The energies are accumulating always in the direction that is most willing to manifest them this regardless of the consequences. Those most willing to live in the here and now are the most likely beneficiaries of energy flows, as the fact that they are living the moment gives them the highest level of energy channeling possible for this region; thus being average is common because that is where the energies flow with the greatest ease, whereas being different is the least energy-cost effective proposition.
If you are a true futurist, not many are and the profession does seem a bit ludicrous, I don’t think the future needs midwifes, but a true futurist is the least likely person to guess the future, as a good portion of their activity would have to be dedicated to guessing the needs and wants of the future; unfortunately the future is diametrically opposed to prediction; this is not because prediction would eliminate the element of surprise and newness; as such a thing the future requires so as to impress us, and to change us, and to challenge the old folks that denounce it by becoming admires of the past; but rather because the future doesn’t know itself what it will become.
Being that the case the future isn’t going to channel energies backwards, in other words the future has no interest in backward compatibility or referential communication; it doesn’t care about the past and it doesn’t even care much for the present, and so this disassociation is what makes the job of prophesying so damn difficult; while the present and the past have time, time the factor that imprisons and allows for concordant determinations. Thus even if the future were interested in channeling backwards the problem for futurologists remains that desire energies only root where they are most likely to be manifested, the present.
The present is the highest manifestation of the resulting channeling of desire energies. Anyone that wants to live in real life, the here and now, has thus the highest potential ergio energies available for immediate use, and much to their benefit this requires little or no thought. This is one of the benefits that a rabbit has, even as the rabbit is a rather overly cautious creature, the rabbit doesn’t have the propensity to think too far ahead but rather has the propensity to react, a rabbit has a great potential of proliferation based on an incessant amount of energy, that is willing to manifest in its direction; the same applies to a rat.
Humans are a rather fragile species certainly you never see a tiger or a bear defining themselves by their looks even as their looks are impressive; but a bear doesn’t say “I need a nose job”. This is because the bear is manifesting his entire being on the earth and is only interested in surviving in it, a bear doesn’t want to make a profit, he just wants to survive and carry on the genetic composition, bears shall continue to exist says the bear essence but it doesn’t say much more, they are not saying “I want to care for the planet”, “I want to make a profit,” “I need to have my soul rescued for I am a sinner”, no bears don’t say things like that, I watched a bear eating a bear cub and I didn’t notice remorse, or sorry I have to do this, the macho bear wasn’t moralizing because moralizing requires the ability to project consequences and responsibilities; moralizing also diffuses ergio energies into metaphorical elements that have no consequence, such as contingency plans that never have to be executed or fears that never suffer their manifestations. Bear and rabbit and rat are wholly self centered on the here and now and sentient ergio energies will tend to favor them.
But then there is that fragile sentient creature, the paranoid scoundrel of the earth that does think “hey I think I will kill me a bear and a rabbit to prove to myself that I am an excellent hunter.” And thus mount the trophies up on a wall, there is the head of the bear that ate the little bear cub and there is the head of the rabbit that nervously moved back and forth too much over dead center. Now you might think “what good is that?” It isn’t any good of course but you couldn’t possibly convince the bear hunter that hunting bear is a useless proposition. Obviously bear hunters are neither geniuses nor puritans they don’t conserve energy, they are more powerful in nature than are puritans and are more likely to survive the apocalypse than Christians. Which presumably puritans and Christians alike, have convinced themselves that they don’t want to survive it because they have never banked in the here and now. Bear hunters like bears and rats and little bunny rabbits live in the here and now and ergio energies will favor them, because ergio energies are, remember, none moralizing, they just want essence representation in a particular state of being. As a hunter, as a bear, as a rat and so they represent themselves as such and will funnel all their intensity to those that are most likely not to squander them. A puritan spends far too much time dismembering their desires so they will be possesses by minimalist energies. Of course as all things this does create a weird paradox, a minimalist energy concentration does focus and so it is possible to imagine the puritans being effective moralizing hunters epidemically contaminating everything with overblown sterility.
You might be wise to ponder “why are humans so successful in reproducing in the here and now when they have time to dwell on the past and even become such absurd professionals as futurists?”
Well the thing is that humans are incredibly successful because they have been the highest level of what we call herd instinct, they are indeed an stampeded upon the earth, the bulls and cows are incompatible in stature. You don’t for instance see the catholic church trying to save the bull from the bull fighter even as one would imagine that the church and god would both be against cruelty to animals. This is because any institution first and foremost rests its power base on the number of ergio energy constituents. And so the church is fully aware that bulls are being harmed by its constituents but the bull is not a donor member, and the church may actually be seeing as tolerant if it accepts that its members will commit such follies; and so there you have it bulls are a way for the church to seem tolerant, and a way for the mass of the masses to be held in the bull ring as they never stopped bull sacrifices they merely metamorphosed into bull fighting. Finally all this represents the stampede of humans against the bull, at the end of the fight between toreador and bull it is the mass audience that decides if the bull shall live or die, a drastic form of “we shall overcome.”
In all it is a charismatic battle for energies even as we do not realize it; you don’t sit around thinking that the human species is one giant ergio energy being, but this is just what it is, the more closely you examine a being the more you have seen them all; the same is true of a cat or a rabbit, they are all the same. A rabbit, as rabbits are, is always nervous and a cat is always seemingly poised and calm. All cats are like that, why? Because they are all the same cat, there is no such thing as an individual and much less a cat independent of the species. If you come to this earth as a cat it is because the ergio desire energies manifested their desires as such, and there is nothing else to do about it but be a feline and the more cat you are the more the energies will effervescent within you and within their expression in the here and now.
In conclusion and the conclusion gets boring, the fragility of humans is somersaulted through humankind, and any and all manifestations of energy are greater the more tuned they are to the here and now, futurist are disengaged.