness according to shared cultural, economic, wellbeing and religious values; each nation is as closed to an individualist absolute as one can get, and any one person represented under that flag and living under its enforceable geography is part of the individualized national psyche it projects into the community of nations we call world. That is to say that the common belief in the American dream, free markets, democracy, Christian morality, protestant work ethic, is a shared belief agglomerated into a nation-state.
These individual-nations then divine to war against one another for world resources because they see each other as competing against one another for vital resources such as coal, gold, gas, livestock, farmland, water, labor, etc. And this is why there are now at least 7 different space exploration programs in our world today, because no one sees the shared interest humanity has at stake here, and so you could argue, and it is the argument I make that we are losing human energy through repetitive, redundant efforts such as the space program or idiotic efforts to abolish one another all due to our false sense of nationalism-individualism and our lack of awareness at the shared and codependent experience that is existence. Imagine if instead of 7 nations working to build a separate space program there was only one space program to which all nations contributed? Does it seem silly to you or possible? If it seems impossible it is your individualism talking, “It will never work.” And that’s you building mental barriers that become real from shared opinions; after all individualism is a shared experience that denies community.
The amount of human effort and energy that has been dedicated to an individualized framework of existence has detracted from the benefits and true potential of our combined humanity as one. This is not a view that has escaped the business world. Businesses, because they have been allowed unfettered development see the benefits of globalization and integration because they realize that they can do so much more and reach their fullest market potential no doubt in a globalize economy. The Enterprise has now become the champion of globalization, in other words the single most massive attack on individualism comes from the world’s top 1000 companies that all correctly grasp that there is only one, 1 market, not many markets, not many consumers, one market and one consumer.
An idealists business person wants to avoid business regulation and local laws and local think and they want to increase the flexibility of labor so that their cost structures are globally sound; they want to eliminate variances in cross border regulation and taxation so that their goods can flow freely from one end of the earth to another on an even keel; this is not so crazy, even for a bad reason it is not so crazy; sure they want to sell and profit from bigger and larger markets but their intent is actually harmonizing the world, the more you integrate economies the less individualism the less conflict that arises from tribal differentiation, and the greater the revenues no doubt; but the point is that businesses all over the world are realizing that catering to national agendas has little to show for returns on investment. Further businesses are realizing that products are not national goods but international goods; they don’t want to say it is made in America or China, businesses want to manufacture where it is most convenient, they are not nationalistic they are realists!
Monopolies are a logical by product of the internalization of business models, the largest corporations are able to assimilate labor energy with greater ease and because their focused is concentrated in a single-minded philosophy of business principles they are able to out-compete smaller operations and swallow them whole.
By internationalizing labor and its constructs businesses are replenishing the concept of a singular humanity and one world think. This of course is against the nature of politicians which need to keep the world nationalistic and divided, fortunately businesses have been in control of the show and are far wiser for it and so they are indeed running countries into globalize submission because in the end governments have to believe in economy and jobs as they have to generate taxes to maintain the infrastructure of nations and their political careers. The increasing need for flexible labor includes in it the mobility of labor, labor will have to be able to migrate at will for its own benefit and the to the benefit of the conglomerates; and as such the time must come when you will be able to live anywhere without having to ask permission from some local official, somewhere there is a movement arising for the freeing of all peoples to have the substantive right to live and work wherever they please, regardless of geography. That movement however has a preconceptual requirement: we must not think of home as our family, town, or our nation but home must be our world, Earth.
Thus business today, and we must include world religions too as they are monopolies, today these two are the biggest enemies not only to national and cultural concepts of personal identity but also to family. As businesses and faiths explode into the mega church of world they will find that they need a more politically correct labor force or worshiper base which implies a self void of its own opinions and values, a self that can be retrained at will, a flexible individual that brings about a kill of the individual force and if you kill the individual you kill the number one proper upper stage of individualism in the world today, the family. The one that keeps on telling you that “you are special and unique and different from your fellow neighbor” much to the detriment of your humanity.
No one of course is truly special, no baby is better than any other baby, yes preferences are made, and like we bet on horses when the babies fall out and get going in the rat race we all start placing our bets and backing those closest to us, those that identify with the personalized “I”; but that personalization could happen under any other nationality if we are placed there by chance or destiny.
The human condition is a generic condition, the emotional beings that inhabit this earth the whale and the dolphin and the monkey, etc, are by nature like the rest of us, that is to say that they come from the same essence being that brings about existence, there is not a lot of margin for originality in that, two degrees in any direction outside the solar system and you can stop being a whale or a human. What allows our existence is a cosmic microclimate of emotions that are very narrow minded in scope and that in turn make us myopic observers that see mostly self-interest and out of that self-interest is born the conclusion of our Individualism!
The conclusion is wrong, individuality does not exist, it is a self centered expression from a being that has lost direction in the context of existence, through time and space individualism grows because we have given it an extended value due to a felt but unreal isolation, we do not think as a group we think as individuals, to think as a group we join systems which are external from us and that divert our attention from a fundamental emotive that while dangerously powerful and chaotic, as it has no point of reference other than a moment, is indeed our only hope of ever understanding the true nature of our being; an eternal emotive core that has no disparate parts, that cannot talk or live outside of itself and when it enters time and space starts to live and talk as caused by an abysmal indifference from matter to its subject-being.
If humanity learns to think as one, without fearing the loss of identity that is both false and useless, then the energy of combined minds based on emotive essence produce a harmony of energy that could do many, today, unimaginable things, amazing things, things like levitation and telepathy are possible only when beings synchronize as one; like twins we are all the same but individualism has tripped our humanity, and has relegated us into a raw game of survival, where we see only immediate interest without working for the greater good of all.
As a source of unfeeling energy Individualism can challenge the material world but since the creatures that use it are emotive beings every move they make with it has a pyrrhic toll; for it is individualism that causes us to play games against one another, it is individualism that pits us into competition voiding us of the ability to work as one humanity in one world for a common cause. Life.
Ricardo Correa